
diǎn mài
  • mortgage;sell in the form of mortgage
典卖 [diǎn mài]
  • [pawn] 俗称活卖。旧时指把房屋、田地等在限期内典押给他人使用,期满后再赎回,愈期不能赎回,即被视为出卖

  1. 本章针对典卖制度的优势进行分析。

    This chapter concentrates on the advantages of the system .

  2. 这或许看上去像是廉价典卖了家当。

    That might look like pawning the family silver on the cheap .

  3. 根据相关的考证可以看出,该制度可能源起于南北朝时期的典卖制度。

    According to the relevant research , the originate of this system can be trace back to north and south dynasties mortgages system .

  4. 但当时社会上典卖行为非常普遍,典权制度在法律上的消失造成了很大的审判混乱。

    However , there were still many pawn behaviors at that time . The absence of pawning right in laws had caused plenty of trial confusions .

  5. 李希诺夫斯基送我的乐器,我希望你们中的一人能保存下来,但万不可因此起争执。假使未来这些乐器能够为你们纾困,尽管将它们典卖。

    I would like the instruments from Prince L. to be preserved by one of you , but not to be the cause of strife between you , and as soon as they can serve you a better purpose , then sell them .