
  • 网络Lodestone;natural magnet;loadstone
  1. 天然磁石是一种被雷电击中之后高度磁化的磁铁矿石(带有磁性的铁矿石),可以自然指向南北两极。

    Lodestone is a type of magnetite ( a magnetic iron ore ) that becomes highly magnetized when struck by lightning . The result is a mineral that 's magnetized toward both the north and south poles .

  2. 是谁这么聪明,想出用天然磁石来辨别方向的主意,我们已不得而知,但据考古学资料显示,是古代中国人发明了杓,并使其能在占卜盘上平稳转动;

    We 're not certain precisely who came up with the clever idea of discerning direction using lodestone , but archaeological evidence shows the Chinese fashioned ladles that balanced on a divining board ;

  3. 由于天然磁石因打击受热容易失磁,磁性较弱,因而司南不能广泛流传。

    However , since was easy for natural loadstone ( magnetic iron oxide ) tolose its magnetism , Si Nan could not be widely used .

  4. 最早的指南针出现在公元前4世纪,由天然磁石磨制而成。天然磁石的存在委实是上天的眷顾。

    The earliest compasses were created in the fourth century B.C. and were made of lodestone.The mere existence of lodestone is the result of a bit of luck .

  5. 天然能量保健磁石更有镇惊安神、聪耳明目、视物昏花、头晕目眩等功效。

    The natural energy health care magnet has overcomes ones fears calms the nerves , the clever ear clear vision , regards the thing dim-sighted , has a dizzy spell and so on the effects .