
  1. 生物吸附技术是近年来国内外研究较多的一种含重金属废水处理技术。

    Biological adsorption is one of technologies having been probed more nowadays applied in treatment of heavy metal wastewater .

  2. 含重金属离子废水处理过程中pH值的设定

    Setting pH Value for treatment of wastewater containing heavy metal ions

  3. 含重金属离子废水处理中膜过滤工艺的研究与应用

    Research and application of Membrane Filter process in the Heavy Metal Wastewater treatment

  4. 因而,含重金属工业废水的处理和剩余污泥中重金属的处置是非常值得研究的课题。

    Therefore , the treatment of heavy metals in industrial wastewater and excess sludge is very worthy of research .

  5. 并用该离子交换剂对某彩虹厂含重金属的废水进行处理,取得了良好的效果。

    The exchanger is also used in treating waste water of certain factory and a good effect is obtained .

  6. 与普通生物吸附法相比,生物强化技术能提高生物的处理效率,加强生物的稳定性好,增强生物的抗毒性,所以在含镉等重金属废水处理方面具有很大的发展潜力。

    Compared to the biological method , bio-augmentation technology can improve the treatment efficiency , strengthen the stability and enhance the resistance to toxicity , so it is a potential way to deal with the wastewater containing cadmium and other heavy metals .

  7. 对于含重金属离子的废水的处理,膨润土也有很大的应用空间。

    Bentonite is also used in the treatment of wastewater containing heavy metal ion .