
  • 网络Sumatran orangutan
  1. 迈阿密(美联社)&世界上最长寿的55岁苏门答腊猩猩日前在迈阿密动物园去世。

    MIAMI ( AP ) & A55-year-old Sumatran orangutan , believed to be the world 's oldest , has died at the Miami zoo .

  2. 29岁的桑德拉是布宜诺斯艾利斯动物园内的一只苏门答腊猩猩。今年11月份,动物权利倡导者代表桑德拉提交了一份人身保护请愿书,这是专门用于挑战人身拘留或监禁合法性的文件。

    Animal rights campaigners filed a habeas corpus petition - a document more typically used to challenge the legality of a person 's detention or imprisonment - in November on behalf of Sandra , a 29-year-old Sumatran orangutan at the Buenos Aires zoo .

  3. 苏门答腊猩猩的平均寿命在40到50岁。

    A typical life span for Sumatran orangutans is40 to50 years .

  4. 在Instagram账号上,迪卡普里奥表示,他正在努力挽救列尤择的生态系统。他写道:“这里是地球上最后一个苏门答腊红毛猩猩,老虎,犀牛和大象野生共存的地方”。

    In posts on his Instagram account , Mr DiCaprio said he was working to save the Leuser ecosystem , " the last place on Earth where Sumatran orang-utans , tigers , rhinos and elephants coexist in the wild . "

  5. 我很清楚这次在苏门答腊寻找野生猩猩的旅程将充满艰辛。

    I knew the trip to pursue wild orangutans in Sumatra would be tough .