
  • 网络idle assets;Accumulated depreciation-idle assets
  1. 二是适当处置低效、闲置资产;

    Properly remove low - productive or idle assets .

  2. 不要用生产性资产换闲置资产或奢侈资产。

    Don 't trade productive assets for idle or costly ones .

  3. 浅谈如何管好用好军队闲置资产让闲置物品绿起来


  4. 盘活闲置资产创办各种经营、服务项目分流;

    Collect idle money to expand business and service ;

  5. 许多供水工程闲置资产过多;

    Dormant assets of many water supply projects areovermany ;

  6. 相应地,电视媒体内容资料的生产和更新速度大幅提高了产生积压闲置资产的数量。

    Accordingly the speed of production update of content material in TV media increases the amount of unusable overstock asset greatly .

  7. 如存在闲置固定资产应说明其认定标准、折旧方法。

    The identification standards and depreciation methods of idle fixed assets , if any ;

  8. 当前闲置存量资产的供求有效性与政策敏感性分析

    Analysis of the supply - demand effectivity and policy sensitivity of the present idle assets in storage

  9. 当前推动闲置存量资产的整合活化具有重大的经济意义和政治意义。

    It is of great economic and political importance to promote the incorporation and activation of idle assets in storage .

  10. 石油开发企业闲置固定资产具有分布广、存量大、类型多等特点。

    The idle fixed assets in petroleum development enterprise has the characteristics of wide distribution , large stock and various types .

  11. 相反,我们甚至可以认为,只要现金没有用于生产性支出,而是闲置在资产负债表上,仅仅赚取微薄的回报率,它其实是在拖累公司收益的增长。

    Arguably , as well , it is actually a drag on earnings growth as long as cash sits on the balance sheet unproductively earning low rates of return .

  12. 如何合理调配闲置固定资产,使其得到充分利用,以实现投资收益的最大化,是当前石油开发企业资产管理的重点。

    How to allocate idle fixed assets reasonably to fully utilize them to achieve the maximum return on investment is currently the major work for asset management of oil development enterprise .

  13. 针对石油开发企业闲置固定资产现存的主要问题,从闲置固定资产经营管理和技术管理两方面提出了改善管理的解决对策。

    The countermeasures to improve management of idle fixed assets of oil development enterprises are put forward from operational management and technical management aiming at existing major problems in idle fixed assets management .

  14. 在技术管理方面,提出了加强闲置固定资产技术改造投资前的审计、完善闲置固定资产技改投资管理程序及策略、建立闲置固定资产技改投资评价系统和加强闲置固定资产技改效果监督等措施。

    In technical management , the countermeasures are put forth such as strengthening pre-audit , improving the procedures and policies of management , establishing evaluation system and strengthening effect supervision for technical transformation investment of idle fixed assets .

  15. 为了确保石油开发企业的持续开采和稳产,当油田开发进入中后期时,需要投入大量的资金实施油田的维护工作,从而形成了较大规模的闲置固定资产。

    In order to ensure the sustainable exploitation of oil development and stable production , when oilfield development entering mid-late period , it needs large investment to implement oilfield maintenance , thus it formed a larger scale of idle fixed assets .

  16. 在系统分析当前国有石油开发企业闲置固定资产管理的现状,闲置固定资产成因和危害的基础上,提出了当前石油开发企业闲置固定资产管理存在的主要问题。

    Based on the analysis systematically on the current status of idle fixed assets management of state-owned oil development enterprises and the causes and hazards of idle fixed assets , the major problems of idle fixed assets management of oil development enterprises are proposed .

  17. 通过运用UAM系统,可以实现全校资产的统一管理和动态管理,在很大程度上可以减少资产重复购买和降低资产闲置率,提高资产利用率。

    Using UAM makes possible the integrated and dynamic management to the whole assets of the university , reduces duplicate purchase , decreases lying idle assets and raises the utilization ratio of assets .

  18. 租赁经营闲置设备充分发挥资产效益

    Running of Idle Engineering Machine Renting and Bringing Property Benefit into Full Play

  19. 本文将从造成资产闲置的原因入手,阐述处置闲置资产的必要性,提出企业应当采取的对策。

    This article presents reasons for the idleness of assets , stresses the necessity to deal with the phenomenon and proposes measures to be taken by enterprises .