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fǔ shì
  • look down at;overlook;bird's eye view;dominate;survey;downcast
俯视 [fǔ shì]
  • (1) [look down at]∶从高处往下看

  • 从窗户可以俯视下面的院子

  • (2) [survey]∶从高处或居高临下的地方向下看

  • 静静地俯视他们下面的如画美景

俯视[fǔ shì]
  1. 兰塞俯视着他说:“对不起.”接着又象在给学生上课般地说了下去。

    Lanser look down at him and said ," Sorry ," and went on as though he were instructing a class .

  2. 漂亮舒适的房间俯视着花团锦簇的花园。

    Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden

  3. 她俯视着一大片仰起的脸孔。

    She looked down at the sea of upturned faces .

  4. 雕像用一双盲眼俯视着他们。

    The statue stared down at them with sightless eyes .

  5. 我们从爱丁堡城堡所在的高处俯视整个城市。

    We looked out over the city from the heights of Edinburgh Castle .

  6. 从这家旅馆朝外看可俯视港湾。

    The hotel looks out over the harbour .

  7. 房子建在可俯视河流的小山坡上。

    The house is built on the side of a hill overlooking the river .

  8. 大教堂俯视全城。

    The cathedral dominates the city .

  9. 她打开了百叶窗,向外俯视着村里房子的屋顶。

    She opened the shutters and gazed out over village roofs .

  10. 这些修葺一新的房屋俯视着静静流淌的运河河网。

    These restored houses overhang a system of quiet canals .

  11. 从邻居的阳台居高临下可以俯视我家的花园。

    Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour 's balcony .

  12. 他将窗帘拉到一边,俯视街道。

    Drawing the curtain aside , he looked down into the street .

  13. 她从塔上俯视茫茫大地。

    She overlooked the vast expanse from the tower .

  14. 我们的房间俯视街道。

    Our room overlooked the street .

  15. 悉尼大学的萨拉·苏卡瑞将在新南威尔士中部的几个农场进行试验,她说:“你还可利用颜色、质地和形状传感器来俯视地面,检查牧场的质量。”

    " You 've also got color , texture and shape sensors looking down at the ground to check pasture quality , " says Salah Sukkarieh of the University of Sydney , who will carry out trials on several farms in central New South Wales .

  16. 我俯视山谷的底部。

    I looked down into the bottom of the valley .

  17. 男人的爱是俯视而生,而女人的爱是仰视而生。

    Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up .

  18. 如果爱情像座山,那么男人越往上走可以俯视的女人就越多,而女人越往上走可以仰视的男人就越少。

    If love is a mountain , then if men go up , more women they will see while women will see fewer men .

  19. 从旅馆的防波堤可以看到康塞普西翁火山(Conceptión)全景,这座火山高1610米,非常活跃,俯视着尼加拉瓜湖。

    A jetty from the lodge offereduninterrupted views of Concepti ó n , the 1610m-tall , very active volcano thattowered over Lake Nicaragua .

  20. VB6.0下级进模俯视图绘制智能化的研究

    Research on Top View Design Intellectualization of Progressive Die in VB6.0

  21. 这座96层的大厦总高约1396英尺(约425米),在整个曼哈顿已是俯视群楼,比帝国大厦(EmpireStateBuilding)还要高出约150英尺。

    At 96 stories ( 1396 feet ) , it has no company in the space it occupies atop Manhattan 's skyline . The Empire State Building tops out some 150 feet below that .

  22. vt.俯瞰;远眺邻居通过窗口可俯视我们的花园。

    overlook Our garden is overlooked by the neighbor 's window .

  23. 本文提出一种新型CCD高温钢坯在线测长仪,其特色是在同一象平面上采用三块线列CCD图象传感器,侧向俯视高温钢坯。

    A new on-line outline length measuring instrument with CCD for hot steel slabs is proposed in this paper . The feature of this instrument is using three linear CCD image sensors in one image plane .

  24. 以3D合成场景为背景,研究了场景的拍摄,虚拟全景的构造、存储和漫游方法,构造了虚拟空间,满足漫游时对仰视和俯视的要求。

    With 3D composed scene as background , researched the shooting of the scene , the construction , storage and navigation of spherical panoramic image , constructed a virtual space , which has met the demand for looking up and down while navigation .

  25. 首次提出用一台面阵CCD摄像机测量运动高温钢坯的三维尺寸.建立了测量系统的数学模型,分析了系统误差与结构参数之关系,求出俯视角θ的最佳值范围。

    Three-dimensional measurement of the size of a moving hot steel slab using an area-array CCD camera is proposed . The mathematical model for the measuring system is developed . The relationship between the system error and structural parameter is analyzed .

  26. 俯视位观察肱骨,当外上髁露出呈小三角形、肱骨远端前关节面被肱骨头遮盖重叠的位置是多层螺旋CT三维重建测量肱骨头扭转角的更简单、更快捷而且准确的测量位置。

    The top view at which lateral epicondyle of the humerus showing mini-triangulum and the anterior surface of the distal humerus articulation with the forearm being shaded is more simple , faster and precise for the volume rendering technique measuring the humeral head retroversion angle with multi slice spiral CT .

  27. 为此对现有的投影公式进行了改进,在变换后的俯视图中使用圆曲线车道模型及基于密度的Hough变换进行车道识别。

    A lane detection approach based on improved transform mapping formulas was developed to solve these problems with the arc lane model and the density based Hough transform used in the transformed vertical view to detect the lane .

  28. 周二,朝中社(KCNA)表示:在一张该小区的俯视图前听取了相关汇报之后,他又俯瞰了这个小区。

    After being briefed on the district before a map showing its bird ' s-eye view , he overlooked it , the KCNA agency said on Tuesday .

  29. 他们也会在打上露水的,俯视阳台的窗玻璃上留下SHMILY的字样。他们总是在那个阳台上招待大家他们自己做的热乎乎的蓝色布丁。

    They smeared it in the dew on the windows overlooking the patio where they always had warm , homemade pudding with blue food coloring .

  30. 而且我希望能在梦中看到Deana,我的尼罗河天使正在俯视我们,满意地微笑着。

    And , in my dreams I hope to see my Deana , my Angel of the Nile , looking down upon us and smiling in approval .