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  • 网络Su Dongpo;Su Shi
  1. 苏东坡把灵感看作是创造力的精华,是解决久悬未决问题的突破口,是最佳创作状态的体现。

    Su Shi believes that inspiration is the essence of creation , the break for long unsettled problems and the embodiment of the best creative state .

  2. 这正是林语堂最为偏爱苏东坡之所在,也是他自己一生不懈的追求,或可视为林氏的东坡情结,而这东坡情结恰恰源于林氏自己标榜的早秋精神。

    This is Lin Yutang 's most partiality for Su Shi , also is his life unremitting pursue , may regard as Lin Yutang 's " DongPo Complex ", " DongPo Complex " originates " the early autumn spirit " which Lin Yutang flaunts .

  3. 苏东坡曾谪居黄州。

    At one time , su Dongpo was banished to huangzhou .

  4. 苏东坡一生的经历,根本是他本性的自然流露。

    The story of Su Tungpo is essentially the story of a mind .

  5. 宋代苏东坡曾到这里游览题诗;

    Sudongpo , the famous poet ever traveled and wrote poems here in Song-dynasty ;

  6. 试论苏东坡岭南诗学成就

    On Su Dongpo 's Poetic Achievement In Lingnan

  7. 这些惊奇的意象使人联想起苏东坡等诗人的作品。

    The surprising images remind them of the works of poets such as Su dongpo .

  8. 几十个字,把苏东坡的情感一下子宣泄出来。

    In just dozens of characters , his emotions and sentiments were all let go .

  9. 和陶诗是苏东坡追和陶渊明诗韵而创作的诗歌,现存124首,是诗人在生命的最后十年内,主要于扬州、惠州、儋州三地完成的。

    During his last ten years , Su Dongpo composed 124 poems on Tao Yuanming 's verses .

  10. 高丽中期苏东坡热与陶渊明文学的接受

    A Study on Su Dongpo Boom and Reception of Tao Yuanming Literature in the Middle of Koryo

  11. 三苏祠是我国北宋大文豪苏东坡的故居。

    Three-su Temple is the former residence of SU Dongpo , an eminent writer of the Song Dynasty .

  12. 苏东坡的旧迹价值连城,被很多人高价收藏。

    Su Dongpo 's writings and paintings are of great value , and collected by many at very high prices .

  13. 苏东坡当年的游踪、交友活动、诗词文赋及美食和传说等都有开发价值。

    It has developing value of Su Dongpo 's traveling trails , making friends activities , poetry , diet and legends , etc.

  14. 中国的读者欣赏他的作品因为他们的想象力惊人得丰富,这就使人们联想到苏东坡的诗歌。

    Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such ad Su Dongpo .

  15. 在陶渊明、李白、苏东坡等人的创作中,集中表现的是忧生的矛盾和痛苦,以及在此基础之上的超越和永恒。

    The works of Tao Yuanming , Li Bai and Su Dongpo focus on the life-worrying contradiction and anguish , and their transcendency and eternity .

  16. 宋代大诗人苏东坡在定州时,曾用“定州花瓷琢红玉”的诗句,来赞美定窑瓷器的绚丽多彩。

    The great Song dynasty poet Su in Dingzhou , I had to use " Dingzhou Huaci Zhuo-Yu ," a poem to praise Ding porcelain colorful .

  17. 苏东坡认为王安石观察有误,作诗讽喻:这位青年有成为诗人的希望。

    Su Dongpo derided this as poor and faulty observation , saying in his own poem that : The young man shows promise as a poet .

  18. 林语堂《苏东坡传》的文献取向主要表现为背景层与本事层文献的缺项。

    The documentary trend of Lin Yutang s " The Biography of Su Dongpo " epitomized in the documentary lacking of background level and event level .

  19. 解读苏东坡诗中的河东狮子吼&兼评王文诰为陈季常畏内鸣冤的得失

    To Unscramble the Chinese Idiom " HeDongShiHou " in SU Dong-po 's Poem & And Remark the Gain and Loss of WANG Wen-gao 's Voicing Grievances for CHEN Ji-chang

  20. 虽然历朝天子都对他怀有敬慕之心,而历朝皇后都是他的真挚友人,苏东坡竟屡遭贬降,曾受逮捕,忍辱苟活。

    With the successive emperors as his personal admirers and the empresses as his friends , Su Tungpo managed to be demoted and arrested , and to live in disgrace .

  21. 内容提要:苏东坡的《念奴娇》一直以来被认为是豪放之作,本文的观点不反对其确有豪放的成分。

    Abstract : Since Su Dongpo had " read slave is tender " is continuously considered is the bold work , this article viewpoint does not oppose it really has the bold ingredient .

  22. 像苏东坡说的月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间,完全是我无法想象的。

    It was beyond my wildest dream to understand what the poet Su Dongpo said in his poem : The moon rises above the Eastern Mountain and lingers between the Southern Dipper and Altair .

  23. 众人赞扬,趣闻传开,当时向苏东坡求师就教的人中,除了来学书法的、学写文章的外,也有人来学烧“东坡肉”。

    Among people who went to learn from Su Dongpo , besides those who wanted to learn writing and calligraphy , there were also people who went to learn how to cook " Dongpo Meat " .

  24. 尽管在宋代苏东坡提出了士人画的概念,可是充分体现这种概念内涵而相伴随的艺术实践并没有成为一种普遍的审美情境。

    Though in Song Dynasty Mr. Su Dongpo made the " scholar art " concept , however , fully embodies the meaning of this concept and the practice of accompanying art did not become a universal aesthetic context .

  25. 然而,欧阳修活了下来,他所支持的文风也改变了中国文学的发展方向,欧阳修赞扬提拔了一些像苏东坡、苏辙和曾巩这样才华横溢的年轻作家。

    He survived , however , and the literary style championed by him set a new course for Chinese literature . He praised and promoted brilliant young writers such as Su Dongpo , Su Zhe , and Zeng Gong .

  26. 本文分析了苏东坡乌台诗案受挫被贬后重拾尊严、重建自信,最终成为一代文学大师的心理恢复过程。

    This article analyzed the self-adjustment process of psychological of Su Dongpo who succeeded to get dignity and self-confidence and become a litterateur after frustration caused by ' Wu Tai Poem ' event . How to Reconstruct Social Credibility in China ?

  27. 东坡赤壁的主体建筑内,颇多苏东坡的手迹碑刻,仅碑阁内,就有102方东坡的石刻手迹。

    A considerable number of inscribed tablets based on Su Dongpo 's calligraphy are found in the major towers and pavilions at Su Dongpo 's Red Cliff . In the Pavilion of Tablets alone are found 102 carved inscriptions in his calligraphy .

  28. 那时我希望写一本有关苏东坡的书,或是翻译些他的诗文,而且,即便此事我不能如愿,我旅居海外之时,也愿身边有他相伴。

    I had hoped then to be able to write a book about him , or translate some of his poems or prose , and even if I could not do so , I wanted him to be with me while I was living abroad .

  29. 本文收集了苏东坡所创作的游戏文字,以及历史上流传的关于苏东坡的相关记载,试图运用古汉语修辞理论,对其中特色化辞格加以分析、归纳。

    This article has collected the game writing which Su Dongpo creates , as well as in the history correlation about Su Dongpo , attempts to utilize the ancient Chinese rhetoric theory to analyze the figures of speech in the game writing of Su Dongpo .