
tǐ yù kē xué
  • sports science
  1. 体育科学研究中抽样调查及检验问题的分析

    Analysis of Sampling Investigation and Inspection Problems in Sports Science Researches

  2. 体育科学发展动因的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thoughts On Motive Factors Of The Sports Science 's Development

  3. SCI与体育科学研究评价

    Science Citation Index ( SCI ) and Evaluation on Scientific Researches in Sports

  4. 握力被广泛用于体育科学中作为一项前臂与手部肌力的指标,但简单地以每千克体重的握力(GS/KG)作为指数来衡量不同体型个体的相对水平不尽合理。

    The grip strength ( GS ) is widely used as an indicator of the forearm and hand force in the physical measurement . But it was suggested that GS / KG as an index of relative level of grip strength for individuals with different body mass was unfair .

  5. 体育科学研究发展现状的探讨

    Study on the Situation of Development of Science Research in Pe

  6. 对体育科学概念的商榷

    A Discussion on the Concepts of PE science : My Opinion

  7. 学校体育科学研究中的实验方法

    On the Experimental Method of Scientific Study on School Physical Education

  8. 个案研究可以做成体育科学的博士论文吗?

    Can a case study be a Ph.D.Thesis in sports sciences ?

  9. 论面向21世纪体育科学研究方法的发展趋势

    On Developing Trends of Sports Science Research Method Facing 21 Century

  10. 体育科学研究中应用数学方法的几点提示

    The Prompting of Applied Mathematical Methods in Sport Scientific Research

  11. 现代体育科学发展对排球科研的影响

    The Development of Modern Sports Science and Its Effect on Volleyball Research

  12. 第三届全国青年体育科学学术会议论文综述

    Themes analysis : dissertations in the third national youth athletics scientific seminar

  13. 体育科学向深度与广度发展的两个方向

    Two Directions of Sports Science Development towards Width and Depth

  14. 体育科学研究的发展、应当急需解决的几个问题

    Some Problems Which Must Be Promptly Solved in Sports Science Researches Development

  15. 安徽省第1届体育科学大会述评

    Comments On Tle First Athletic Science Congress of Anhui Province

  16. 世界体育科学研究现状和发展趋势

    Current status and development trend of world sports science research

  17. 关于我国体育科学研究现状的分析

    An Analysis of Status quo of the Research into Chinese Sport Science

  18. 1990~1994年《体育科学》载文时滞分析

    Time Delay of the Articles Published in SPORTS SCIENCE 1990-1994

  19. 我国体育科学研究领域亟需学术批判

    Urgent Need of Academic Criticism in Physical Education Research Field

  20. 2005年《体育科学》的引文分析

    Quotation Analysis in " Scientific Study of Physical Education " in 2005

  21. 体育科学的英文不同表达方式

    The Different Expressions of the Concept SPORT SCIENCE in English

  22. 体育科学研究中数据变异的分类及处理

    Classifying and Processing the Variance of Data in Scientific Researches in Sports

  23. 体育科学体系及其在现代科学中的地位

    Sports science system and its standing in modern science

  24. 体育科学的发展趋势是高度分化又高度综合,多学科交叉、借鉴和互补,体育科学发展速度滞后于其他科学的发展。

    Mult-disciplinary involvement and interlacement will be the tendency of sports science development .

  25. 我国体育科学研究中的方法学问题

    Problems of Methodology in Sports Science Research in China

  26. 体育科学的学科结构初探

    On the subject structure of the physical education science

  27. 跨学科研究法在体育科学创新中的作用

    Role of Trans-Discipline Study in Innovation of Sports Science

  28. 大学生体育科学意识的培养

    Training the sense or sports science Among college students

  29. 体育科学研究方法的学科应用研究

    Analysis on Application of the Research Method in Sports Since for its Subject

  30. 体育科学论(科学哲学);

    Theory of sport science ( scientific philosophy ) ;