- 网络subducting slab;subducting plate

Carboniferous tectonic and sedimentary setting of frontal margin of Qinling subducting plate
As the subducting plate is heated back up to mantle temperatures , certain minerals in the plate melt sooner than others .
Though resolution is low , seismic tomography shows the basic properties of P wave speed variation in subduction zones .
By means of the deep focus earthquake catalogue , the diving plate shape which the depth is more than 500 km was studied . The diving coefficient of the diving belt and three-dimensional shape of the diving belt in Philippines and Banda island arc was given in this paper .
Mechanics of deformation partitioning at plate boundaries of oblique subduction
The displacement and the direction of the subducted plate .
The CMB is the impinged by subducted slAbs and is the source of mantle plumes and super plumes .
We investigate the mechanics of the correlation by calculating the induced mantle flows by subducted slab in back-arc regions .
The connect zone between the East China Sea and South China Sea is located at East China Continental Margin .
Within this lowermost mantle layer , the partial melting of material of lower mantle and chemical reaction of core mantle material can occur .
Therefore , the fluid dehydrated from subducting slab should have been added to magma at its forming stage or play an important role in the melting of mantle .
The fractional crystallization is the main geological process in magmatic evolution , and contamination is weak . Two exotic components come from upper crust and / or subduction plate .
Based on the upper method , we can obtain the topography of the discontinuities immediately , which is correlated with the distribution of the subducted slab and hotspots and plume .
Fluid released during the high pressure and ultrahigh pressure metamorphism plays an important role in the evolution of subducted slab and may connect directly with igneous activity in island arcs .
The weak couplings are in agreement with such tectonic features as young subduction slab , weak flexure strength , large subduction angle , trench retreating , arc rifting and backarc extension .
These characteristics reflect that couplings between the upper arc and the subduction slab of the Ryukyu trench are weak relative to other common trenches , and themselves weaken toward to the south .
When the down_going plate enters the mantle , gold_bearing fluids accompanied by partial_melting products will rise and react on the mantle wedge , resulting in an enriched mantle that is fertile for the generation of gold_rich lamprophyre magma .
Lithium isotopic composition of the megacrysts has been inherited from the deep source , and the high δ ~ 7Li suggests that the mantle source was influenced by fluids from the subducted oceanic plate .
Studies on the northern South Island of New Zealand indicate that subducting oceanic slab can overcome the buoyancy and drag adjacent continental sliver up to about 150 km width to UHM depths , while the main body of continent can only float upon the mantle to produce strike-slip faults .
The deposit is a personification of continental plate subducted by pacific plate in tectono-magmatic activation in the region .
Being the residual island are of the convergent plate subducted to the south , the central Baiyin Minerogenetic Belt is located at the southeast edge of the north Qilian Caledonian eugeosyncline .
Fault development is predicted according to Mohr-Coulomb criterion . The subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the North American plate and associated underplating of oceanic crust marks the boundary condition of finite element model .
The Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt , formed by the collision of the Yangtze craton and the North China craton in the late Triassic , has been know as the largest and best-preserved UHP terrane all over the world .
The Pacific plate subducts at low angle beneath the Eurasia plate , tomographic results indicate that the subducted Pacific slab does not penetrate the 670 km discontinuity , instead , it is lying flat above the interface .
The subduction of Yangtse plate under the North China plate ended the continental collision and changed into intracontinental subduction at the end of Triassic , resulting in the formation of intracontinental foreland basins on the flanks of Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt .
Mechanism of the synclinorium is completely coincided with the rock deformation under the longitudinal bending and the synclinorium is resulted from collision of the north China plate and Siberia plate and Qinhuangdao antiform from the subduction of pacific plate under Eurasian plate .
The directions of the major tectonic stress fields for the basin are NNE-SSW and SN respectively during the Caledonian movement , and this was resulted from the northward subduction of the Qinling ocean basin and its collision with the North China plate since late Ordovician .
The magnitude-8.8 quake was a type called a " megathrust ," considered the most powerful earthquake on the planet .
When one tectonic plate slides beneath the other , the parts of it that are scraped off pile up in buckling folds to form mountains .
Then the next instance of subduction occurs years later , and the lip of the subducting plate pushes further , but what happens to the rumpling that occurred the first time ?