
  • 网络Non state-owned enterprises;non-soe;non-state enterprises;non-state industries
  1. 但其长期现金流量能力、短期发展能力却显著高于非国有企业。

    But its long-term cash flow capacity and short-term development capacity were significantly higher than non-state enterprises .

  2. 近年来,集体合同制度不仅在非国有企业推广,而且在国有企业的改革过程中也得到逐步推行。

    In recent years , the group contract system has not only been popularized in non-state enterprises , but also been gradually carried out during the reform of state-owned enterprises .

  3. 非国有企业逐渐挤掉了效率低下的国有企业。

    Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones

  4. 对情境因素的探索性分析结论(1)非国有企业的ERP实施成功率也比国有企业高;

    The conclusions for context factors ( 1 ) The non-state-owned enterprises do better for some CSFs and have higher success rate than their state-owned peers .

  5. 同时发现IPO定价制度由行政化定价方式向市场化定价方式的转变对国有企业与非国有企业盈余管理都起到了约束作用,但对非国有企业的约束效果更明显。

    Meanwhile , it has been found that the change from administrative pricing to market pricing constrains the earnings management in both state-owned enterprises and non state-owned enterprises . However , the constraint effect on non state-owned enterprises is more obvious .

  6. 非国有企业收购国有控股权绩效实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Performance of Stock Acquisition of State-owned Enterprises

  7. 国有企业和非国有企业税负比较的思考

    Comparison of the Tax Burden between State-owned Enterprises and Non-state-owned Ones

  8. 相比与非国有企业,制度环境的改变对国有企业的影响更加显著。

    The change of institutional environment remarkably effects the state-owned enterprises .

  9. 信息不对称条件下非国有企业的资金供给

    On the Financial Supply of Non-state-owed Enterprises in Terms of Information Asymmetry

  10. 简析加强非国有企业档案管理的重要性

    Generally Analyze the Importance of Archives Management in Non-state Enterprise

  11. 论《企业财务通则》在非国有企业中的应用

    Application of Enterprises ' Accounting Standards in Non-national Enterprises

  12. 刑法作为制裁措施最严厉的法律,在维护非国有企业权益上应起到重要作用。

    Criminal law as the most severe punishment should have its own effect .

  13. 非国有企业不应该理所当然的认为是完全私有的。

    The non-state sector should not been mistakenly represented as predominantly privately owned .

  14. 应加强非国有企业合法权益的刑法保护

    Strengthen the Protection of Criminal Law to the Legitimate Interests of Non-State-Owned Enterprises

  15. 非国有企业金融支持体系研究

    Research on Finance Support System for Non-State-Owned Enterprises

  16. 企业绩效差异根源论&来自转型期国有与非国有企业的经验证据

    On the Source of the Performance of Enterprises

  17. 非国有企业权益刑法保护问题研究

    Research on the Protection By Criminal Law of Non-state-owned Enterprise 's rights and interests

  18. 非国有企业融资问题探析

    Inquiry on Financing of Non-state Owned Enterprises

  19. 对非国有企业健康发展问题的思考

    Thoughts on healthy development of non-state-owned enterprises

  20. 非国有企业正在迅速发展;

    Enterprises are under development rapidly .

  21. 我国非国有企业经营战略问题分析与对策调整

    Analysis of strategies and adjustment of measures in non - state - owned enterprises in China

  22. 非国有企业是随着我国经济体制改革的逐步推进而不断发展、壮大的。

    The non-state-owned enterprises in china are developing with the advancing of the reform of economic system .

  23. 伴随经济体制转向市场化,非国有企业在国民经济中的作用和地位迅速提升。

    Along with the economic system market-oriented , the status and role of non state-owned enterprises promoted rapid .

  24. 第二,企业高管薪酬内部不公平与未来业绩之间的负相关关系,在非国有企业会变为正相关关系,转而支持锦标赛理论,在国有企业依然支持行为理论。

    Second , this non-negative correlation in the non-state-owned enterprises will become a positive correlation in favor of tournament theory .

  25. 内容提要国有企业创新活跃程度不如非国有企业,这与其所拥有的创新资源不相称。

    The activity of SOEs'independent innovation is worse than non-SOEs ' , which is not fit for their innovation resources .

  26. 国有与非国有企业标准化活动的差异研究&基于上海市的调查分析

    The Study of the Difference in Enterprise Standardization between State-Owned and non-State-Owned company & Based on Shanghai 's Investigation and Analysis

  27. 论文首先介绍和剖析了非国有企业的作用、现状和金融困境。

    In the paper , the introduction and analysis for the status and financial predicament of the non-state-owned enterprises are firstly performed .

  28. 抵押得不到信任,而政府管理的财政系统也不鼓励工作人员发放贷款,因为他们觉得借钱给非国有企业存在风险。

    Collateral is suspect and the state-controlled financial system does not reward loan officers for assuming the risks that come with non-state-controlled companies .

  29. 但与国有企业相比,非国有企业合法权益的法律保护、特别是刑法保护已显不力。

    Compared with the state-owned enterprises , however , the protection of law , especially of criminal law , is not efficient enough .

  30. 但是区分企业的股权结构后,可以发现,对非国有企业来说,高管的政府背景对公司价值有显著的正向影响。

    However , the non-state-owned listed firms with political connection do have more significant positive influences on their values when differentiating the ownership structures .