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xínɡ shì fàn zuì
  • criminal offense;criminal wrong
  1. 新法律将在公共场所饮酒定为刑事犯罪。

    The new law makes it a criminal offense to drink alcohol in public places .

  2. 论建立“刑事犯罪源流研究学会”

    On establishment of " research Institute of criminal offense causes "

  3. 难道这样的活动也算刑事犯罪吗?

    Does such an activity constitute a criminal offence ?

  4. 他提议,缠绕捕鱼器材应该算刑事犯罪。

    He suggested that tangling fishing gear should be made a criminal offence .

  5. 违反反社会行为令是刑事犯罪。

    Breach of an ASBO is a criminal offence .

  6. 市检察官办公室尚未发现任何刑事犯罪的证据。

    The city attorney 's office hasn 't found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing .

  7. 英国的《消费者保护法》规定销售不安全物品属刑事犯罪行为。

    In Britain the Consumer Protection Act makes it a criminal offence to sell goods that are unsafe .

  8. 加入WTO与刑事犯罪变化的思考

    Reflections upon Entry into WTO and the Change of Criminal Offence

  9. 我国加入WTO后,刑事犯罪诱因明显增多,对刑事犯罪的走势势必产生影响。

    After joining the WTO , the obviously increasing temptation for crime is bound to influence the tendency of criminal act .

  10. 要求进行一个全面刑事犯罪调查,的因为它涉及到孟山都公司最高主管之一可能和某个FDA的头部人员是一个人。

    Demand a full investigation into the criminal conflicts of interest as it pertains to the head personnel of Monsanto and the FDA being one in the same .

  11. LeiSeca(禁酒法)将驾驶时血液酒精浓度每升6分克或更高定为刑事犯罪。

    The Lei Seca ( Dry Law ) makes it a criminal offence to drive with a blood-alcohol concentration of6 decigrams per litre or higher .

  12. 内幕交易在2003年被香港列为刑事犯罪,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(SFC)直到2008年2月才提起第一宗公诉。

    Insider trading was made a criminal offence in Hong Kong in 2003 , and the Securities and Futures Commission only launched its first prosecution in February 2008 .

  13. 为探讨轻度精神发育迟滞(MMR)刑事犯罪者的责任能力评定的决定因素,对79例MMR刑事犯罪案例的司法精神病学鉴定资料进行一项多因素分析,统计采用逐步的Logistic回归分析方法。

    To investigate the relevant factors in rating the responsibilities of the criminals with mild mental retardation ( MMR ), a multiple factor analysis with the logistic regression method was carried out on the judicial expertise data of 79 cases with MMR .

  14. 职称&刑事犯罪的预防和司法的跨区域顾问

    Post Title : Interregional Adviser in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

  15. (诽谤在韩国属刑事犯罪。)

    ( Defamation is a criminal offense in South Korea . )

  16. 盗窃犯罪是刑事犯罪中的第一大犯罪。

    Larceny is the largest number in the criminal offense nse .

  17. 宝山区刑事犯罪趋势的预测及工作措范

    The Criminal Offence Trend Forecast and Working Measure in Baoshan District

  18. 慎捕是世界各国的通例,对未成年人刑事犯罪更是如此。

    Cautious arrest is the general rules of all over the world .

  19. 我国恐怖主义犯罪与普通刑事犯罪冲突研究

    On the conflict of the crime of terrorism and the common crime

  20. 一些人认为应该从刑事犯罪部分寻找更多的节省来源。

    Some think more of the savings should come from criminal work .

  21. 三,顺利出台了知识产权侵权刑事犯罪司法解释。

    Thirdly , Judicial Interpretation on IPR Infringement Crimes was smoothly promulgated .

  22. 新时期我国刑事犯罪探析

    Analysis of the criminal offense in China 's new period

  23. 二是要认真分析该时期刑事犯罪高发的原因;

    Second , the reason of the high-incidence should be analyzed conscientiously ;

  24. 刑事犯罪现场的图像拼接设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Image Mosaics in the Criminal Scene

  25. 当前刑事犯罪骤增,呈现新特点。

    The criminal offenses are presently increasing , with new features appearing .

  26. 刑事犯罪指的是那种犯有罪行的人。

    A criminal offender is one who commits a crime .

  27. 福尔曼,你为什么要这些刑事犯罪档案?

    Foreman , why do you have those rap sheets ?

  28. 刑事犯罪现场照相取景构图的探索

    A Probe into the Composition of Crime Scene Photography

  29. 但亚利桑那州的一部新法律将其定为刑事犯罪。

    But a new state law in Arizona will make it a crime .

  30. 新的《刑法修正案》规定所有的酒后驾车都属于刑事犯罪。

    The newly amended criminal law makes all drunk driving a criminal offence .