
xínɡ shì fǎ
  • criminal law
  1. 在刑事法层面引入和解元素,具有重要的作用与意义。

    The introduction of the elements of reconciliation from the perspective of criminal law is of great importance and significance .

  2. 美国少年司法理念有着悠久的思想渊源,刑事法思想的演进、儿童观的形成、国家亲权思想等是美国少年司法理念的思想基础。

    The concept of juvenile justice in the U.S.A has its ideological origins for a long time , which is based on the evolution of the criminal law ideology , the formation of concept for children , and the thinking such as parental authority belongs to the State .

  3. 1.taxcoden.税制,税项税收刑事法的制定是为了实现两个目标。2.servev.任(职)

    The statutes in a criminal tax code are designed to accomplish two primary goals .

  4. 但是TrinityMirror(明镜报母公司)表示明镜报的所有记者都在英国媒体投诉委员会和刑事法的约束之内工作。

    Trinity Mirror said its journalists work within the criminal law and Press Complaints Commission code of conduct .

  5. 刑事法视野中的实体正义与程序正义

    Entity Justice and Procedural Justice : in View of Criminal Law

  6. 刑事法视野中的诉讼欺诈行为研究

    Studies on the Act of Litigation Fraud in the view of Criminal Law

  7. 中韩两国刑事法中的保护被害人制度比较

    A Comparison between China and ROK in Their Criminal Laws concerning the Protection of Victims

  8. 这反映了我国刑法学术界和司法实践界对处于刑事法中主体地位之被害人的漠视。

    This indicates our country ignore the victim 's main body status in the criminal law .

  9. 《公民权利与政治权利国际公约》对我国刑事法的影响

    The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to the Influence of China 's Criminal Law

  10. 虽然税收刑事法的规定非常简单,但是如何实施却很复杂。

    Although criminal tax statutes are extraordinarily uncomplicated , enforcement of these same statutes is quite complex .

  11. 本部分从刑事法的基本原则、主要罪名及刑罚种类三个方面对右江革命根据地刑事法主要内容进行论述。

    This part stated from three aspects of basic rules , main charges , and types of penalty .

  12. 最有效的税收刑事法应当简短并且能够被相关人理解。

    The most effective criminal tax statutes are short , uncomplicated , and easily understood by all concerned individuals .

  13. 再次,探讨了搜查的法理基础,即从宪法上的授权、刑事法上的授权以及警察法上的授权三个角度论述了搜查权的渊源;

    Namely analyzing the source of the power of search from the authorization of constitution , criminal law and police law ;

  14. 第二章论述根据现代刑事法理念构建刑事再审理由所应具备的理论基础。

    Second chapter dissertates the theoretic bases of how to establish the system of retrial procedure according to the modern criminal law idea .

  15. 死刑制度的改革是当前我国刑事法领域乃至整个法治领域最受关注的重大现实法治问题。

    The reform of capital punishment system is the greatest law problem in the current criminal law field and even the entire law field .

  16. 刑事法以外的违法行为内部控制的职能是有效地防止或及时发现各种违规违法行为,提高工作效率和工作质量。

    The function of the inner control is to effectively prevent and timely find out various lawbreaking activities , to raise working efficiency and working quality .

  17. 而在刑事法领域,由于缺乏系统的学理支持,刑事判决依然未受到既判力的有力约束,审判权之间的制约关系也相对薄弱。

    However , in the realm of criminal law , due to lack of systematically academic support , criminal judgments have not been effectively bound by res judicata consequently .

  18. 然而在刑事法领域,由于推定结论的盖然性以及受到无罪推定原则的影响,推定的适用受到一定的限制,无从发挥其应有的作用。

    However , in criminal lawsuit area , Presumption can not be brought into play because it is limited by the probability of conclusion and the principle of Presumption of Innocence .

  19. 对于儒家人文法律思想对我国现代刑事法立法、司法的影响进行全面系统的研究的著作、成果很少,甚至可以说是没有这方面的研究。

    There is a few or few works and achievement in the systematic study on the influence of the Confucian idea of the humanities legal thought on our modern criminal legislation and jurisdiction .

  20. 单位犯罪制度是我国刑事法上的重要制度,刑法中有200余个罪名涉及到单位犯罪。自我国1987年通过《海关法》首次规定单位犯罪至今,单位犯罪的司法实践已满二十年。

    As one of important systems in the Criminal Law of China , the unit crime is involved in more than 200 accusations and has already been put into practice for 20 years since it was firstly formulated in the Customs Law which was adopted in 1987 .

  21. 这部电影触犯了刑事诽谤法。

    The film breached the criminal libel laws .

  22. 委员会决定禁播这部电影,理由是它触犯了刑事诽谤法。

    The Board has banned the film on the grounds that it contravenes criminal libel laws

  23. 新刑事诉讼法的出台也使系统的效率有所降低。

    The introduction of a new code of criminal procedure has also slowed up the system .

  24. 证据的概念是一个学者多有论争的问题。我国刑事诉讼法规定:证明案件真实情况的一切事实,都是证据。

    The concept of evidence is an agonistic question among scholars .

  25. 浅析德国刑事诉讼法上的证据禁止制度

    Analysis of Evidence Prohibition Rule in Criminal Procedure Law in Germany

  26. 论我国新律师法与刑事诉讼法的冲突及其衔接

    Conflicts and Combination between New Lawyers Act and Criminal Procedural Law

  27. 论我国《刑事诉讼法》修改的基本方向和具体目标

    Consideration On the Basic Revising Direction of PRC Criminal Procedure Code

  28. 因此,必须对现行刑事诉讼法进行修订。我国刑法对单位犯罪中犯罪单位的处罚只规定了罚金刑。

    So , we must revise current criminal procedure law .

  29. 我国刑事诉讼法需要确认沉默权

    The Silent Right Need Be Affirmed in Criminal Lawsuit Law

  30. 客观真实与法律真实浅析&以我国刑事诉讼法案件事实为视角的分析

    An Analysis of the Proof Standard in the Criminal Procedure