
  1. 基于消息队列和Web服务的分布式系统异步交互方式体系架构

    Construct distributed application system base on Web services and message queue

  2. 基于消息队列和XML的数据同步技术研究

    Research on Database Synchronization Technology Based on Message Queue and XML

  3. 基于XML和消息队列的网络管理信息交互方案

    Network Management Information Interaction Solution Based on XML and Message Queue

  4. 为此,本文研究并实现了一个应用于客户/服务器模式的基于XML的消息队列中间件系统。

    In this dissertation , XML-based Message Queuing Middleware system is proposed .

  5. 基于XML消息队列的多层架构设计

    Design of multi-storey structure based on XML message queue

  6. NET和消息队列中的手动事务处理,以及ASP。

    NET and the message queue and the automatic transaction processing in the ASP .

  7. DigitalUnix实时消息队列传递机制及其应用

    Digital UNIX Realtime Message Queue Passing Mechanism and Its Application

  8. 从理论上讲,在容量高时,松散耦合WebServices将等待消息队列服务器的响应。

    Theoretically , when volumes are high , loosely coupled Web services wait for a response from a message queuing server .

  9. 如果发生microsoft消息队列内部错误,则引发。

    Exception is thrown if a Microsoft message queuing internal error occurs .

  10. 基于UML消息队列机制的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Message Queue Mechanism Based on UML

  11. 源表的变更将以XML格式或是其它数据格式发布到消息队列。

    Changes from source tables are published in XML format or other data formats to a message queue .

  12. 基于XML的消息队列

    XML Based Message Queuing

  13. SOAP与消息队列中间件绑定的设计与实践

    Design and Practice of Message Queuing Middleware Binding to SOAP

  14. Linux消息队列分析及应用

    Analysis and Application of Linux Message Queues

  15. MOM是一种基于消息队列的异步消息模型框架。

    MOM is a type of asynchronous messaging model framework based around a message queue .

  16. NET数据访问模型、XML标准和微软的消息队列服务等技术。第二章第一节,首先揭开了。

    NET ( A data access model ), XML ( Data exchanged technology standard ) and Microsoft Message Queue Service mechanism .

  17. 基于JMS和XML的信息交换中消息队列管理模型设计

    The Design of the Message Queue Management Model from Exchange of Information Based JMS and XML

  18. 应用程序、系统和网络通常比其给定的资源容量(其中包括WebServices可用的消息队列)的发展速度更快。

    Applications , systems , and networks are generally growing more rapidly than their given resource capacity , and this includes message queues for Web services .

  19. 但是在生产应用程序中,此XML数据更可能来自web服务或消息队列。

    However , in a production application , this XML data is more likely to originate from a web service or a message queue .

  20. UNIX环境下用消息队列实现进程间通信

    Inter-Process Communication by Message Queue in UNIX Operating System

  21. 下面的代码示例获取并设置消息队列的label属性值。

    The following code example gets and sets the value of a message queue 's label property .

  22. Unix系统下消息队列使用探讨

    Discussion about using message queue in Unix system

  23. ESB和BusinessEvents集成解决方案的基础是使用消息队列连接器来处理BusinessEvents事件和操作。

    The ESB and Business Events integration solution is based on the use of a message queue connector for the Business Events events and actions .

  24. 迄今为止,我已经观察到可以使用消息队列来实现异步的请求或响应,以及使用Command模式来实现商业逻辑封装。

    So far , I 've looked at asynchronous request / response using message queues and business logic encapsulation using the Command pattern .

  25. 基于WSE和消息队列的异步Web服务研究及实现

    Research and Implementation of Asynchronous Web Service Based on WSE and Message Queue

  26. Unix消息队列的应用

    Research of Application on Unix Message Queue

  27. 那不是应该通过消息队列或者web服务API来处理的吗,那样你可以使特定的实例与给定的服务解耦。

    Shouldn 't that be handled by message queuing and web service APIs instead so you can decouple specific instances of a given service ?

  28. 与共享内存对象相似,对于以只读方式打开消息队列,应该把openonly属性传递给构造函数。

    Similar to the case for a shared memory object , a message queue that is opened only for reading will have the open_only attribute passed in the constructor .

  29. 无法注册消息队列使用的mmc管理单元扩展。

    The MMC snap-in extensions for message queuing cannot be registered .

  30. AmazonSimpleQueueServices(AmazonSQS)是一个支持Web服务的高可用性可伸缩消息队列。

    Amazon Simple Queue Services ( Amazon SQS ) is a highly available and scalable message queue that is Web services-enabled .