
  1. 通过C2C交易平台,消费者获得信息的速度和内容都比以往要快和多,选择范围更加广阔,客户的需求也日渐趋于个性化。

    On C2C trading platform , consumers can get the information faster and more than ever , and also have a broader range of options .

  2. 她说,信用卡新法案的主要价值在于“使消费者有机会获得更多信息”。

    She says the main value of the new credit card act is that it " provides an opportunity for consumers to have more information . "

  3. 研究结果表明:网络已经成为快时尚服饰消费者获得快时尚产品信息和购买快时尚服饰产品的重要渠道,但是不同类型的消费者,在购买决策的不同阶段,对渠道的选择偏好还存在一定的差异。

    The research result shows that , Internet has become an important channel for fast fashion consumer to gain information and purchase apparel products . However , different types of fast fashion consumers have different channel preferences at different stages of the purchasing process .