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xián jū
  • stay at home idle;stay at home idly
闲居 [xián jū]
  • [stay at home idly] 避人独居

闲居[xián jū]
  1. 用我父亲的话说,他在闲居。

    He is kicking his heel , as my father would say .

  2. 但是思想、性格的差异影响到了二人罢官闲居期间的处世心态、行为方式和创作水准。

    But their operas were different because of the difference of their ideas and character .

  3. 在所有的悲伤中,齐达内相信那些说贝克汉姆准备在加利福尼亚闲居的观点极为离谱。

    Yet amid all the sadness , Zidane believes suggestions that Beckham is ready to be put out to grass in California are totally wide of the mark .

  4. 《郊居赋》可属《文选》赋“志”类,但沈约《郊居赋》与“志”类潘岳《闲居赋》,意思有重复之处;

    Jiao Ju Fu could be classified in the type of Zhi in Wenxuan , but there are some repetitions with Pan Yue 's Xian Ju Fu of the same type .

  5. 乐山乐水闲游闲居&宁波荪湖旅游度假区规划设计图为一个旅游者站在中国乐山的乐山大佛的脚下。

    Delight in Water and Mountains Travel and living leisurely : Touring Area Planning of Ningbo Sun-lake A visitor stands in the foot of the Leshan Giant Buddha statue in Leshan , China .

  6. 第四部分是从渭水诗歌与文人生活的关系角度探索渭水对文人诗歌创作的影响,主要集中于文人的送别活动与闲居生活。

    Within the fourth section , the thesis will explore the effects of Weihe River on poem creation , from the prospective of the relationship between Weihe River Poetry and intellectuals ' life , mainly focus on the farewell activities and leisure life of intellectuals .