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  1. 陶渊明的《闲情赋》历来褒贬不一,在经历了历史的沉淀和淘洗后,人们对《闲情赋》的认识也在不断深化和明确,逐步认识到爱情造就了《闲情赋》,并使之不朽。

    The flight of time deepens the understanding of Ode to Leisure , and people have come to know that it is the bailment , leisure and love that create this classical works and make it immortal .

  2. 与闲情赋不同,神女赋在思想上不是简单的停留在申说儒家礼防这个层面,而是往更深处开掘,神女赋的深层内涵是表现士不遇的悲愤和建功无望的苦闷。

    Different from Leisure Fu in ideology , prostitution is not simply stay on this level prevention said rash in Confucian ritual , but to dig deeper , the deep connotation of Fairy Fu is the indignation and the anguish of " building a solid hopeless " .

  3. 自东汉后期至魏晋时期,以闲情为主题的赋都具有“劝百而讽一”的特点。

    From the later stage of Eastern Han Dynasty to the period of Wei and JinDynasty , the Fu that prevented the emotion from spreading had the characteristic of encouraging most but satirize the few .