
  • 网络idle land;vacant land;Wasteland Resources
  1. 城市闲置土地的分布特征与形成机理研究

    The Research on Distribution Characteristics and Forming Mechanisms of Idle Land

  2. 对解决城市闲置土地问题的思考

    Reflections on the Solution to the Problems of Idle Land in Cities

  3. 而中央采取的严格保护耕地政策、国有特困、破产企业消化和处置其闲置土地的要求、推行招标、拍卖出让土地以及加入WTO则促进了我国城市土地收购储备制度的建立和发展。

    And the policy of strictly protecting plantation taken by central government , the requirement of deal with the unused land of bankrupt state-owned enterprises , carrying out provide land through biding and auction , and accession to the WTO promote the establishment and development of ULPRS in China .

  4. 开发区闲置土地成因机制及类型划分

    Causal mechanism and classification of idle land in china 's development areas

  5. 底特律有约40平方英里(约合4100平方公里)的闲置土地。

    Detroit has approximately 40 square miles of vacant land .

  6. 城镇闲置土地利用空间数据挖掘原型系统研究

    Study of Spatial Data Mining Prototype System for Urban Idle Land Utilization

  7. 城市闲置土地市场化配置的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Marketing Allocation of Urban Undeveloped Land

  8. 城市区域闲置土地资源的管理

    The Management of Wastelands Resources in the Metropolis

  9. 长沙市闲置土地认定评价及潜力评价研究

    Study on the Definition and the Potential Evaluation of Idle Land in Changsha City , Hunan Province

  10. 总体上,底特律有20平方英里的闲置土地,规模与整个曼哈顿相当。

    In all , Detroit has 20 square miles of vacant land , roughly equal in size to Manhattan .

  11. 按照不同的收益水平,将先导区闲置土地潜力分为4个等级,可根据不同等级采取相应的管理利用措施。

    According to different income levels , Potential of the pilot area of idle land is divided into four grades .

  12. 黄陵矿区家属区规划完善及闲置土地利用探讨

    Discussion of How to Improve the Layout of Apartment District and to Utilize Unused Earth in the Diggings of Huangling Mining Group

  13. 中国土地使用监管机构周四发布了一个黑名单,其中包括26宗闲置土地的开发商,以限制囤地投机行为。

    China 's land use watchdog released Thursday a blacklist of26 cases of land left idle by property developers to curb hoarding and speculation .

  14. 我们对闲置土地,囤积土地,炒房,这些违反相关法律和规定的行为会严厉处罚。

    We will make greater efforts to deal with violations of laws and regulations such as keeping land unused , property hoarding and price rigging .

  15. 近年来山区农村出现大面积的闲置土地,开发利用山区闲置土地资源对社会经济的发展具有非常重要的意义。

    The mountain area has much idle land resource in recent years , it is very important to exploitation and utilization of the mountain area idle land resource for society and economy development .

  16. 高新区土地管理绩效发挥充分,截止到评价时点没有未处置的闲置土地,到期用地处置率也达到100%。

    High-tech Zone to play a full performance of land management , as of the evaluation point in time that there was no disposal of idle land , land disposal rate due to 100 % .

  17. 闲置土地的大量存在成为当前较为严重的铺张浪费资源的现象,清理处置闲置土地是国土资源管理工作的重要内容。

    The existence of large amount of idle land is a serious waste of resources at present . Therefore , it is an essential part of land and resources work to handle with these idle hand .

  18. 本文以杭州市主城区出让土地的现状调查为基础,分析杭州市主城区的土地开发利用情况和闲置土地时空分布特征。

    Based on the investigation of land development and utilization status in Hangzhou main urban area , this paper has analyses the features of land development and utilization , also the distribution characteristics of idle land .

  19. 由于土地利用总体规划和城市总体规划存在着许多不协调因素,使得在对城市土地资源的使用上,存在着征地规模过大、闲置土地过多、土地使用效率不高等问题。

    Since there is a lot of factors not coordinate between the comprehensive land use planning and the master planning , make problems such as exceptional solicitation land scale , too much idle land , inefficiency land use .

  20. 要改善这一现状,只有通过土地整理,充分利用闲置土地、提高土地的集约利用水平、促进经济增长方式的转变,才能缓解当前用地紧张的状况。

    Land consolidation is one of important measures to improve the current situation , make good use of vacant land , enhance land intensive utilization level , promote economic growth pattern change and relax intense land use condition .

  21. 杭州市主城区闲置土地大量出现在2005年至2007年出让的地块中,占所有闲置土地的90%,主要集中分布在城市生活配套不足的新兴板块和远离城市发展重心的板块。

    Most of the idle lands are remised from 2005 to 2007 , accounting for 90 % of total number . They mainly distribute at the areas which are short of city life facilities and apart from the city center .

  22. 在城市规划区范围内,以出让方式取得土地使用权进行房地产开发的闲置土地,依照《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》的有关规定办理。

    Idle land that is lying within the urban plan areas and whose use right has been leased for real estate development shall be handled according to the " Urban Property Administration Law of the People 's Republic of China " .

  23. 在设计物业税税率时,应该让税率有所提高,达到资源优化配置的目的,并对闲置土地实行高税率,以此促进地尽其用。

    While design the rate for Property Tax , it should raise the rate of the tax to achieve the optimization of resource allocation and levy a higher penalty rate for the idle land to facilitate the best use of the land .

  24. 采用专家咨询法和层次分析法,对闲置土地概念认定评价选取指标。其中包括区位因素、经济环境、土地利用状况和形成原因等四类主要影响指标。

    In the process of the concept congestion , indexes of expert advice process and analytical hierarchy process are used , which include four factors : location , economic environment , the actuality of land utilization , and the reasons for its formation .

  25. 新的整理潜力测算方法,集以上两种方法之所长,避之所短,既考虑了农村人口数的变化,又没有忽略农户数量变化的影响,还包含了非闲置土地的整理潜了。

    The new reorganization potential reckoning method , manager of the collection above two methods , evades short , both has considered the countryside population change , and has not neglected the peasant household quantity change the influence , but also contained the non-idle land reorganization to dive .

  26. 没有租出去的房间;非常小的一块无主的、闲置的土地。

    An unoccupied apartment ; very little unclaimed and untenanted land .

  27. 如果可能的话,农民可将其闲置的土地用来干么?

    What can the farmer use his idled land for , if anything ?

  28. 贩酒店、快餐店、闲置的土地。

    Liquor stores , fast food , vacant lots .

  29. 这就是洛杉矶南区:贩酒店、快餐店、闲置的土地。

    This is South Central : liquor stores , fast food , vacant lots .

  30. 这将要求农民将产量增加一倍,而闲置的土地并不多。

    That will require farmers to double their output , but there is a shortage of spare land .