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jì shì
  • keep a record of events;make a memorandum;chronicles;account;record of events
记事 [jì shì]
  • (1) [keep a record of events;make a memorandum]∶记录古今所发生的重大事件

  • (2) [chronicles;account;record of events]∶记录的史实

记事[jì shì]
  1. 她的最近一部小说是德文郡一个小村庄的生活记事。

    Her latest novel is a chronicle of life in a Devon village .

  2. 他几乎打记事起就认识这个老人。

    He 'd known the old man practically all his life

  3. 伦敦空袭那阵我已开始记事,但也只是仅仅有些模糊的印象。

    I am old enough to remember the Blitz , but only just

  4. 她去世的时候你不算太年幼,已经能记事了。

    You weren 't so very young when she died ; you were old enough to remember .

  5. “你从来没看过玛丽莲·梦露演的电影?”——“是的,她拍电影时我还不记事呢。”

    ' You 've never seen the Marilyn Monroe film ? ' — ' No , I think it was a bit before my time . '

  6. 这是他在第二次世界大战期间的生活记事。

    This is the chronicle of his life during World War II .

  7. 那时我只有5岁,才记事儿。

    I was then only five years old and had just begun to remember things .

  8. ③从我们记事起,妈妈就是一个中年妇女了,可谁又知道,她也曾是个花季少女。

    For as long as I can remember , mom has been a middle-aged2 woman , but no one told me she used to be a young girl .

  9. 扎扎说,自打记事以来,她就发现上学或在外面玩耍是很困难的事情,更不用说进行乒乓球训练了。

    Zaza said as long as she can remember she found it difficult to go to school or play outside , let alone train for her chosen sport .

  10. 从我记事起我就很敏感,因此我对20岁刚出头的时候发生在我身上的那些事情并不感到奇怪。

    Ever since I can remember I have been sensitive . So it should 've been no surprise to me the events that would take place in my early twenties .

  11. 大部分XP开发人员对UML很熟悉,并且随时地在记事板上画一些UML图表以便能够想出更好的设计方案。

    Most XPers are fluent in UML , and periodically draw UML diagrams on marker boards to work out design issues .

  12. 电子记事软件印象笔记(Evernote)让我在写书时完成了所有的研究和无纸化工作。

    Evernote solved all my researching and paperless goals for creating books .

  13. 在HD高清技术的制作基础上,这些令人惊异的地球生态画面以及沉湎于动物之间的生活记事活生生地展现在我们眼前。

    Using state of the art HD technology , these amazing programmes capture the Earth 's most dramatic and epic wildlife spectacles and the intimate stories of the animals caught up in them .

  14. 购买:可访问moleskineus网站购买Moleskine牌小型记事袋。价格为11美元。

    To buy : Moleskine small Memo Pocket , $ 11 , ww-w-coleskineus.c-o-m .

  15. 你可以把演讲辞背下来,但还是要带上记事卡——要是你在1999年把朋友的养老金投进了安然公司(Enron)的股票,现在你面对他们的时候,大脑会很容易变成一片空白。马克?

    You can memorize the speech , but bring your cards anyway -- it 's easy to go blank in front of friends whose pensions you put into Enron stock in 1999 .

  16. 从记事起,丽莎·萨塔的梦想就是在名品折扣店T.J.Maxx的8号鞋子通道举行婚礼。

    Lisa Satayut 's dream was to get married in the size 8 shoe aisle at T.J. Maxx for as long as she could remember .

  17. 纸张也用到了时装设计上:迪奥(Dior)春季高级定制时装秀上的剪纸状丝绸裙(中),加勒斯·普(GarethPugh)记事卡风格的衣服(中部最左边)。

    References to paper are making their way into fashion design : at Dior 's spring couture show in the form of cut-out silk ( center ) and in Gareth Pugh 's notecard-style pieces ( top far left ) .

  18. 重新构画家庭的主要资料来源是教区的记事录。

    The main source for family reconstitution is the parish register .

  19. 您可以使用记事本来编辑中文资源属性文件。

    You can use Notepad for the Chinese resource properties file .

  20. 不过也难免,那时候您年纪小,不记事

    But inevitably , when you are young and do not notebook

  21. 我开始记事儿时,我就跟大海攀谈。

    As long as I can remember I talked to the sea .

  22. 爱默生就是从这类远足中撷取素材,写入他记事丰富的日记。

    Out of such excursions Emerson derived material for his crowded journals .

  23. 自我记事起主要就是照顾他。

    I basically took care of him ever since I can remember .

  24. 《记事报》想办成为一份严肃的报纸。

    The chronicle has pretensions to being a serious newspaper .

  25. 专线报导醒目地刊登在今天的《西部记事报》上。

    Wire story was featured prominently in today 's Chronicle-West .

  26. 译文:特征记事:眉毛像鸟巢挂在悬崖上。

    Feature Stories Eyebrows hanging like bird 's nests on a cliff .

  27. 她写了一篇旅法记事录。

    She wrote a memoir of her stay in France .

  28. 自打记事以来,王弘毅就是个不折不扣的航模发烧友。

    Wang has been a plane model maniac since he can remember .

  29. 编辑在准备把记事付印。

    The editor is getting a story ready for print .

  30. 笔记本就是一本有空白页数记事的本子。

    A notebook is a book which has blank pages for notes .