
  • 网络subduction
  1. 高钾岩石均出现明显的Nd、Ta负异常,表明高钾岩浆在形成过程中有陆壳物质加入到源区并与俯冲作用有关。

    The evidently negative anomalies in Nb and Ta make clear that there is an input of the continental material into the mantle source , and the petrogenesis of high-K rocks are related to subduction .

  2. 华力西晚期(270~250Ma)具科迪勒拉I型或ACG特征,属活动大陆边缘构造环境,其形成与早二叠世特提斯洋的向北俯冲作用有关;

    The late Variscan granitoids exhibit characteristics of Cordilleran I-type granitoids or ACG , associated with an active continental margin related to the northward subduction of Tethys ocean in the early Permian .

  3. 其后由于洋内俯冲作用,早先形成的低熔橄榄岩被消减到岛弧之下再度发生熔融形成高Cr(尖晶石)橄榄岩。

    Subsequently , the peridotites with low melting degree were subducted beneath the arc area and re-melted , and peridotites with higher Cr # of spinel formed .

  4. 始新世太平洋板块以俯冲作用为主,诱发了区域近南北向伸展构造事件,并形成具有EMⅠ富集地幔混染特征的玄武岩;

    The subduction of Pacific Plate during Eocene induced the S-N extension event and basalts with EM ⅰ and EM ⅱ enriched mantle contamination were formed .

  5. 由于大洋板块的俯冲作用,在缝合带中MOR型蛇绿岩很少被保存下来,保存较好的大多数为SSZ型蛇绿岩。中国大陆东部大洋板块俯冲的三维黏弹性有限元模型

    Therefore , SSZ-type ophiolite is major one preserved well in the orogenic zone . 3-D VISCO-ELASTIC FINITE ELEMENT MODEL FOR THE SUBDUCTION OF THE OCEAN PLATES INTO THE EASTERN PART OF CHINA 'S CONTINENT

  6. 中国东南部广泛发育的NE-NNE褶皱和断裂构造,与古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆之下的俯冲作用有关。

    The NE-NNE trending folds and faults developed in the extensive region of southeastern China were caused by the paleo Pacific plate subducting under the Eurasia plate with a low dip angle .

  7. 在元古宙岩石记录中的蓝片岩明显记录了与现代俯冲作用相关的低热流梯度。

    They record the low thermal gradients associated with modern subduction .

  8. 该岩体的形成主要与板块的俯冲作用有关。

    The formation of the pluton is mainly related to plate subduction .

  9. 这两种裂谷机制都可归因于印度板块岩石圈的斜向俯冲作用。

    This two mechanism all contribute to oblique subduction of India plate .

  10. 白云母/二云母花岗岩形成与陆内俯冲作用

    Generation of Muscovite / Two-Mica Granite and Intracontinental Subduction

  11. 缅甸弧的俯冲作用及川滇断块的地震地质特征

    The Underthrust Action of the Burma Arc and Seismogeological Characters of Massif Chuan-Dian

  12. 壳-幔演化和板块俯冲作用过程中的硼同位素示踪

    Boron isotope as a tracer in the study of crust-mantle evolution and subduction processes

  13. 东昆仑山南缘大型转换挤压构造带和斜向俯冲作用

    A Large Transpression Zone at the South Margin of the East Kunlun Mountains and Oblique Subduction

  14. 南秦岭下地壳组成及岩石圈的拆离俯冲作用

    Structure of the lower crust and detachment and subduction of the lithosphere of the South Qinling

  15. 地质时期地槽的多旋回发展受到俯冲作用旋回的控制。

    The polycyclic development of geosynclinal belts is controlled by the cyclicity of subduction during e geological time .

  16. 早白垩世末期以来,太平洋板块的俯冲作用对东北亚东部构造动力学环境的影响渐趋明显和增强。

    Tectonic dynamics environment of East-Asian continent enhanced after the subduction of Pacific plate at the end of the early cretaceous .

  17. 辉长岩的形成、侵位,与菲律宾板块自中生代以来向中国大陆俯冲作用有关。

    Formation and emplacement of gabbro inclusion are related to the subduction of philippines'plate underthrusting downwards into China continent since Mesozoic Era .

