
  • 网络Chlorine dioxide generator;ClO2;Qlb;HYFD;HYFC;HPEB
  1. H公司是目前国内二氧化氯发生器行业最大的生产制造商,经过十几年的快速发展,其在中低端二氧化氯发生器市场的占有率位于全国第一位。

    The H Company is the largest domestic manufacturer in chlorine dioxide generator industry . Through decades of dramatic development , it market share of low-end chlorine dioxide generator has ranked at first place in China .

  2. 漂白用工业成套ClO2制备装置的研发二氧化氯发生器自动控制仪的研制

    Manufacture of Chlorine Dioxide Generator for Pulp Bleaching Research of the generator automatic controller of chlorine dioxide

  3. QL-1000型二氧化氯发生器的杀菌效果及其影响因素的试验观察

    The Experimental Observation on Killing Effect and Impacting Factors of Type QL-1000 Chlorid Dioxide Producing Instrument

  4. 给水用二氧化氯发生器消毒的探讨HT-3000二氧化氯发生器自动控制器是专为二氧化氯发生器的电气控制而开发的高新技术产品,该控制器主要是对二氧化氯发生器的反应系统进行温度控制和供料系统进行进料控制。

    The Discussion of Chlorine Dioxide Reactor Applied to the Disinfections of Feed Water System HT-3000 automatic controller is a high-new technology product , especially designed for electric control of CLO_2 producer .

  5. 饮用水消毒用二氧化氯发生器性能调查

    Investigation on the Performance of Chlorine Dioxide Generators for Drinking Water Disinfection

  6. 复合二氧化氯发生器对饮用水消毒的适用性研究

    Applicability of Compound Chlorine Dioxide Generator to Drinking Water Disinfection

  7. 二氧化氯发生器消毒效果实验室观察

    Laboratory observation on effectiveness of disinfection of chlorine dioxide generator

  8. 二氧化氯发生器在二次供水消毒系统中的应用

    Application of chlorine dioxide generator to the secondary water supply disinfection system

  9. 二氧化氯发生器自动控制仪的研制

    Research of the generator automatic controller of chlorine dioxide

  10. 化学法二氧化氯发生器在铁路自备水消毒中的应用

    Application of Chlorine Dioxide Generator in Water Disinfection

  11. 复合二氧化氯发生器在火力发电厂循环冷却水中的应用

    Application of Composite Chlorine Dioxide Generator for Circulating Cooling Water System in Power Station

  12. 高效复合二氧化氯发生器是一种消毒效果好又经济实用的污水处理设备。

    Effective complex chlorinedioxide generator is a waste water processing equipment which has good disinfection effects and economic benefits .

  13. 同时,也对国内其它二氧化氯发生器生产企业的生存和竞争战略选择具有普遍的借鉴意义。

    Also it can be used by other domestic chlorine dioxide generator manufactures as a general reference for business operation and selection of competition strategy .

  14. 但是因为该控制器非组态王默认通讯设备,所以本文对其与上位机的通讯做了相关研究,经过调试后二氧化氯发生器同上位机通讯及时正常无误。

    But this controller is not the default configuration software communications equipment , so I do related research of communications between it and upper machine .

  15. 方法通过观察二氧化氯发生器在现场应用的消毒效果,核算消毒成本,调查观察应用全过程的运行管理状况。

    Methods sterilization effect of the chlorine dioxide generator was observed on the spot , sterilization cost was calculated and the running status of management was monitored .

  16. 了解化学法二氧化氯发生器所产二氧化氯消毒剂对饮水消毒的效果,以指导水源消毒。

    In order to know the efficacy of chlorine dioxide produced by chlorine dioxide generator in disinfection of drinking water and to guide disinfection of source of water .

  17. 水夫公司依托学校和自身雄厚的研发实力,开发并生产出从人工控制到计算机远程自动控制二氧化氯发生器系列产品。

    Depending on the supports from nust and the strength of itself , the company has possessed of series disinfecting equipments including from manual-control generators to long-distance auto-control generators .

  18. 经过一段时间的实际运行表明,系统对现场设备的监控准确:对二氧化氯发生器的控制稳定及时。

    After a period of practical running , it shows that the system monitoring of the field devices is accurate , and the control to chlorine dioxide generator is stability .

  19. 由于氯酸钠、过氧化氢法二氧化氯发生器原料转化率高,最佳可达99.9%,因此,在处理原料带入氯酸根的量几乎为零,实现清洁生产的目的。

    With the conversion rate of raw materials being very high , even up to 99.9 % , the amount of chlorate radical created while treating raw materials almost comes to naught , fulfilled the cleaning technics .

  20. 研究了二氧化氯发生器的使用操作方法、使用安装注意事项,估算了工程投资,测算了采用纯漂工艺代替亚漂工艺可带来的经济效益。

    Also , the methods of operating chlorine dioxide generator , the procedure points that should be paid attention to , the budget of the investment of the project , the estimate of the economic value brought about with the replacement of sub-bleaching technique with purifying bleaching technique .

  21. 二氧化氯电解发生器工艺性能的研究

    Study on Technological Property of Electrolytic Chlorine Dioxide Generator

  22. 二氧化氯消毒剂发生器的研制复合二氧化氯制备装置在废水处理中的应用

    On Generator Preparation of Chlorine Dioxide Application of compound chlorine dioxide generator to wastewater treatment