
  1. CIS企业识别系统在高校体育团体中的实践与应用

    Application of Corporation Identification System in Sports Organization

  2. NBA将成为哈佛商学院研究外国体育团体如何在中国做成功生意的案例。

    The NBA will become the Harvard Business School case study for how a foreign sports property builds a successful business in China .

  3. “精武会”是我国第一个具有近代意义的民间体育团体。

    Chinwoo Association is the first sports NGO in Chinese modern history .

  4. 大学生体育团体现状分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the College Students Physical Education Group

  5. 民间体育团体可依法继续存在和发展。

    Non-governmental sports organizations may continue to exist and develop in accordance with law .

  6. 支持老年体育团体举办各项有关促进老年人体质健康的活动。

    Support for the elderly organizing the relevant sports bodies to promote the physical health of older persons .

  7. 组织面临主要问题:基层正式的体育团体存在着行政色彩浓,运作能力不足的问题;

    Main problem of this organization : executive color of the primary formal sports organizations , low operational capability ;

  8. 当前,贵阳市社区体育团体中设置的专职体育指导负责人员的较少,其中,多数是离退休人员兼任。

    Current , there are full-time personnel in Guiyang city community sports , among them , the most is retirees .

  9. 民间体育团体可依法继续存在和发展。对民办院校体育部门和谐团队建设的探讨

    Non-governmental sports organizations may continue to exist and develop in accordance with law . Study on Construction of Sports Sector Harmonious Team in Private Colleges

  10. 但嘘声背后的原因并不在于她的笨拙——巴德在那年的早些时候才申请了英国的公民身份,由于当时南非奉行种族隔离政策,南非的体育团体被禁止参加奥运会。

    But the underlying cause for the booing wasn 't her clumsiness - Budd had only applied for British citizenship earlier that year , since South Africa at the time was banned from participating in the Olympics due to its then-policy of * apartheid .

  11. 对体育舞蹈团体舞音乐编排的探究

    A Probe into the Music Composition for Sports Group Dance

  12. 对体育舞蹈团体编排的研究

    Research on Group Set up of Physical Education Dance

  13. 但群众性体育健身团体在发展过程中也出现了一些问题。

    But there exist some problems in the development of mass sport organizations .

  14. 中国体育社会团体的发展

    Development of Chinese sports social group

  15. 论改善高校体育社会团体建设与促进人的现代社会主体素质的培养

    To Discussion On the Construction Of the Sports Social Groups And Fostering The Development Of Human Being 's Modern Qualities

  16. 最后,提出了创编体育舞蹈团体舞队形变化的艺术性措施和建议。

    Finally , this article puts forward the sports dance groups creating artistic dance formation change measures and Suggestions are proposed .

  17. 体育舞蹈团体舞项目比赛中,队形的变化是比赛评分的重要内容之一。

    Athletic sports dance group dance project game , formation and the changes of the game by one of important content is .

  18. 结合体育舞蹈团体舞的项目特点,对队形的类型、特点与动作的相互关系及其变化的规律进行了探讨。

    Types , characteristics and the relationships among actions of the Group dancing formations and laws of their changes were expounded in light of the features of Group sports dancing .

  19. 建议在立法机关及时完善体育社会团体的自律性处罚权的同时,应采取措施使政社分开,保障体育社会团体真正实现自律性管理。

    The paper suggests that while the legislature perfects the self discipline of sports social groups , it should take measures to separate the politics from society , to ensure sports social groups so as to realize self discipline administration .

  20. 群众性体育健身团体是我国现阶段群众体育发展的一支重要力量,但存在着诸多非协调发展的状况,直接或间接影响着我国群众体育的发展及全民健身计划的实施。

    Mass athletics gymnastic group is the important forces of mass athletics development in our country . But there exist many unharmonious development conditions , which directly or the indirectly affect the development of our mass athletics and the carrying out of the nationwide body-building plan .

  21. 中国乒乓球协会是中华全国体育总会的团体会员,是中国奥林匹克委员会承认的全国性运动协会。

    It is also the permanent official organ for the Table Tennis and Badminton Administrative Centre of General Administration of Sport of China .

  22. 学校体育的学术团体或行政管理部门,可以有计划的召开学校体育课程改革与建设学术交流会,以推动我国学校体育进一步发展。

    The academic organizations or the administration departments of school physical education may plan to hold meetings for academic exchanges of the reform and construction of the school physical education curriculum in order to further carry forward the school physical education in China .

  23. 试析体育教学中同辈团体对中学男生勇敢顽强意志行为的影响

    An Analysis of the Influence of a Middle-School Boys ′ Peer Group on Its Members ′ Brave Deeds

  24. 尽管自行车排名很高,但社交体育运动(如团体运动)能产生更积极的影响。

    Social physical activities ( i.e. team sports ) had an even more positive effect , although cycling ranked highly .

  25. 成立职业体育联盟是所有团体性职业运动发展和财政稳定的首要条件。

    The establishment of professional sports leagues is the primary condition for the development and financial stability in all group professional sports .

  26. 中国大学生体育协会作为我国唯一的高等学校体育社会团体,在大学生综合素质培养中的作用日益彰显。

    FUSC , as the sole social organization of university sports in China , has played a more and more important role in the cultivation of university students .

  27. 并就此提出了应加快学校体育改革进程,大力发展农村社会的体育组织与团体,积极弘扬优秀的民族文化等建议。

    At last , it made some suggestions that the reform course of school sports quicken and actively develop gymnasium groups in country community and excellent nation culture .

  28. 联邦政府按照辅助原则行使其扶助权利,即国家的促进体育作用实际上是对自助的帮助,是在自治体育团体需要帮助时才给予的援助。

    The government made its duty and power according to the principle of assistance , That is to say that the government plays an assistant part in promoting the development of physical education and sport when the sport self-management association needs help .

  29. 教育系统作为人才培养的主阵地,社会期待其在竞技体育人才培养中承担起更大的作用。职业体育俱乐部和其他社会体育团体在竞技体育人才培养和运动员职业转化作用应当加强。

    The educational institutions , the main institutions for talents training , are expected to play a more important role in athletes training while the professional sports clubs and other social physical educational training bodies should increase their role in it .

  30. 本文建议:(1)体育教师充实自身生态体育的知识内涵,扩大教师的校际交流,组织生态体育团体,鼓励相关教师协同教学,同时可与生态体育相关单位相互沟通与合作。

    We propose : ( 1 ) Teachers should enrich their knowledge of ecology sports , we should expand teacher exchanges between schools , organize some groups of ecology sports , add ecology sports-related teaching , communicate and collaborate with some other ecology sports organizations .