
  1. 您喜欢颗料海绵胶是正贴还是反贴的

    How do you like your pimpled rubber-turned outside or inside ?

  2. 孩子们正把脸贴在窗户上。

    Children were pressing their faces against the window .

  3. 我在他的伤口上方方正正地贴上一块纱布。

    I taped a gauze square over his cuts .

  4. 如果天堂有一道门的话,我保证他正耳朵贴门专心地听着。

    And if heaven has a door , I 'm sure he 's pressing his ear up against it and listening intently .

  5. 我们正给浴室贴壁纸。

    We 're papering the bathroom .

  6. 在电影院外面,站在梯子上的一个人正将电影广告贴在旧的布告上。

    Outside the cinema , a man on a ladder was plastering an advertisement for a film on top of the old notice .

  7. 试验研究时,在冷板的两个大表面(正反面)各贴上8个电加热片模拟阵列行波管生热,冷板导出的热量由冷却水带走。

    Eight electronic-heating plates are evenly arranged on the two bigger vertical surfaces to simulate heat generation of array antennas and the heat is eventually transferred to cool water and then to outer environment .