
  • 网络Systematic theology
  1. 《圣经》研究与系统神学是不可分开的!

    You see , Biblical studies cannot be separated from doctrine ( systematic theology )!

  2. 1955年,金获得了系统神学的博士学位。

    D.in systematic theology in1955 .

  3. 圣经不是一本系统神学的教科书,虽然他也有非常多的系统性的真理。但是包含诗歌文体、叙述文体、书信、启示文学里的,象征语法等。

    Bible is not a systematic theology textbook , although it does give a whole lot systematic truth , but includes lament , narratives , letters , apocalyptic symbolism etc.

  4. 文章从系统神学的原罪论、救赎论和末世论等方面对该音乐作品的思想内涵作了初步探讨。基督教原罪论对现代刑法的启蒙

    The article discussed implied meaning of the work on the aspect of systematic theology such as the theory of original sin , atone , last phase of an age and so on . Enlightenment of the Original Sin Doctrine in Christianity to the Modern Criminal Law System

  5. 摘要阿奎那把亚里斯多德的理论与基督教神学巧妙地结合起来,从哲学上论证了理性和信仰的关系,并把意志和理性、自然法和神法结合了起来,创立了完备而系统的神学法学体系。

    Ingeniously integrated aristotle 's theory with Christian theology , Aquinas successfully demonstrated the relationship between the reason and belief , and set up mature and systematic theological legal theory based on the combination of will and reason , natural law and divine law .

  6. 在西方文化中,《圣经·旧约》比较系统地以神学教义的方式阐释了劳动伦理。

    According to the Old Testament , labour ethics was systematically recorded in a theological way .