
xián zhì
  • leave unused;set aside;knock about;let sth. lie idle
闲置 [xián zhì]
  • [knock about] 搁置在一边不用

  • 你愿意让我的画随便闲置在某个画商那里吗

闲置[xián zhì]
  1. 法律机制的完善与信息的公开,也有助于资金闲置问题的解决。

    Perfecting the law mechanism and the information opening mechanism can also be helpful for the settlement of problem of leave unused capital .

  2. 文章分析了把网络建设作为数字化校园建设核心是导致当前大量校园网闲置的主要原因。

    The paper analysis the mistake that network construction is considered the kernel of digital campus network , which result in large leave unused of campus network .

  3. 现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。

    Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle .

  4. 这个地区有大量的闲置房地产。

    There are a lot of empty properties in the area .

  5. 这个地方已经闲置多年。

    The site has been out of use for many years .

  6. 这些因超出需求而闲置着的房子正在出售。

    The houses are being sold because they are surplus to requirements .

  7. 校园里的闲置宿舍住着一些度假的家庭。

    Vacant rooms on the campus were being used by holidaying families .

  8. 运土卡车和混凝土搅拌机闲置着。

    The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle .

  9. 闲置的卧室在二楼。

    The spare bedroom is on the second floor

  10. 如今机器闲置着。

    Now the machine is lying idle .

  11. 一个布罗克汉普顿农场共有1,700英亩土地退耕闲置,得到了每英亩87英镑的补贴。

    A Brockhampton farm is paid £ 87 per acre for the 1,700 acres it has in set-aside .

  12. 与法国和德国的类似铁路服务系统不同,“城际列车”很少闲置。

    In contrast to similar services in France and Germany , Intercity rolling stock is very rarely idle .

  13. 这些没有进取精神的人把钱都闲置在银行里。

    These unenterprising people have money lying idle in a bank .

  14. “新冠监狱”坐落在这个德国北方小镇的郊区,由一座少管所闲置的附属建筑改建而成,设有6个房间,其高墙上配有带刺的铁丝网。

    The prison is made up of six cells in the unused annexe of a young offenders of the small northern town .

  15. P2P计算可以充分利用Internet边缘日益丰富的闲置资源,包括计算、存储、带宽等资源。

    P2P computing can utilize increasingly unused resources in the edge of the Internet .

  16. 闲置循环与DoEvents语句

    Idle Loop and Do Events Statement

  17. 这种技术充分利用互联网和Web站点中的闲置资源,达到最大的资源共享和集成服务。

    This kind of technique makes most use of the idle resources of Internet to attain the biggest resources sharing and integrated service .

  18. 当您需要一个更加健壮的高可用性环境时,您应该在每个ApplicationServer实例中配置一个辅助的闲置容器来过渡故障。

    When you require a more robust high availability environment , you should configure a secondary idle container on each Application Server instance for the rollover to fail to .

  19. 针对网络过载和闲置情况,以带宽为例提出了一种基于Agent的网络资源调整策略,通过用户Agent之间的协商来实现网络资源优化分配。

    The overloading and underloading problem of the network were handled with proposing an Agent-based strategy to adjust the network resources , which was represented by bandwidth .

  20. 个未分配的CPU单元将仍然不可用于其他用户,因此要闲置此请求。

    The22 unallocated CPU units would remain unavailable to other users and therefore idle for the life of this request .

  21. 为了避免这种情况,DB2使用一个注册表变量来限制每个闲置代理可以保留的内存量。

    To avoid this , DB2 has a registry variable which limits the amount of memory each idle agent can retain .

  22. GUI可能是一个闲置界面,可用来创建用户和角色以及管理其各自的权限。

    A GUI would be an idle interface to create users and roles and to manage their respective permissions .

  23. 当前校园网内资源闲置与资源紧张的矛盾日益加深,作者提出了校园数据网格(CampusDataGrid,CDG)的来解决这一矛盾。

    Resource competition and wasting is a big contradiction in campus . Author wants to build a Campus Data Grid ( CDG ) to resolve it .

  24. 通过实地调查,基于SWOT分析得出岳阳市君山区闲置宅基地利用战略。

    Analysis the strategy of idle residential land usages in Junshan area Yueyang city based on-the-spot investigation and SWOT . 5 .

  25. JIT重视物流效率,而以生产能力的闲置为代价。

    Also , JIT pinpoints efficiency of material flow , but leading to lower utilizing of production capability .

  26. 利用闲置计算机的空闲CPU周期固然不错,但是实现此技术的传统方法存在一些难点

    Making use of free CPU cycles on idle computers is all very well , but a few difficulties with traditional approaches to this technique include

  27. 利用目前CATV网络的闲置频带和覆盖面广的优势,通过CATV网络接入Internet是一种有效的方法。

    It is effective method that Internet is accessed with CATV networks since today 's CATV network has large unused spectrum and advantage of wide cover .

  28. 苹果号召用户将闲置的第一代iPad捐赠给低收入社区的教师们。

    Owners of first-generation iPads who had no use for them were invited to donate the devices to teachers in low-income communities .

  29. 如果持有闲置请求或TCP连接的数量太多、时间过长,就会在设备中产生一种“堆积”效应,从而影响其他请求。

    Keeping too many idle requests or TCP connections around for too long can cause a " pile-up " effect in a device , which can then impact other requests .

  30. 采用P2P技术构建的网络教学平台具有良好的健壮性、扩展性、负载均衡,闲置的资源得到使用,在网络教育的各个功能实现上优势明显。

    The e-learning pattern using P2P technology has a good robustness , scalability , load balancing . Idle resources could be used , the utilization of network had been improved significantly .