• temple;government bureau in ancient China
  • 古代官署名:太常~(古代掌管宗庙礼仪的官署)。鸿胪~(略同于现代的礼宾司)。

  • 佛教出家人居住的地方:佛~。~观(guàn )。

  • 伊斯兰教徒礼拜、讲经的地方:清真~。


(古代官署名) government bureau in ancient China:

  • 大理寺

    the Highest Judiciary; the Supreme Court


(寺院) temple:

  • 清真寺



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 寺原

    Si Yuan

  1. 永佑寺舍利塔又称六和塔

    Eisuke Temple stupa also known as the Pagoda of Six Harmonies .

  2. ADG模板支架在法门寺合十舍利塔工程中的应用

    On ADG formwork support in project of Dagoba of Famen temple

  3. 矗立在远处的西敏寺构成了一处迷人的景色。

    Westminster abbey towering in the distance there provides a fascinating view .

  4. 许多寺僧都隐藏在平民当中

    Many of the acolytes have been in hiding amongst the populace .

  5. 在南方每年到了秋天,总要想起陶然亭的芦花,钓鱼台的柳影,西山的虫唱,玉泉的夜月,潭柘寺的钟声。

    When I am in the South , the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping 's Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins , Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow bell .

  6. 本文利用支寺向量机(SVM)进行音素识别。

    A method for recognize speech phonemes based on Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) is presented .

  7. 为了估算鹿门寺林场马尾松林生物量,在利用GPS定位进行野外调查的基础上,设立样地,测定了鹿门寺林场的马尾松林的生物量。

    Based on field survey with GPS to fixed position , Pinus massoniana biomass in Lumensi forest farm were measured by setting up sample plots .

  8. 本文采用同步辐射X荧光对浙江寺龙口越窑的80块古瓷样品进行了分析,样品中V、Ni、Zn和Mn具有一定的年代变化规律性。

    Elements of eighty ancient celadon samples were analyzed by using synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence ( SRXRF ) . V , Ni , Zn and Mn display variable dynastic orderliness .

  9. 此寺庙又因苹果Mac电脑OSX系统的桌面图片“金阁寺”而被人们所熟知。

    It has also been made widely familiar as being featured in a photograph in the desktop picture art of Apple 's OS X computer operating system , labeled simply as " Golden Palace " .

  10. 我们就坐于少林寺餐馆内,少林寺是联合国教科文组织(Unesco)名下的世界遗产,坐落于中国中部河南省嵩山(MountSong)郁郁葱葱的山谷中。

    We 're sitting in the restaurant of the Shaolin Temple , a Unesco world heritage site nestled in a wooded valley in the shadow of Mount Song in China 's central Henan province .

  11. 《敦煌莫高窟的石窟寺:丝绸之路上的艺术与历史》(CaveTemplesofMogaoatDunhuang:ArtandHistoryontheSilkRoad,盖蒂保护研究所出版)。

    A more scholarly account of Dunhuang is " Cave Temples of Mogao at Dunhuang : Art and History on the Silk Road , " by Roderick and Susan Whitfield and Neville Agnew ( Getty Conservation Institute ) .

  12. 为此,对梅山水电站右坝肩坝基排水孔水位、水量、水质进行定期观测,并对现场水pH值测试资料进行了系统分析.宝珠寺水电站坝基排水孔异常逸出物成因分析

    In consideration of the above fact , an observation is performed of water table and water quality from drain holes in the right dam abutment of the Meishan Hydropower Station . Analysis of the formation of abnormal substances discharged from drainage well in Bao-zhu-si dam base

  13. 在她前任的神通死亡之后,神通Yangchen出生在西气和寺。

    Avatar Yangchen of the Air Nomads is born in the Western Air Temple , after the death of her predecessor .

  14. 本文介绍了利用PROMOS监控系统实现寺河矿大采高综采工作面泵站智能控制的原理、特点以及操作方法等。

    The paper introduces the principle , characteristic and operation method of intelligent control of pump station in fully mechanized mining face with high shear height which is realized by PROMOS monitoring system .

  15. 轨道交通M7线、M6线和已建地铁2号线在静安寺形成大型换乘枢纽,介绍了轨道交通静安寺枢纽站多个换乘方案,对各个方案的优缺点进行分析,提出推荐方案。

    Rail transit line M7 , M6 and the existing metro line 2 will converge at Jing'an Temple station . The paper introduces several transfer schemes of junction station of Jing'an Temple , and presents the optimum scheme through analysis .

  16. 对发射中子谱自寺和关联中子平均能量的计算结果分别与Pavlik等人的计算结果和我们的实验结果很好地符合。

    Our calculating results of the emitting neutron spectra and the average energy of related neutrons are respectively in good agreement with the calculating results of Pavlik et al . and our experimental result .

  17. 四川黄龙寺自然保护区内的黄龙沟长仅3.5km,海拔为3100–3569m。

    Huanglong Valley , at an elevation of 3100 – 3569 m and only 3.5 km long , is the main landscape feature of Huanglong Nature Reserve , Sichuan , China .

  18. 它也以货币崩溃被称之为次级银行业危机而告终,并几乎迫使政府为国民西敏寺银行(natwest)纾困(35年后由苏格兰皇家银行代为完成)。

    It too ended in monetary collapse , namely the secondary banking crisis , which came close to necessitating the public rescue of NatWest ( accomplished 35 years later , courtesy of the Royal Bank of Scotland ) .

  19. 在城市的西部地区,名为JabalOmar的酒店正在开发当中,预计可容纳10万朝圣者,麦加大清真寺也将扩建至可以容纳700万朝拜者。

    A collection of gigantic hotels in the west of the city known as the Jabal Omar development is intended to house 100000 pilgrims , while the Grand Mosque is to be upgraded to house seven million people at any one time .

  20. 至于住宿和餐饮,绒布寺是不错的选择。

    For the dining and accommodation , Rongbuk Monastery is recommended .

  21. 刘勰未到过莒县定林寺

    Liu Xie Never Went to Ding Lin Temple of Ju County

  22. 论宋代的甲乙与十方寺制

    On Jiayi and Shifang Buddhist Temple System in the Song Dynasty

  23. 灵峰寺文殊阁工程质量问题分析

    Analysis on quality problems of Bodhisattva pavilion work in Lingfeng Temple

  24. 宁夏银川新月园:一寺两馆规划设计方案

    Yinchuan Crescent Garden schematic design of one mosque and two halls

  25. 我们这个白马寺离洛阳有多远呢?

    How far is the White Horse Temple away from luoyang ?

  26. 广德寺景观及植被不被破坏。

    Landscape and vegetation of Guangde Temple shall not be damaged .

  27. 地质超前预报在天登寺隧道施工中的应用

    The Application of Geological Forecast in Tunnel Construc-tion in Tianshan Temple

  28. 瞿昙寺历史及其建筑艺术

    The Qu Tan temple 's history and its architectural art

  29. 整体铸造尼泊尔中华寺青铜大佛

    Monoblock Casting for the Large Bronze Buddhism Statue in Nepal Zhonghua Temple

  30. 南京灵谷寺森林种多度结构变化的研究

    Studies on the changes of species abundance structures of the forest in