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diǎn jí
  • Classics;ancient books and records;ancient codes and records
典籍 [diǎn jí]
  • [ancient books and records] 指法典、图籍等重要文献;亦泛指古今图书

  • 司晋之典籍。--《左传.昭公十五年》

  • 五代时始印五经,已后典籍皆为板本。-- 宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈.活板》

典籍[diǎn jí]
  1. 在我院图书馆里藏有许多典籍。

    There are many ancient codes and records in the library of our institute .

  2. 在中国古代典籍中,真正从哲学意义上阐述法治思想的当属《周易》。

    In China 's ancient codes and records , Zhouyi set forth the legal thinking based on philosophy .

  3. 现在它仍然是中国最重要的医学典籍之一。

    Now it is still one of the most important medical books in China .

  4. 翻遍礼仪典籍的历史学家注意到,握手作为现代的问候方式直到19世纪中期才出现,当时握手被认为是一种有点不得体的姿势,只有在朋友之间才能使用。

    Except . Historians who have pored over old etiquette books have noticed that handshaking in the modern sense of a greeting doesn 't appear until the mid-19th century , when it was considered a slightly improper gesture that should only be used with friends .

  5. 方法:1.查阅中医历代典籍中关于中风病的记载,通过中国医学检索光盘及Medline检索近十年来关于中风病、缺血性卒中的有关文献,并进行综述;

    Metheds : 1 . Consulting TCM ancient books and records about stroke ; Using the Chinese Medical Retrieval Optical Disk and MEDLINE database search the correlated documents of the latest ten years ;

  6. 越中典籍中的两国诗人交往

    Intercourses Between Vietnamese and Chinese Poets in Ancient Books and Records

  7. 医学典籍翻译中的信与达

    Faithfulness and Expressiveness in the Translation of Classical Chinese Medical Works

  8. 孔子文献典籍编纂思想研究

    Study on the Thoughts of Confucius ' Compilation of the Ancient Literatures

  9. 文献典籍和考古研究成果记录下了丰富的内容。

    Ancient literatures and achievements of archaeology record abundant contents .

  10. 方法:查阅历代的本草典籍,进行了整理、归纳。

    Methods : Look through the herbal works , then sum up .

  11. 道教典籍及中亚宗教史研究。

    Taoism 's ancient books and records and central Asia religion history .

  12. 浅论王重民的文化典籍整理方法

    On the Wang Zhongmin of Culture Ancient books Arrange Method

  13. 对道教典籍中内蕴的物理学思想进行了钩沉,并就其特征做了分析。

    This paper explores the physics of Taoism and analyses its characteristics .

  14. 整理研究古代典籍,需要积累丰富的文史知识和掌握完备的文献资料。

    Collation of ancient books needs to accumulate a wealth of literature .

  15. 从跨文化角度试论我国对外网络传播论中国典籍英译本的跨文化传播能力

    On the Intercultural Communication Competence of English Versions of Traditional Chinese Classics

  16. 第二节,论述了蒙译活动的分类。分为诏书制诰、官方文书、汉文典籍之类的翻译。第三节,论述了翻译学校、译职人员的培养。

    The second section , elaborated Mongolia to translate active the classification .

  17. 典籍英译的意义

    The Significance of Translation from Chinese Classics into English

  18. 汉语教师严重缺乏。教会专门建立了学校,其学习汉语的方法主要是靠阅读古代典籍,但是,他们也自己动手编辑了汉语词汇、音韵资料,这也推动了汉语研究。

    They had set up school but the Chinese teacher was very few .

  19. 对比语篇学与汉语典籍英译

    Contrastive Textology and English Translation of Ancient Chinese Books

  20. 从历时的角度看典籍中文化负载词的英译

    On Translating Culture-loaded Words in Chinese Classics into English : A Diachronic Perspective

  21. 他对古代典籍的训诂阐释方式;

    His scholium interpretation way to study ancient books ;

  22. 在法的实施方面,以儒家典籍为断狱的依据。

    Moreover , Confucian classics were the foundation of the implementation of laws .

  23. 对文献典籍的影响。

    The influence upon ancient Chinese books and records .

  24. 韩规古籍是普米族祭司韩规使用的宗教典籍。

    Hangui is the priest of the Pumi nationality .

  25. 典籍英译:问题与对策

    English translation of Chinese Classics : problems and countermeasures

  26. 对“蒟酱”的记载见于多种古代典籍。

    There were a lot of betel pepper juice accounts in the ancient culture .

  27. 民族典籍文化与文化旅游之间关系十分密切。

    There is a very closure relationship between the national documents and cultural tourism .

  28. 从古代典籍中可以看出,玉圭的用法是多样的。

    According to ancient books , Jade Gui can be used in various occasions .

  29. 其中,时间副词、程度副词、范围副词的用法在先秦典籍中同样是比较重要的。

    Degree and range adverbs are the same .

  30. 本文尽可能对历代典籍作系统搜寻,得资料576条。

    It is possible to search system for the Chinese classics as may information 576 .