
èr fù
  • second officer;second mate;second mate (officer)
二副 [èr fù]
  • [second mate (officer)] 仅次于大副的船员职称

二副[èr fù]
  1. 二副:不来一支烟吗?

    Second Mate : Won 't you have a cigarette ?

  2. 二副:那是我的错,先生!

    Second Mate : That is my mistake , sir !

  3. Barron又为他做了第二副面具,这副面具只罩住他面部的上半部&这样他就能喝咖啡了。

    And Barron has made him a second mask that covers only the upper portion of his face - so he can drink coffee .

  4. 在银行成为第二副总裁;

    Received the title of second vice president at the bank ;

  5. 我希望船东能选一个合格的二副。

    I hope a competent second officer will be chosen by ship-owner .

  6. 二副:你应熟悉驾驶台设备。

    Second Officer : You should become familiar with all bridge equipment .

  7. 船长:二副,你为什么没有修正海图?

    Captain : Why did you not fix charts , Second Mate ?

  8. 指导船长:您做二副多长时间了,先生?

    D.Captain : How long have you been a second officer , sir ?

  9. 我们想点白巧克力慕斯蛋糕及二副叉子。

    We 'll have the White Chocolate Mousse Cake with two forks please .

  10. 塔斯蒂哥是二副斯塔布的随从。

    Tashtego was Stubb the second mate 's squire .

  11. 二副:你带备件了吗?

    Second Mate : Did you bring the spares ?

  12. 二副:三副,叫电机员并报告大副。

    Second Mate : Call electrician and report to Chief , Third Mate .

  13. 他的大副和二副是意大利人。

    His first and second officers were italians .

  14. 二副,那个惊慌失措的小伙子的嘴唇明显地哆嗦起来了。

    The lip of that confounded cub , the second mate , quivered visibly .

  15. 船长:轮机长、二副、三副和一些普通船员。

    Captain : Chief Engineer , Second Officer , Third Officer and some ratings .

  16. 国王选了第二副画。

    The king chose the second picture .

  17. 二副:但在装卸过程中他们不够小心谨慎。

    Second Officer : But they don 't pay sufficient attention and care during discharging .

  18. 第二副图片是同一张桌子,如今是由他的新助理占用。

    This next picture is the same desk , now occupied by his new assistant .

  19. 第二副图(就是北京航展上的照片,我刚才略过了)很像我说的风洞模型。

    That second image is very similar to the wind tunnel model I 'm thinking of .

  20. 斯塔布是二副。

    Stubb was the second mate .

  21. 我去唤醒二副后便回到甲板上等他换我的班。

    After giving a call to the second mate I returned on deck for my relief .

  22. 黄土丘陵沟壑区第二副区裸地降雨因子影响产流和产沙的研究

    Effect of Rainfall Factor of Bare Land on Runoff and Sediment Yield in Loess Hilly-gully Region

  23. 特别功不可没的,是我的第二副总统——德克勒克先生。

    Not least among them is my Second Deputy President , the Honourable F.W. de Klerk .

  24. 二副要及时对海图及图书资料进行改正以确保航行安全。

    The second officer should correct sharts and nautical publlcations in time to ensure a safe sailing .

  25. 他曾经拥有远洋船舶的二副资格并拥有超过两年的航海经验。

    He was qualified as second officer for ocean going vessel and worked at seas over two years .

  26. 船上的二副Lightoller曾试图阻止一名13岁的儿童和他的母亲一起登上救生艇。

    Second Officer Lightoller tried to prevent 13-year-old John Ryerson from getting into a lifeboat with his mother .

  27. 二副:坦白地说,不常用,因为我们只是在换证前被测试。

    Second officer : Frankly , not often , because we will only be tested before renewal of certificate .

  28. 二副:工头,装卸工卸货时底舱一些袋子被弄破了。

    Second Officer : Foreman , there are some bags badly crushed in the lower hold for the stevedores'damage during discharging .

  29. 着重导出了二副构件及平面开链的质量矩替代条件与公式,由这些替代条件与公式可直接构造出一般平面机构的摆动力完全平衡条件;

    From the conditions and formulae , the conditions for shaking force complete balancing of a panar linkage can be formulated directly .

  30. 二副:对不起,先生。我没有带,我可以详细描述其内容。

    Second officer : Sorry , sir . I didn 't bring it . I can describe the content in more detail .