  18. 早中石炭世阶段的岩浆活动受控于B型俯冲作用,形成于大陆型岛弧的内侧。

    Magma action at early and middle Carboniferous epoch was controlled by B-type subduction , occured at the inner side of continental island arc .

  19. 晚中生代古太平洋板块对欧亚大陆的俯冲作用,以及大规模的钙碱性岩浆作用,是中国东南部晚中生代重要的构造-岩浆热事件。

    In Late Mesozoic , the subduction of paleo-Pacific Plate to Eurasian Plate and large scale calc-alkaline magmatism are important tectono-magmatic events in SE China .

  20. 本文首先评述了俯冲作用的研究现状,着重讨论俯冲增生、俯冲浸蚀及其地质意义。

    This paper discusses the present situation of the study of subduction , and places emphasis on the subduction accretion , erosion and its geological significance .

  21. 早白垩世晚期该区受太平洋板块和印度洋板块俯冲作用影响,华北板块再次转入挤压作用阶段,开始了滨太平洋域的演化。

    In the late early Cretaceous , the NCC turned into contraction stage again by the influence of the subduction of Pacific plate and Indian plate .

  22. 志留纪俯冲作用停止,洋盆消失而转为岛链带及浊流海槽并存的构造格局;

    In Silurian , with subduction ended and the oceanic basin disappearing , a tectonic framework with the coexistence of island chains and turbidity trough was formed .

  23. 构造背景为岛弧靠近弧后盆地一侧,与石炭世南天山洋向伊犁-中天山板块的俯冲作用有关。

    The tectonic setting of mineralization is back-arc basin which is formed by the subduction of the Southern Tianshan Ocean northward beneath the Ili-Central Tianshan plate in Carboniferous .

  24. 一般认为,这些主要分布在北大别的混合岩,与大陆深俯冲作用没有直接的动力学联系。

    It is commonly understand that these migmatite , which are most reside in the Northern Dabie terrane , have no direct tectonic connection with the continental deep subduction .

  25. 为了深入了解俯冲作用对弧下地幔楔橄榄岩的影响,本文对马里亚纳岛弧南部前缘的橄榄岩进行了岩石、矿物学和地球化学研究。

    In order to better understand the influence of the mantle wedge relating to subducting , the peridotites from the southern Mariana fore arc is checked in this paper .

  26. 与深俯冲作用相关的双地震剪切带和3个地震群的构造联系,提供了大陆深俯冲作用的动力学信息。

    Tectonic relationships of the double seismic shear zones and three seismic swarms in response to the deep-subducting give new light to the dynamics about the deep-subduction of continent crust .

  27. 形成于活动大陆边缘和造山带与金矿有关的钙碱性煌斑岩来源于由板块,地体和板片俯冲作用引起的富集地幔;

    Calc alkaline lamprophyres , formed in the active continental margin and orogenic belt , related to gold deposits are come from enriched mantle caused by subduction of Plate , terrane or slab .

  28. 中生代后期,太平洋板块的俯冲作用使胶南地体拉分,断陷形成胶莱盆地。

    During the Late Mesozoic , because of subduction of the Pacific plate , the Jiaonan terrain was pulled apart and experienced an event of fault depressing , hence forming the Jiaolai Basin .

  29. 将以上构造沉降速率同太平洋板块相对欧亚板块的聚敛速率进行比较,两者相吻合,表明太平洋板块的俯冲作用是济阳坳陷从初始裂谷快速沉降裂谷逐渐萎缩热沉降构造演化过程的主要控制因素。

    The comparison between the tectonic subsidence rate and the convergence rate of Pacific plate relative to Eurasia indicates that the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Jiyang depression is mainly controlled by the plate convergence .

  30. 这一研究反映了哈尔里克泥盆纪火山岛弧经过了由拉伸作用到碰撞挤压造山引发的A型俯冲作用演变过程,并产生了上述相应的变质现象

    Detailed research suggests the following tectonic evolution model : Thermal metamorphism was related to intra island arc tension , while regional faulting metamorphism was caused by A type subduction in the process of collisional orogeny . Phenomenon