
  • 网络flea market;Market;secondary market;second-hand market
  1. 文章从客观实际出发,分析了当前二手市场发展现状、发展潜力、重要意义以及其制约因素,并就解决这些难题提出了对策思考和建议。

    Based on objective facts , this paper analysis the present development situation , potential , significance and restricting factors of the second - market . The countermeasures and suggestions are offered to solve these problems .

  2. 梵克雅宝大量回购自己上世纪70年代推出的首饰款式,给人的感觉是:“自己在二手市场不果断出手,就会一无所获”。其传承典藏总监凯瑟琳愠里乌(CatherineCariou)说。

    Van Cleef & Arpels is hoovering up its 1970s pieces as " if I wait I won 't find anything on the second-hand market , " says Catherine Cariou , the company 's heritage director .

  3. 当存在P2P二手市场时情况刚好相反。

    When P2P second-hand markets exist , the result is opposite .

  4. 当P2P二手市场不存在时,商品进货成本越高,零售商越有动力进入二手市场。

    When P2P second-hand markets do not exist , the retailer has more motives to open up second-hand markets when marginal wholesale price is high .

  5. 当市场上存在P2P二手市场时,零售商若选择进入二手市场则不得不与P2P竞争二手货需求与二手货源。

    When P2P markets exist , the retailer will have to compete with it for both second-hand goods demand and resource , given that the retailer does enter second-hand markets .

  6. 这个是继EA实施网上验证,和BG工作室的创始人奥利弗认为二手市场比盗版危害更甚的问题之后,又一个厂商发表的声明。

    This latest statement comes after the recent announcement from EA about their intended'Online Pass'and after Blitz Games co-founder Andrew Oliver referred to them as a problem worse than piracy .

  7. 为了筹集资金,改善“WC”里的座位,在星期天“WC”会有二手市场。因为当地的居民反映,那里的座位有些硬,不舒服。

    A bazaar will be held during the time of your visit in order to raise funds to help to upgrade the seating , as some residents feel the seats are somewhat hard and uncomfortable in their present state .

  8. 我今天在二手市场买了个小玩意儿,珠宝鉴定放大镜。

    I bought this jeweler 's eye-piece at a yard sale .

  9. 激活房地产二手市场的思考和探析

    The Think and Analysis of Activating the Real Estate Second-Market

  10. 数字水印协议的研究及其在二手市场的应用

    Research on Digital Watermarking Protocol and Its Application in the Secondary Market

  11. 该计划可以刺激二手市场。

    The scheme could help stimulate the secondary market .

  12. 二手市场:打捞沉没的成本

    Second-hand Markets : to Rescue the Sunken Costs

  13. 卖地对二手市场交投只会有轻微影响。

    The land auction would have only a limited effect on secondary property transactions .

  14. 我们把大部分的储蓄用来在二手市场购置组屋;

    We have invested most of our savings in HDB flats bought from the resale market .

  15. 在二手市场可以找到的最划算的东西有:家具,名牌服装。

    The best things to find deals on at consignment stores : furniture and designer clothes .

  16. 根据这些模块功能实现了二手市场的信息展示系统。

    According to the module , the function of the second-hand market information display system is realized .

  17. 我收藏年代最久的芭比是1962年的,这是我花了6美元从二手市场买来的。

    The oldest Barbie I have is from 1962 and I bought her at a second-hand sale for six dollars . '

  18. 然而,虽然零售债券在一手市场广受欢迎,但在二手市场的流通性普遍偏低。

    However , despite the popularity of retail bonds in the primary market , liquidity in the secondary market is generally low .

  19. 二手市场强大的需求这一事实证明了我们机械的优质性。

    Proof of the high quality of our machinery lies in the fact that there is a great demand in the used market .

  20. 据报道,政府将会出售剩馀的居屋单位,政府官员说没有恢复居者有其屋计划的需要。他说低入息家庭仍可在二手市场购买单位。

    But he did not see a need to revive the subsidized housing scheme , saying low-income families could still buy in the second-hand market .

  21. 逛二手市场:当你还是学生的时候,你应该很乐意去买那些毕业生甩卖的家居和小玩意儿。

    Go for used options : When you were a student , you 'd willingly taken on a graduating student 's furniture and other knickknacks .

  22. 因此,以日本政府公开数据的最近一年来看,2008年日本购房交易中只有13.5%的交易出自二手市场。

    Thus just 13.5 per cent of purchases were in the secondary market in 2008 , the latest year for which government data are available .

  23. 投资者须了解就算是美国或英国这类成熟的市场,公司债券的二手市场也是相当小的。

    Investors should be generally aware that corporate bonds , even in mature markets such as the US and britain , have fairly li-mited secondary markets .

  24. 研究了在线性租赁需求环境下,汽车制造商不提供回购合同和提供回购合同时的供应链决策,以及二手市场对决策的影响。

    This paper studies the buyback contracts of carmakers and rental firms under demand circumstance with uncertainty and how the secondhand markets influence the supply chain decisions .

  25. 靠收集优惠券、去二手市场购物,我们就可以平安度过薪酬缩水时期&宣扬勤俭持家的书籍和电视节目也许会让人对此信以为真,但是千万不要轻信。

    Books and TV shows on frugal living would have you believe that you can survive an income cut merely by cutting coupons and shopping in thrift stores .

  26. 最后本文重点研究了再制造型网络的构建,采用混合型整数规划建立了适合中国制造企业的网络构建模型,该模型考虑了容量约束与流量分配,并将二手市场与再生新材料市场也考虑在内。

    At last this paper studies the construction of reproducing network , sets up the network construction model for Chinese manufacture enterprises , using the mixed integer planning .

  27. 他的作品的价格虽然节节攀升,但是这价格是从他完成作品后经过多次转卖所得的,而真正获利的是在二手市场上抄家。

    His work has ballooned in price , but the pieces have changed hands several times since he made them , so the sales are in the secondary market .

  28. 数字出版物二手市场也方兴未艾,但是其法律地位是否得到承认在美国和欧盟出现了截然相反的状态。

    And the second-hand market of digital publication is in head way . But there are two different answers in US and EU for whether acknowledge its legal status or not .

  29. 通过求解模型均衡并比较结果,我们可以得到以下主要结论:首先,零售商选择进入二手市场始终不会比不进入差。

    By finding out and compare the equilibriums , we retrieve following main results . First , opening up retailer second-hands markets is never worse for the retailer than not to do so .

  30. 国外高校二手市场信息展示系统已经发展到了相当的水平,我国很多高校开始逐步认识到校园信息展示系统的重要性。

    Foreign university secondary market information display system has been developed to a certain level , and a lot of universities in our country gradually begin to recognize the importance of campus information display system .