
  • 网络non-confrontation
  1. 在非对抗环境下,攻击者最终会获取到所有资源信息。

    In the case of non-confrontation , attacker will discover all resources finally .

  2. 基于DFL的多Agent在对抗环境和非对抗环境中的协调模型及应用研究

    Research and Application on Mutil-agent Coordination Model Based on DFL in Antagonistic Environment and Non-antagonistic Environment

  3. 20国集团(g20)不妨以非对抗的方式,开始着手处理这个问题,坚定地把建设大宗商品市场监督机制列入议程。

    The group of 20 can begin to bring this about in a non-confrontational manner by putting mechanisms to monitor commodity markets firmly on its agenda .

  4. 这不仅是因为中国传统的儒家和为贵的精神与ADR非对抗性特征的相耦合,而且是缓解司法危机,建设和谐社会以及奠定当事人主义的需要。

    It is not only due to the coupling between the traditional spirits of Confucian in Chinese society and the characteristic of nonantagonistic of ADR , but due to the requirements of dispelling judicial crisis , building a harmonious society and establishing the theory of ' party-domination .

  5. 记录各实验组中布氏田鼠在观察箱内(两个大小为37cm×27cm×17cm的有机塑料箱合并而成)10min内发生的非对抗行为频次和对抗行为频次。

    The non-agnostic and agnostic behavior of the voles were observed for ten minutes in an observation box which was made by placing two boxes together ( each box was 37 cm × 27 cm × 17 cm ) .

  6. 列宁正确论述了人民内部矛盾的非对抗性;

    Lenin expounded exactly the non-antagonism of the contradictions among the people .

  7. 警察在非对抗执法过程中的心理分析

    Police 's psychoanalysis in the course of non-confronting law enforcement

  8. 基于范例推理的后勤非对抗性仿真作业系统研究

    Research on Schoolwork System of Logistics Nonantagonistic Simulation Based on Case-Based Reasoning

  9. 警察在非对抗性执法活动中的心理研究

    Study on Police 's Psychology in Non-opposed Law Enforcement Activity

  10. 一种方法是找到非对抗的策略。

    One way is to find a non-confrontational strategy .

  11. 我们在谈的是一个非对抗性的人。

    We 're talking about someone who 's non-confrontational .

  12. 在这种大背景下必然要求区域内的城市更多的合作而非对抗性的竞争。

    It required more cooperation but not nonantagonistic competition between cities in the region .

  13. 教师培训中的非对抗性冲突及其原因

    Nonantagonistic Conflicts and Reasons in Teacher Training

  14. 这都是非对抗性的矛盾。

    These contradictions are all non-antagonistic .

  15. 北京方面更喜欢谈论整体和谐以及非对抗、非政治性扩张经济空间。

    Beijing prefers to speak about overall harmony and non-confrontational and non-political expansion of an economic space .

  16. 这一非对抗性方针带来的是新闻媒体报道越来越少。

    This less confrontational approach , however , also makes less news for the media to cover .

  17. 在理论上,管理式谈判能够提供优越的形式鼓励合作而非对抗。

    In theory , regulatory negotiation can provide a superior format for encouraging cooperation rather than confrontation .

  18. 正义伴随社会矛盾产生,是非对抗性社会矛盾发展的稳定状态。

    Justice , with the social contradictions , is the steady state non antagonistic contradictions of social development .

  19. 利益冲突有两种基本形式:一是对抗性的,一是非对抗性的。

    The benefit conflict has two kind of fundamental modes : One is antagonism , a right and wrong antagonism .

  20. 新的社会阶层与其他社会阶层之间的矛盾是人民内部的、非对抗性的矛盾。

    The contradictions between the Emerging Social Strata and other strata are just the no antagonistic ones among the people .

  21. 回顾过去,我们知道,大国之间选择合作而非对抗会带来更大的惠益;

    Consider the past , we know that more is to be gained when great powers cooperate than when they collide .

  22. 在一个团队中,要取得良好的效果,不应采取对抗性博弈,而应制造非对抗性博弈,在竞争合作中寻找到辩证的结合点。

    To achieve a benign outcome in a team , withstanding game should not be adopted to seek dialectical conjunction in competing corporation .

  23. 这场冲突的实质既非阶级斗争,亦非对抗性的原则分歧,而在很大程度上是两个政治派别间的权势之争。

    The struggle was not class struggle , nor a conflict of different principles , but a power struggle of two political groups .

  24. 也就是说,西方政治学的发展一直居于一种竞争态势,而中国政治学的发展一直处于一种非对抗态势。

    In other words , Western politics has developed in a state of competition , whereas Chinese politics has developed in a non-antagonistic state .

  25. 其他较小的北极周边国家或许已经察觉到他们在自由混战中的弱势,开始寻求调解而非对抗。

    Other , smaller , Arctic powers , perhaps sensing their likely weakness in a free-for-all , are already seeking conciliation rather than confrontation .

  26. 决策者近期的声明显示,上述争论出现了微妙的转变更加强调保持经济增长,而非对抗通胀。

    Recent statements by policymakers indicated a subtle shift in the debate , with greater emphasis placed on maintaining growth than on tackling inflation .

  27. newlywed:新婚的。3.这个农夫很真诚地尽力以友好的态度对待他的新任岳母,希望建立起友好的,而非对抗性的关系。genuinely:真诚地,真心地;antagonistic:对抗(性)的,敌对(性)的。

    The farmer had genuinely tried to be friendly to his new mother-in-law , hoping that it could be a friendly , non-antagonistic relationship .

  28. 该文探讨了在非对抗和1&1对抗条件下坦克武器系统的射击效率分析问题。

    The paper stated the problems of shot effectiveness analysis of the tank weapon system under the conditions of the non-engagement and the one-versus-one duel .

  29. 科技业可以发挥关键作用,但要收到实效,行业应该与政府合作,而非对抗。

    The tech industry has a critical role to play but , for it to be effective , it should work with government rather than against it .

  30. 在当代国企变革的生产政治过程中,普通工人与一般管理者之间存在着局部范围内的非对抗性冲突。

    In the process of production politics of the contemporary State-owed Enterprises during changing , there is non-antagonistic partly and limit conflicts between general labors and managers .