
xiāo jí fánɡ yù
  • passive defense;passive protection
  1. 然而,宋高宗昏聩无能,任用佞人,排斥贤相李纲,改积极抗战方针为消极防御。

    Emperor Gaozong did the opposite by blocking his talented Chief Minister Li Gang and changed the dominant military strategy from one of active resistance to passive defense .

  2. 信息隐私权的权能也不限于单纯的消极防御权,而是消极防御权与积极利用权的统一。

    At the same time , the capacity of the information privacy is not restricted in the pure passive defense , but also the positive utilization of such information .

  3. 只有最愚蠢的人,或者最狂妄的人,才捧了消极防御当法宝。

    Only a complete fool or a madman would cherish passive defence as a talisman .

  4. 从基本权利的功能角度而言,科学研究自由权具有消极防御权和积极给付请求权的双重功能。

    From its function , it is not only a defensive right but also a positive one .

  5. 结论:错误的认知模式和消极防御的行为模式是学校恐怖症的精神病学特点。

    Conclusion : Error cognitive modes and passive defensive behavioral modes are the psychopathological features of school phobia .

  6. 消极防御,又叫专守防御,又叫单纯防御。阿拉伯联盟联合防御理事会

    Passive defence is also known as purely defensive defence or pure defence . Arab League Joint Defense Council

  7. 起初,大部分日本企业消极防御或缺席,遭受巨大损失。

    At the beginning , most Japanese enterprises passively defended and / or defaulted , suffering a lot .

  8. 战略方面,采取避战保船的消极防御方针,放弃了制海权;

    In strategy , a passive policy of de-fending the ships by avoiding battles was carried out so that the dominating power was given up ;

  9. 消极防御只能被动挨打,单纯依靠封堵现有的系统漏洞不能从根本上解决信息安全问题。

    Negative defense will only lead to be attacked and only depending on sealing off the existed system leaks can 't solve information security problems .

  10. 消极防御实际上是假防御,只有积极防御才是真防御,才是为了反攻和进攻的防御。

    Passive defence is actually a spurious kind of defence , and the only real defence is active defence , defence for the purpose of counter-attacking and taking the offensive .

  11. 这个题目中,我想说明下列各问题:(一)积极防御和消极防御;(二)反围剿的准备;

    Under this heading I would like to discuss the following problems : ( 1 ) active and passive defence ; ( 2 ) preparations for combating " encirclement and suppression " campaigns ;

  12. 因为没有规定附带上诉制度,当事人一旦丧失上诉权利,在对方当事人随后提起的上诉程序中就只能处于消极防御的地位。

    Since incidental appeal is not provided , appeal becomes the only one remedy , if one party gives up the right to appeal , he will be placed in a passive defensive position in later appeal procedure .

  13. 然而,防火墙、入侵检测等传统防护手段本质上属于消极的被动式防御,不能满足现代网络攻防的基本需求,使得防御者在信息战中十分被动。

    However , most of the traditional countermeasures against threats such as firewall and intrusion detection system are passive in nature , can not meet the basic needs of cyber-defense , which greatly handicaps the defender .

  14. 这种行为在某些形式的讽刺中有所表现——经常被用作消极攻击时的防御机制。

    This can be shown in some forms of sarcasm - often used as a defense mechanism when passive-aggressive .