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  • Taoist temple;Buddhist and Taoist temples
寺观 [sì guàn]
  • [Buddhist and Taoist temples] 寺和观的统称

寺观[sì guàn]
  1. 唐代不只在外在形态上皇家、寺观、私家园林全面发达,花卉栽培和赏石之趣反映了自然审美趣味的细腻精致化。

    Overall development of imperial gardens , Taoist temple gardens and private gardens wasn 't just in the aspect of external form , the interest of cultivating flowers and plants and enjoying stones reflected exquisite natural aesthetics interest .

  2. 纵观整个常德古典园林的发展过程表明,佛教文化与道教文化对其影响颇为深刻,常德古典园林多以寺观园林的形式出现。

    Process indicates the development making a general observation of entire Chang De City historic gardens , Buddhism culture and Taoism culture are rather deep to whose effect , many Chang De City historic gardens forms with Taoist temple gardens appear .

  3. 舟山寺观、祠庙的海洋文化内蕴

    The Inside Marine Cultural Information of Temples and Monasteries in Zhoushan

  4. 中华艺术瑰宝寺观壁画

    Temple Murals : A Fine Jewel of Art of China

  5. 山上寺观遍立。

    Buddhist and Taoist temples can be found all over the mountain .

  6. 永乐宫壁画是我国保存最完整的元代寺观壁画。

    Yongle Palace Mural is the best preserved in China Yuan temple murals .

  7. 云南寺观园林环境特征及其保护与发展

    The Characteristics of Temple Garden 's Environment in Yunnan and Its Preservation and Development

  8. 各级地方政府也拿出相当一部分资金,用于寺观庙堂的维修。

    Local governments also allocated funds for the maintenance of temples , monasteries and churches .

  9. 成都市主要寺观园林植物群落的研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Garden Plant Community of the Main Temple Garden in Chengdu

  10. 第一节初步探讨了元代寺观手工业的大体生产状况。

    The first section looks into the general production condition of Temple and Taoism handicraft industry .

  11. 自从佛教传入中国后,寺观园林中的寺院园林也有了大发展。

    Since the introduction of Buddhism to China , the fane gardens have been great development .

  12. 随着社会的发展,寺观园林同时兼具宗教功能和公共游览功能。

    With the development of society , temple gardens take both religious function and public tour feature .

  13. 选题着重于云南寺观园林环境中诸要素的特征分析及其保护与发展。

    And it can be using for reference in the preservation and development of temple garden in Yunnan .

  14. 寺观经营的手工业,就其类型讲,属寺观内部成员集体所有制性质,较为特殊。

    This kind of handicraft was collective ownership , judging from its nature , and it was very special .

  15. 寺观壁画因为画在墙这个特殊画面,本身就成为了建筑物的一部分。

    Because temple murals are painted directly onto such a unique canvas , it becomes a part of the building itself .

  16. 庙市是伴随寺观的宗教活动而形成的具有定期市性质的市场单元。

    Temple fair is the commercial unit that is opened on fixed days annually and is formed accompany to the ritual events .

  17. 从文学艺术和景观设计的角度,剖析寺观园林文学艺术,对湖湘寺观园林做初步的探索研究。

    It analyzes the temple garden literature art from the viewpoints of literature art and landscape design to make a pilot study of the Huxiang temple gardens .

  18. 它集文物的历史、艺术、科学三大价值于一身,其科学技术的成分较之辉煌的宫殿、坛庙、寺观更为突出。

    It combines the value of the heritage history . Art and Science , whose scientific and technical components are more outstanding than splendid palaces , altars and temples .

  19. 国家对一切宗教活动场所的房屋及占用土地免税,对于需要维修而又缺乏资金的寺观庙堂给予补助。

    Houses and land used for religious purposes are exempted from taxes . Temples , monasteries and churches which need repair but lack money get assistance from the government .

  20. 永乐宫壁画作为我国元代寺观壁画的代表作,它所呈现出来的艺术价值和历史价值是其它壁画无法比拟的。

    Yongle Palace Mural paintings as representative of China in the Yuan Dynasty temple , its presentation of the artistic value and historical value is unmatched by other murals .

  21. 第三部分:立足于前文长安寺观发展,进一步论述了长安寺观在政治、经济、文化和城市建设方面对长安的影响。

    Part ⅲ: On the basis of the Chang'an 's temples ' development , further to demonstrate the temples ' political , economic and cultural influence upon the national capital .

  22. 在解读湖湘寺观园林的同时,要不断的深入调查、领悟与汲取寺观园林文学的艺术精华才可能为今后的当代景观设计以现实性的启发。

    We should research , comprehend and draw artistic prime of temple garden literature continuously when study the Huxiang temple garden , so that enlighten the modern landscape design in future .

  23. 免丁钱是一种创行于南宋绍兴中期的身丁税,课征对象为寺观僧道,仅盛行于南宋时期。

    Exempting from poll taxation was a kind of tax policy that prevailed only in middle period of Southern Song Dynasty , and levied tax on Buddhist monks and Taoist priests .

  24. 其次,寺观的功能渐与民间神祠混同,成为祈祷祭祀之所,人们在与佛教神灵打交道时,适用的仍是人神互惠的原则。

    Some temples merged in functions with folk shrines and became the sites where people made offerings or prayers to deities with the exchange principle of mutual-benefit between man and Buddhist gods .

  25. 在山西省的山林和僻静之处有许多古代寺观,其年代从唐代一直延续到明清。

    Deep in the forest and quiet places in Shanxi province , many ancient temples are preserved there . The ages of these temples range from Tang Dynasty to Ming and Tsing Dynasty .

  26. 清入关前即已实行度牒制度,康熙初限制寺观及僧道数量,雍正时期,放松对僧道管理,度牒失去效力。

    During the reign of Emperor Kangxi , the number of temples and monks is restricted , while during that of Emperor Yongzheng , the system loses it power due to the negligence of management .

  27. 佛教在金代颇为盛行,因此,金代寺观壁画具有相当规模,但是几经兵戈,多数废毁,至今保存完整的已不多见。

    Buddhism is quite prevalent in Jin Dynasty , and the temple Frescoes at this time have reached into a considerable size . However , through the numerous wars , most of them have been destroyed .

  28. 第二章就云南寺观园林的形成及发展进行了论述。从自然环境、文化特征和民族审美等方面总结了云南的特色,为下一章的论述打下了基础。

    The second chapter expounds the forming and development of temple garden in Yunnan , sums up Yunnan 's characteristics from natural environment , cultural feature , and national appreciation of fhe beauty , laying a foundation for the next chapter .

  29. 第四章对云南寺观园林的保护与发展提出一些积极的建议。特别指出开发的文化定位、真实性原则及社会协作与人文背景改良&更高的保护境界。

    In the forth chapter , the thesis puts forward some positive measures for the preservation and development of temple garden in Yunnan , for example , cultural location for exploitation , factuality principle , and social cooperation and improvement of humane background .

  30. 其中在部分寺观中保留有绘制精美的壁画,为研究我国古代壁画艺术提供了宝贵图像资料。位于山西大同市内的上华严寺,在大雄宝殿内存留有四壁完好的壁画。

    Exquisite frescoes are painted in some of these temples , which are precious data for our national mural painting study The Mahavira Hall ( Daxiong Baodian ) of Huayan Temple in Datong city remains complete figures of mural painting on its walls .