
  1. 苏炳添在周六于美国尤金举行的国际AFF钻石联赛中打破纪录。

    Su Bingtian broke record at Saturday 's IAFF Diamond League in Eugene , the United States .

  2. 决赛目标:突破10秒在2小时之后的决赛中,苏炳添以9秒98的成绩名列第六。

    In the final two hours later , Su crossed the finishing line sixth in 9.98 seconds .

  3. 考虑到苏炳添在田径界的地位,

    Considering Su Bingtian 's stature in the world of Track & Field ,

  4. 在决赛中,32岁的苏炳添以9.95秒的成绩打破了全运会比赛纪录,

    The 32-year-old clocked the Game 's record 9.95 seconds in the final ,

  5. 苏炳添是亚洲跑得最快的运动员,

    Su is the fastest man in Asia ,

  6. 短跑运动员苏炳添,获得了他个人在全运会男子100米比赛这一项目上的第一枚金牌。

    Sprinter Su Bingtian won the men 's 100 meters to claim his first gold medal at the Games .

  7. 全国五一劳动奖章授予射击运动员杨倩、短跑运动员苏炳添等45名金牌获得者。

    The National May 1st Labor Medals were awarded to 45 gold medalists , including shooter Yang Qian , and sprinter Su Bingtian .

  8. 苏炳添以9.99秒的成绩晋级男子100米决赛,追平了他在半决赛时创造的国家纪录,成为历史上首位进入田径世锦赛男子100米决赛的亚洲选手。

    Su Bingtian also became the first Asian athlete to reach the 100-meter final after equaling his national record of 9.99 seconds in the semifinals .

  9. 中国110米栏奥运冠军刘翔见证了苏炳添创纪录的过程,并称赞他“太牛了!太牛了!”

    China 's Olympics 110m hurdles champion Liu Xiang witnessed Su 's record-breaking performance . " You are great ! You are great ! " Liu said .

  10. 中国运动员苏炳添成为首位杀入世锦赛男子百米决赛的亚洲选手,并因此创造了历史。

    Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian made history on Sunday by becoming the first Asian athlete to appear in the men 's 100m final at the world athletics championships .

  11. 这次以9.95秒的成绩第一个撞线,让32岁的苏炳添在本土获得了他这一此前从未染指过的冠军。

    So a time of 9.95 seconds to finish first here got the 32-year-old that elusive title on home soil that was absent from his list of wins .

  12. 虽然在决赛中苏炳添以10秒06取得第九名,但无论如何,他作为历届亚洲选手中的一名开拓者,将被世人铭记!

    Although he finished ninth in the final with a time of 10.06 seconds , Su cemented his status as a groundbreaker to be remembered in the history of Asian athletics .

  13. 以26岁的苏炳添为领导的中国男队在4x100米接力中最初以第三完赛,但在美国交接棒犯规后跃升第二。

    Led by 26-year-old Su Bingtian , the men 's team initially finished third in the 4x100m relay final but was upgraded to second place after the United States was disqualified for a false exchange .

  14. 在2014亚运会田径男子4X100米接力决赛中,由苏炳添、张培萌、谢震业和陈时伟组成的中国队以37秒99的成绩打破七年来一直被日本保持的亚洲纪录,夺得冠军。

    Teamed with Zhang Peimeng , Xie Zhenye and Chen Shiwei , Su 's team clocked 37.99 sec to win 4X100m gold at the 2014 Asian Games , breaking the previous Asian record held by Japan for seven years .

  15. 自打今年年初在佛罗里达接受了训练,这次是在继俄勒冈尤金站的国际田联钻石联赛取得了第三名之后,苏炳添又成为了冲破十秒屏障的第一个中国人。

    After training in Florida at the beginning of this year , Su sprinted to a national record 9.99 sec to become the first Chinese to crack the 10-sec barrier after finishing third at an IAAF Diamond League meet in Engene , Oregon .

  16. 鸟巢里众多的观众双手手指交叉,祈盼着奇迹的出现。9秒99!苏炳添在半决赛中以优异的成绩顺利成为决赛中九位“飞人”中的一员。

    With the huge crowd at the Bird 's Nest keeping their fingers crossed and hoping for a miracle , Su delivered a national record-tying result of 9.99 seconds in the semifinals to qualify as one of the nine fastest men in the world .

  17. 在今年5月30日的2015国际田联钻石联赛尤金站比赛中,中国运动员苏炳添在男子100米比赛中以9秒99获得第三,仅次于美国选手泰森·盖伊和麦克·罗杰斯,成为首个跑进10秒大关的中国“飞人”。

    Su Bingtian dashed to a career best of 9.99 seconds to finish third behind American Tyson Gay and Mike Rodgers in the men 's 100-meter race at the 2015 IAAF Diamond League Eugene meet on May 30 , becoming the first Chinese to dip under the 10-second barrier in 100m .