
  • 网络Typical personality;typical character
典型性格 [diǎn xíng xìng gé]
  • [model individuality] 文艺作品中的典型形象所具备的既反映出一定历史时期社会的某些本质方面又具有鲜明生动的特点的个性

  1. 拥有这两个星座典型性格的人都很难约束自己的激情。

    It is difficult for the representatives of both signs to control their passions .

  2. 她的星相是宝瓶座,但她并不具有宝瓶座的典型性格。

    She 's an aquarian , but she doesn 't have a typical Aquarian personality .

  3. 翻译中,人物的心理、言行必须符合人物的典型性格,符合人物的相互关系。

    When translating , the psychology and speech of characters must be kept accordance to their typical personality and relationship .

  4. 它在推动故事情节发展、揭示人物心理、塑造典型性格等方面显示出独特功能。

    They have unique functions in pushing forward the plot development , revealing the psychology of the characters and molding distinctive personalities .

  5. 1933年,他因一种能再现俄罗斯典型性格及追求真实又技术精湛的天赋而成为俄罗斯第一位获诺贝尔文学奖的作家。

    In 1993 , Bunin became the first Russian writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature " because of his outstanding artistic talent which can convey the Russian classical tradition and his pursuit of truth " .

  6. 姜、吴派词人因大多被排斥在仕宦之外,气质典型、性格内敛。

    Jiang Wu Pai person because of being mostly rejected in the officials as a class outside , the qualities typical model , personality are astringent .

  7. 生于1978的白羊,典型白羊座性格,长于安徽合肥,一座想起她就让人内心温暖的小城。

    Born in1978 , a typical aris ppl from hefei , a small city in Anhui province , which always makes me feel warm in heart even by thinking of her .

  8. 典型的突出性格特点续议

    Continued Discussion about Typical Outstanding Character

  9. 她有典型的金牛座性格.失去某人典型的性特征。

    She is a typical Taurus / Taurean / has a typical Taurean personality . remove the qualities typical of one 's sex .

  10. 惊奇队长是一个自信的领导者,她对于追随内心和做正确的事情充满热情,这是典型的白羊座性格。

    A confident leader who is passionate about following her heart and doing the right thing , Captain Marvel is the epitome of what an Aries truly is .

  11. 角色有属于自己的性格逻辑,演员只有在独特的典型的角色性格逻辑中去行动及生活,才能找到角色的不同之处。

    The role of a logic of their own character , the actor only in the role of the unique character of the typical logic of action and life to go to find the role of the difference .

  12. 第二,描述典型环境的典型性格。

    Part two is to depict the representative character in typical circumstance .

  13. 由上可清晰看出典型环境对典型性格的微妙影响。

    We can see the rule clearly that a typical environment make a typical hero .

  14. 另外,在验证一些老观念时,测试也表明英国人典型的沉稳内敛性格依然存在。

    And , as well as confirming some long-held stereotypes , it also appears to confirm that the famous British stiff upper lip still exists .

  15. 现在,性格再不是扩张为永恒的典型;反之,性格必须个别地刻划,经过艺术的轻描淡写,浓淡分明,使得一切线条极其明确,所以观众一般不再觉得这是神话,而感到描写的迫真和艺术家的摹仿能力。

    The character must no longer be expanded into an eternal type , but , on the contrary , must develop individually through artistic subordinate traits and shadings , through the nicest precision of all lines , in such a manner that the spectator is in general no longer conscious of the myth ,

  16. 这一时期美国浪漫主义作家不注重塑造典型环境和人物的典型性格。

    American romantic writers did not pay attention to shaping typical environment and the typical nature of their characters .

  17. 何其芳当年提出典型“共名”说,实质是如何理解典型的突出性格特点问题。

    HE Qifang advanced a theory of typical " common name ", the essence of which was how to understand the problem of typical outstanding characters that are often encountered in the discussion of them .