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  1. 结果表明:采用交替铺层方式缠绕成型,含胶量控制在30%~40%(质量分数),缠绕张力控制在150N~200N,采用GPC谱图控制固化时机,得到的复合材料综合性能较好;

    Experimental results show that with crisscross winding method and 30 % to 40 % of resin content and 150 N to 200 N of winding tension for a fiber strand and GPC chart analysis to determine curing time , better comprehensive performance of the composite materials can be obtained .

  2. 聚酰亚胺复合材料固化后含胶量可以通过树脂转移量进行预测,从而可以通过控制转移条件和参数以控制复合材料含胶量。

    Polyimide composite resin content after curing can be predicted by that after resin transfered . So composite resin content after curing can be controlled by controlling of the transfer conditions and parameters .

  3. 本文提出一种以红外光谱法分析铺路橡胶沥青样品中含胶量(苯乙烯、丁二烯共聚胶,简称SBR)的有效方法。

    N infrared spectrum methed is developed for the determination of the rubber ( styrene-butadiene rubber , SBR ) in the rubber-asphalt .

  4. 纤维缠绕(FW)含胶量系统控制软件的研制

    The Software Design of Controlling the Ratio of Glue in the Filament Winding System

  5. 此外,就ABS接枝物中橡胶粒径、含胶量等对制得树脂性能的影响进行了探讨。

    Additionally , the influences of the latex particle size and the rubber contents in ABS graft latex against the properties of the resin prepared have also been investigated .

  6. 研究了PB-g-SAN接枝粉料的含胶量对ABS性能的影响。

    The effect of the rubber content of PB-g-SAN grafting copolymer on the property of ABS resins was investigated .

  7. 发现PB-g-SAN接枝粉料的含胶量在60%时,ABS的力学性能最好。

    When the rubber content of PB-g-SAN grafting copolymer was 60 % , the mechanical property of ABS resins was best .

  8. 对高硅氧玻璃纤维布增强聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)复合材料的含胶量、成型压力、烧结温度及环境湿度等多种因素对其介电性能的影响进行了较为系统的实验研究。

    A systematic experimental study was conducted to define the influence of many factors , including PTFE content , processing pressure , processing temperature and environmental humidity , on the dielectric properties of high silica glass cloth reinforced PTFE composite .

  9. 外植体上愈伤组织一旦形成就有杜仲胶的积累,杜仲胶含量在S5~S8代出现一个高峰值,S8代愈伤组织的含胶量已经达到原植株的94.38%,S9代后又迅速下降。

    Once callus was formed , the gutta-percha started to accumulate . The gutta-percha content has a peak value from subculture generation 5 to generation 8 ; it could reach 94.38 % of the original plant in subculture generation 8.After generation 9 , it declined dramatically .

  10. 红外光谱法测定橡胶沥青中含胶量

    Determination of rubber content in rubber - asphalt by infrared spectrum

  11. 杜仲无性系叶中含胶量及水溶物含量的比较

    Comparison of the Contents of Gutta and Water Solubles in the Leaves of Eucommia Clones

  12. 为提高玻璃钢制品整体强度,含胶量应控制在22%左右。

    The rubber content should be controlled around 22 % in order to improve the material integral strength .

  13. 氮磷配合施用,显著提高了叶片含胶量(62.1%)。

    And the combination of N and P fertilizer significantly increased the glue in leaves of the tree by 62.1 % .

  14. 缠绕纤维预浸带含胶量检测系统的设计

    Design of the Measuring System to Weigh the Quantity of Glue in Proportion to That of the Pre-dipped Fiber in FW Technic

  15. 春叶的含胶量约为秋叶的2倍,单位面积秋叶的水溶物含量约为同面积春叶的3倍。

    The contents of water solubles of autumn leaves in per unit area were about 3 times as much as the spring leaves .

  16. 但在一些关键技术上,如含胶量控制,夹砂层厚度均匀性控制,与国外同类产品还存在一定的差距。

    However , Domestic technology lag behind foreign technology in some areas , such as volume control with plastic , sand thickness uniformity control .

  17. 针对纤维缠绕含胶量的精确测量问题,介绍了一种基于面积测量的测量系统。

    A measuring system of detecting glue ratio based on laser sensor is introduced to solve the problem on accurate measurement of glue ratio during filament-winding .

  18. 着重讨论速生杨木单板顺纹弹性模量预测模型,模型中考虑到单板的压缩率、单板中含胶量、单板的密度和单板的厚度等影响因素。

    The models for predicting elastic modulus along the grain of poplar veneer were built , in which compression ratio , glue content , density , and thickness of veneer were considered .

  19. 利用扫描电镜观察复合材料的微观形貌,依据相关国家标准测定了复合材料的含胶量、密度、吸水率及力学强度。

    Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to investigate the microstructure of composite materials . National standards were used for the determination of the percentage of resin , density water absorption , and mechanical strength .

  20. 主要介绍碳/环氧树脂基复合材料中纤维的不均匀度、含胶量及固化工艺参数(压力、温度、时间等)对复合材料壁板厚度的影响。

    This paper introduces mainly the effect of non-uniformity of carbon-fibers and ratio of epoxy weight and solidified technology parameters ( pressure , temperature and time etc. ) on the thickness of carbon / e-poxy composite .

  21. 对春季叶和秋季叶杜仲胶含量及水溶物含量的测定结果表明,41种无性系间的含胶量与水溶物含量都存在着极显著差异。

    The contents of gutta and water solubles in the spring and autumn eucommia leaves were determined . There existed marked differences in the contents among 41 eucommia clones , and different accumulation patterns of gutta and water solubles .