
tǐ yù kè
  • physical education class;physical education;PE
  1. 对我校体育课成绩评价方法的分析

    An Analysis of Methods about Assessing Physical Education Class of Bohai University

  2. 从体育课的结构来看,高三年级的体育课中准备和结束部分占用时间较短,学生练习时间过长,教师教授指导时间严重不足。

    According to the structure of physical education class , the occupation of preparation and ending is too small , students practice too long , and the time for teachers ' guide is too short .

  3. 体育课在学校的课程表上已不再是重点课。

    Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable .

  4. 今天下午有一节体育课。

    We 'll have an hour of pe ( physical education ) this afternoon .

  5. 如果说我是极度痛苦地上了植物学和经济学课&痛苦的原因不同,那么体育课就痛苦愈甚,真是不堪回首。

    If I went through anguish in botany and economics for different reasons gymnasium work was even worse .

  6. 那些提倡减少体育课的观点之一就是担心体育课会占用学习时间。

    The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away from study time .

  7. 这些数据一定会进一步激化关于是否应减少体育课的持续争论,因为学校正由于预算太少而为了生存苦苦挣扎。

    The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to survive on smaller budgets .

  8. 在我的第一堂体育课上,老师要求我们跑几圈,然后打垒球。

    In my first P . E . class , the teacher required us to run laps and then hit a softball .

  9. 凯莉为什么喜欢体育课。

    So why does Kelly love P.E. class .

  10. 她成功了!凯利心想:“明天体育课我就能跳过那些箱子了。”

    She made it ! Kelly thought to herself , " Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in P.E. class . "

  11. AHP法在体育课质量评价中的量化作用

    The quantification role of " AHP " method in evaluating the P.E. class quality

  12. 体育课能有效提高抗氧化酶SOD活力,使有氧氧化系统对组织细胞有效供氧,机能增强;

    The PE can increase the vitality of SOD , make the oxygen oxidizing system to organize cell provide the oxygen effectively .

  13. 尽可能采用多种教学方法,通过课堂教学,使学生喜欢上体育课,以最大限度激发学生学习Hip-Hop运动的兴趣和热情;

    Teachers make a scientific and logical teaching aim , to make the students care the Hip-Hop by multi-form lessons , explode their passions .

  14. 高校体育课成绩评定方法的探讨

    Exploring the Method of the Achievement Assess of University Sports courses

  15. 高校体育课过程评价考核研究与实践

    Research and Application of " Process Assessment " of College PE

  16. 拓展训练&高校体育课的新内容

    Outward bound & the new content of the higher educational P.E.course

  17. 韵律操在高校女生体育课准备活动中的运用

    Function of Gymnastic Exercises in Physical Education for College Girl Students

  18. 普通高校体育课健身运动处方的实效性研究

    Effectiveness of Keep-fit Prescription in General Higher Institutes during Sports Activities

  19. 浅谈体育课中师生交往与心理健康

    Communication Between Teachers and Students in Physical Education and Mental Health

  20. 对构建我校体育课教学模式的思考

    Thinking about the Mode Teachings in Dalian University 's Physical Courses

  21. 试析体育课的结束技能

    An Analysis on the Skill of Ending a Physical Education Class

  22. 大多数学生对学校体育课的喜爱程度是一般。

    Most students fondness degree of school physical education is generally .

  23. 下午我们在体育馆上了体育课。

    In the afternoon , we had PE in the gym .

  24. 哦!天啊!我想上体育课!

    Oh ! my god ! I want to sports class !

  25. 体育课学生伤害事故责任认定与处理的法律探讨

    Legal Discussion of Liability Identification on Accidents in Physical Education Case

  26. 提高高校体育课的质量刍议

    An Opinion of Improving the Quality of University Physical Education Course

  27. 高校体育课教学内容改革的探讨

    Discussion on Reform of the Contents of Physical Education in Colleges

  28. 我们有体育课和电脑课并且我们有马铃薯作为午餐。

    We have P.E.and computer class and we have potatoes for lunch .

  29. 新一轮体育课改带来的困惑和误区

    Confusions and misunderstandings brought by the new round of PE curriculum reform

  30. 高校体育课中教师引导者和促进者的作用

    The Function of Teacher 's Guider and Prompter in Universities ' PE