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xián rén
  • an unoccupied person;idler;persons not concerned
闲人 [xián rén]
  • (1) [an unoccupied person]∶闲着没有事的人

  • 村里一个闲人也没有

  • (2) [persons not concerned]∶与事无关的人

  • 闲人免进

闲人[xián rén]
  1. 我们现在都正忙着,一个闲人也没有。

    All of us are busy over our work and nobody is idle .

  2. 库房重地,闲人免进!

    Storage Room , No Admittance !

  3. 这条启事能把闲人拒之门外。

    This notice should keep unwanted visitors out .

  4. 他很不高兴地说:“这些闲人在这里干什么呢?”

    He said angrily , " What are these idlers doing here . ? "

  5. 著着很厚的青布单衣或夹袄的都市闲人,咬着烟管,在雨后的斜桥影里,上桥头树底下去一立,遇见熟人,便会用了缓慢悠闲的声调,微叹着互答着说:

    Some idle townsfolk , wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth , will come out pipe in mouth and , loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge , exchange leisurely conversation with acquaintances with a slight touch of regret at the passing of time : " Oh , real nice and cool — "

  6. 休怀特(hughwhite)是一位澳大利亚的前安全与防务官员,他预计西太平洋将成为一片“海军的闲人免入区”。

    Hugh white , a former Australian security and defence official , foresees the Western Pacific becoming a " naval no-go zone " .

  7. 不许那等闲人取次展&元杂剧作家笔下的妓女形象及其人文品格

    The Images of Prostitute and Their Cultural Character in Yuan Opera

  8. 陈老七背后的闲人们大噪起来。

    The crowd in back of old Chen began to clamour .

  9. 您有必要知道,先生,我才不是居里闲人。

    For your information , sir , I am no bored housewife .

  10. 闲人莫入,违者必究(告示用语)。

    Trespassers will is prosecuted , eg on a notice .

  11. 只有闲人才会感到疲倦。

    It 's only the idle will be tired .

  12. 很闲人就像有些事发生了,她挠了你。

    Obviously like something happened and she scratched you .

  13. 这里只准员工出入闲人莫入

    This is staff only . No members allowed .

  14. 军事要地,闲人免进。

    This is an important military area , unauthorized persons are forbidden to enter .

  15. 礼仪,是闲人用来疏远蠢人的发明。

    Ceremony is the invention of wise men to keep fool as a distance .

  16. 听得这句话的闲人都笑起来了。

    The crowd laughed at the words .

  17. 不应该让退休的人感到自己是个闲人。

    A retired person should not be made to feel he 's on the shelf .

  18. 只有一帮闲人帮旁边看热闹指点江山。

    There were only the passersby on the side watching the excitement and making comments .

  19. 社会的闲人,带十字架的人,机车手?

    Folk-mopers , cross dressers , bikers ?

  20. 不是因为他的无知,开始有些闲人开始针对他说闲话了。

    It wasn 't that he was unintelligent , as some critical people tend to gossip .

  21. 为着闲人去游荡,世界上再没有比伦敦更好的地方了。

    Nowhere in the world is there such a place for an idle man as London .

  22. 那农民在他的田地四周筑起一道电网,以防闲人侵入。

    The farmer built an electric fence around his field to put an end to trespassing .

  23. 德国一所大学正在向致力于无所事事的申请者提供“闲人奖学金”。

    A German university is offering " idleness grants " to applicants who are seriously committed to doing sweet nothing .

  24. 一个年轻姑娘从窗口探出头来,绝没有办法不让所有的闲人瞧见。

    A girl cannot put her head out of the window without being observed by all the groups of idlers .

  25. 因为在这个世界上,除了辛勤工作的人,还有太多的闲人。

    Because there are so many idlers who donot like work in the world expect the men always working hard .

  26. 巴斯克维尔其实是个军事基地我猜他们很乐意挡住闲人吧

    Technically , Baskerville 's an army base , so I guess they 've always been keen to keep people out .

  27. 我可不会输给居里闲人,接着当主妇吧小心失业。

    I don 't plan on losing to some bored housewife , so don 't quit your lack of a day job .

  28. 索米斯脸上已经挂一块闲人免进的牌子,年青人行礼时他只勉强点一下头。

    Soames had hung out a board marked " Trespassers will be prosecuted ", and he barely acknowledged the young fellow 's salute .

  29. 观察者观看者,特指旁观者或者观众只有一帮闲人帮旁边看热闹指点江山。

    One that views , especially an onlooker or spectator . There were only the passersby on the side watching the excitement and making comments .

  30. 她妈妈经常在她身边帮助她。只有一帮闲人帮旁边看热闹指点江山。

    Her mother was always at her elbow to help her . There were only the passersby on the side watching the excitement and making comments .