
tiān rán qì chǔ liànɡ
  • Natural gas reserves;reserve of gas
  1. 川中X1井高产水层储集特征及天然气储量评估

    Reservoir characteristics and gas reserve assessment of high Production-Water layers at x 1 well in Central Sichuan

  2. Twitter上的一幅漫画嘲讽天然气储量丰富的卡塔尔,漫画中,被罢黜的穆尔西在众人向他扔鞋之际,狼狈跑向卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)航班。

    The gas-rich emirate is pilloried on Twitter in a caricature showing the deposed Mr Morsi scurrying towards a Qatar Airways flight under a fusillade of shoes .

  3. 英国石油公司时任CEO布朗勋爵声称,这份协议是“一个重大的战略步骤,英国石油公司将由此进入一个石油和天然气储量丰富、拥有巨大增长潜力的国家。”

    Lord Browne , then CEO of BP , called the deal " a major strategic step into a country with massive oil and gas reserves and immense potential for future growth . "

  4. 分析师表示,现金充裕的埃克森美孚为xto的天然气储量支付了一个相对高的价格,这些储量多数位于美国的页岩层中。

    Analysts said the cash-rich company paid a relatively high price for XTO gas reserves , many of which lie in US shale deposits .

  5. 因此,石油、天然气储量计算的准确与否至关重要。

    So it is very important to calculate the reserves accurately .

  6. 微机积分计算石油和天然气储量

    An integration calculation method for petroleum and gas reserves with Microcomputer

  7. 天然气储量的价值分级&模型设计与检验

    A model designing and checking of value classification of natural gas reserves

  8. 阿尔及利亚的天然气储量占阿可采油气储量的70%。

    Its gas reserves account for 70 % of recoverable hydrocarbon reserves .

  9. 石油天然气储量价值评估方法研究

    Study on evaluation method of oil / gas reserve value

  10. 中国石化石油天然气储量状况分析

    An Analysis of Sinopec 's Oil & Gas Reserves Status

  11. 自构形神经网络模型在天然气储量评价中的应用初探

    Application of improved self-configuring artificial neural networks to reserves estimation

  12. 论天然气储量分级、计算与管理

    Discussion on the Classification , Calculation and Management of Natural Gas Reserves

  13. 四川盆地香溪群有水气藏天然气储量计算方法

    Reserves Estimate of Water-Bearing Gas Reservoir in Xiangxi Group , Sichuan Basin

  14. 在伊朗,天然气储量丰富,因此也就是更具成本效益的选项。

    In Iran , gas is abundant and thus a more cost-effective option .

  15. 两个天然气储量丰富粉碎一起星系碰撞和气体云,形成恒星。

    Two gas-rich galaxies smash together and gas clouds collide , forming stars .

  16. 天然气储量经济界限指标研究

    Research on economic limit indexes of natural gas reserves

  17. 21世纪初中国天然气储量、产量的快速增长主要依靠对中国西部叠合盆地的研究和勘探。

    In 21-century , most of the gas reserve will come from the basins .

  18. 煤成气研究促进中国天然气储量迅速增加

    The research of coal-formed gas accelerating the increase of natural gas reserves in China

  19. 天然气储量价值评价中价值分级模型的设计和检验

    Model Design and Testing of Value Differential in Value Assessment of Natural Gas Reserves

  20. 天然气储量价值评估模型

    Model of value evaluation of natural gas reserves

  21. 建立天然气储量市场;

    Establishing a market for gas reserves ;

  22. 塔里木盆地石油和天然气储量经济价值评估方法研究

    The research of the economic evaluation of the oil and gas reserve in Tarim Basin

  23. 四川盆地天然气储量增长趋势预测

    Forecasting on natural gas reserves increasement trend

  24. 世界天然气储量的估计

    Estimation of Natural Gas Reserve in World

  25. 石油和天然气储量计算

    Estimation of oil and gas reserves

  26. 陆良、保山盆地天然气储量复核中含气面积参数的确定

    The determination of gas area parameter in the check on gas reserves of luliang , Baoshan basins

  27. 天然气储量丰富,是一种清洁、高效的燃料。

    The resource of natural gas is abundant and it is a cleanness fuel with high efficiency .

  28. 此外,页岩气资源使得美国的天然气储量从短缺变为过剩。

    Added to this are shale formations that have turned a US natural gas shortage into a glut .

  29. 天然气储量丰富,中国可以从容地与世界各地的供应商签订长期协议。

    Gas is plentiful and China is well placed to secure long-term contracts from suppliers around the world .

  30. 尼日利亚是世界第六大石油出口国,还拥有巨大的天然气储量。

    Nigeria is the world 's sixth-largest oil exporter , with vast reserves of natural gas as well .