
jì zǎi
  • record;entry;appear;put down in writing
记载 [jì zǎi]
  • (1) [entry;record;put down in writing]∶把事情记录下来

  • 其中有一条记载着一次对议长投了不信任票

  • (2) [record]∶记录事情的文字

记载[jì zǎi]
  1. 那是历史记载中最热的七月。

    It was the hottest July on record .

  2. 没有任何有关婚姻或子女的记载。

    There 's no record of any marriage or children

  3. 早在有历史记载之前很久这个地区就有人居住了。

    The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history .

  4. 这种疾病的起因已有完备的记载。

    Causes of the disease have been well documented .

  5. 我们没有当时人们对这一战役的记载。

    We have no contemporary account of the battle .

  6. 展览记载了这座王宫的历史。

    The exhibition charts the history of the palace .

  7. 对纽约的主要旅游胜地有详细的记载。

    The main attractions of the Big Apple are well documented .

  8. 历史上记载他们曾意外地发现了一处壮观的瀑布。

    History relates that they stumbled on a magnificent waterfall .

  9. 电影记载了一群伦敦小学生的日常活动。

    The film chronicles the everyday doings of a group of London schoolchildren .

  10. 他是首位将凯尔特说书人讲的故事记载下来的人。

    He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers .

  11. 这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是方言记载的。

    Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language .

  12. 本文生动地记载了这次战役。

    This battle was vividly recorded in the article .

  13. 中国的《神农本草经》是世界上最古的本草书。写于2,000多年前,记载了300多种动植矿物。

    “ The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing ”, written more than 2,000 years ago , was the earliest book on materia medica in the world . Recorded in the book are over 300 kinds of animals , plants , and minerals used for medication .

  14. 史书记载这个将军如何下令他的部下坑杀降兵。

    The history book recorded how the general ordered his subordinates to bury those surrendered soldiers alive .

  15. 该文集记载了亚洲政府追求经济国家主义的各类方式,即使这当中揉合了国际经济。

    This collection documents the different ways in which Asian governments have been pursuing economic nationalism even as they have been integrating with the world economy .

  16. 它记载了我们难忘的经历。

    It has the memorable events we have experienced together .

  17. 关于风筝的记载最早出现在2000多年前的中国。

    The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China .

  18. 裸奔是有书面记载的最古老的玩笑之一

    Streaking is one of the oldest tricks in the book .

  19. 这种现象在多个研究中均有记载。

    This phenomenon has been documented by several studies .

  20. 重大事件都有记载。

    All the important events are on record .

  21. 根据记载,历史上只有几次在三月末进入盛花期。

    The date has only dipped into late March a handful of times in recorded history .

  22. 这种情况在我国古代诗词中有大量的记载。

    There were huge repertoires of pipa music in Chinese history , particularly during the Tang Dynasty .

  23. 握手的历史回顾一个流传较广的假说认为,克雷兰德反对鞠躬的声明其实是想回到欧洲传统的问候方式(尽管鲜有记载)。

    A popular hypothesis suggests that Cleland 's statements against bowing were actually a wish to go back to a potentially very traditional ( though poorly recorded ) method of greeting in Europe .

  24. 古往今来,僧侣、贵族和官员们都对樱花树的开花日期有所记载。这些数据非常详细,而且可以追溯到很久以前,从而让科学家们能够重组几个世纪前日本的气候数据。

    Down the ages , records of when the trees bloom have been kept by monks and goes back so far , it 's allowed scientists to reconstruct Japan 's climate in centuries past .

  25. 原文鸿渐知道这些话虽然对自己说,而主要是记载在日记和回忆录里给天下后世看方遯翁怎样教子以义方的。

    Hung-chien knew that while these remarks were said to him , they were intended primarily to be recorded in a diary or in memoirs Tun-weng had brought up his son in accordance with truth and righteousness .

  26. 革命文物承载党和人民英勇奋斗的光荣历史,记载中国革命的伟大历程和感人事迹,是党和国家的宝贵财富,是弘扬革命传统和革命文化、加强社会主义精神文明建设、激发爱国热情、振奋民族精神的生动教材。

    Revolutionary cultural relics hold the glorious history of the heroic struggles of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) and the people , and are records of the great course and touching and invigorating the Chinese ethos .

  27. 本申请中记载了制造用于CT系统中的闪烁体的装置和方法。

    Apparatus and methods for fabricating scintillators for use in a CT systems are described .

  28. ESR方法初探树木年轮记载的气候效应

    Preliminary study on the records of climatic effect in tree ring using ESR method

  29. 烟草靶斑病(tobaccotargetspot)是近年来我国新报道的一种烟草叶部病害,危害严重,该病害对烟草的产量和品质有显著的影响,但是国内缺乏文献记载。

    Tobacco target spot is a newly-found and seriously harmful leaf disease of tobacco in China in recent years , and quality and yield of tobacco leaves are seriously affected , which runs short of references .

  30. 莱斯特大学研究人员表示,这副骸骨的DNA同理查三世一名姐妹的后代吻合,而且骸骨的脊柱弯曲,有战争留下的创伤,这都与历史记载吻合。

    DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the king 's sister , while the skeleton had the twisted spine and battle injuries consistent with contemporary accounts , said researchers from the University of Leicester .