
sāo dòng
  • commotion;riot;uproar;disturbance;turmoil;unrest;be in a tumult;tumult;agitation;ruckus;ferment;furore;convulsion;pandemonium;hurly-burly
骚动 [sāo dòng]
  • [be in a tumult;disturbance;riot;commotion;ferment] 扰乱不安定;秩序紊乱

  • 城市中的骚动

  • 跟着这种有威势的喊声很快地就像被搅动了的蜂窝一般骚动起来。--夏衍《包身工》

骚动[sāo dòng]
  1. 那则新闻在群众之间引发相当的骚动。

    The news created quite a disturbance among the crowd .

  2. 但是这次征工按照预定计划已经遣走了三批人,并没什么骚动。

    But the draft went off on schedule in three transports , with no disturbance .

  3. 第二天安全部队发起反击,镇压了骚动。

    The security forces counter-attacked the following day and quelled the unrest

  4. 对此事的揭露已经在议员中引起了骚动。

    The disclosure has already caused a furore among MPs .

  5. 将会裁员160人的消息在该团体中掀起了一阵骚动。

    News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community

  6. 无论他到哪里,都会引起一阵骚动。

    Wherever he goes there 's always a flap .

  7. 整个城市因为这次争端而陷入了骚动。

    The town is in uproar over the dispute

  8. 公告在人群中引起了骚动。

    The announcement caused uproar in the crowd

  9. 该报称该证据一经披露,一定会引起骚动。

    The paper says the evidence , when it surfaces , is certain to cause uproar

  10. 这在全日本引起了不小的骚动,他们不得不因此改变主意。

    This caused such a ruckus all over Japan that they had to change their mind .

  11. 他听见外面一阵骚动。

    He heard a commotion outside

  12. 他的到来引起了很大的骚动。

    His arrival [ coming ] caused a great stir .

  13. 这个姑娘坐在那里,身子一动不动,内心却骚动不息。

    The girl sat , her body still , her soul astir .

  14. 他被判有罪,引起了街头骚动。

    His conviction caused rioting in the streets .

  15. 几天以后,大约是下午两点钟,一天中我最忙的时候。我正在后面的屋子打点资料,突然听见前面一阵骚动。

    A few days later at about 2:00 in the afternoon , the busy part of my day , I was in my room typing and heard a commotion5 in the front .

  16. 经济骚动将把SOA送回它的根源&自底向上,增量迭代。

    Economic turmoil will return SOA to its roots-bottom up , incremental .

  17. 就在1911年,LloydGeorge专门为仆人开设法定保险与失业津贴一事引起骚动;

    As for Lloyd George 's 1911 bill to bring in compulsory insurance and unemployment benefits for servants , there was uproar ;

  18. 苹果公司(Apple)在上个月阻止GoogleVoice软件进入iPhoneAppStore,称该软件复制了手机已经提供的功能,此事引发骚动。

    Apple ( AAPL ) caused a stir last month when it barred Google Voice software from the iPhone App Store , saying it duplicates features the handset already provides .

  19. 插件级的依赖关系改为需要显式导出和导入包的依赖关系,当Eclipse宣布这个消息时,曾引起大量骚动。

    The move away from plug-in-level dependencies to dependencies that required the explicit exporting and importing of packages generated a lot of commotion when Eclipse announced the news .

  20. 尽管骚动不断,可Gucci似乎并不需要担心如何让泳衣防水。

    Despite the ruckus , it seems Gucci doesn 't need to worry about making its swimwear waterproof .

  21. 福克纳一生创作过多部小说。其中公认最负盛名的当然是《喧嚣与骚动》(TheSoundandtheFury,1929),它为福克纳奠定了美国现代著名小说家的地位。

    Among Faulkner 's novels , The Sound and the Fury ( 1929 ) is of course the most distinguished in that it established Faulkner as a great modernist writer .

  22. 迷航的Geist安宁的水影&《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的心灵解读

    Lost Geist and Tranquil Water Shadow : Quentin in Sound and Fury

  23. 在iPhone5s的土豪金颜色选择或指纹识别功能引发的喧哗骚动之外,人们没有意识到这款手机是拍照手机的一个转折点。

    Lost in the hype and hubbub around the 5s 's gold option or fingerprint sensor is that it marks a turning point in camera phones .

  24. 不管谁在操纵这个乐团,HKT似乎对网络上的骚动不以为意。

    Whoever is controlling the profile , they seem to be taking no notice of the furore .

  25. 就在1911年,LloydGeorge专门为仆人开设法定保险与失业津贴一事引起骚动;舆论说这将打破雇主与佣人间微妙的平衡。

    As for Lloyd George 's 1911 bill to bring in compulsory insurance and unemployment benefits for servants , there was uproar ; the delicate balance between employer and servant would be destroyed , it was said .

  26. 而由于Jag粗犷的排气管声音,它又引起一阵骚动。这将使它因为违反噪音管制条例而一辈子声名狼藉。

    And raising a royal ruckus , thanks to the Jag 's woolly exhaust note , for which it will live in noise-ordinance infamy .

  27. 今年,哈萨克斯坦西北部城市阿克托别(Aktobe)发生了骚动,原因是有报道称,中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)在当地的一家子公司要求工人参加汉语考试。

    This year there was uproar in the north-western city of Aktobe after it was reported that the local affiliate of China National Petroleum Corporation was requiring workers to take Chinese language tests .

  28. 然而,侦探Whicher得出令人震惊的结论时,骚动和困惑喧然四起。

    But when Whicher reaches his shocking conclusion there is uproar and bewilderment .

  29. 有人评论说他们更像是洗剪吹三人组。不管谁在操纵这个乐团,HKT似乎对网络上的骚动不以为意。

    One user writes , Wash + Cut + Blow Trio more like Whoever is controlling the profile , they seem to be taking no notice of the furore .

  30. 不可靠的叙述者:《喧哗与骚动》中的杰生

    Jason as an Unreliable Narrator in The Sound and the Fury