
  • 网络Elite troops;elite force;Elite Squad
  1. 我个人的信仰是,与其依靠一支由训练有素的政府人员组成的小规模精英部队来保护我们所有人,

    My personal belief is that , rather than having a small , elite force of highly trained government agents here to protect us all ,

  2. 众所周知,与突尼斯或埃及不同,阿萨德政权与叙利亚军队之间的关系是不透明的,尤其是强大的精英部队总统卫队。

    It is well known that unlike in Tunisia or Egypt there is no daylight between the Assad regime and the Syrian army , particularly the presidential guard , a powerful elite force .

  3. 在孟买,市民们观看了孟买警察突击队,快速反应小组,国家预备役警察力量和该市精英部队ForceOne展示了新的武器和海上巡逻装备。

    Back in Mumbai , citizens watched as Mumbai 's Police Commandos , Quick Response Team ( QRT ) , State Reserve Police Force ( SRPF ) and the city 's elite-unit Force One showcased new weaponry and sea-patrol vehicles .

  4. 俄罗斯地方政府称,车队是从莫斯科西南方向上的阿拉比诺(Alabino)镇启程的。该镇也是俄罗斯一支精英部队的大本营。

    Alabino , the town southwest of Moscow where the regional government said the convoy started , is home to a base of an elite military unit .

  5. 2015年很可能会部署更多这样的精英部队。

    A bigger deployment of these elite contingents is likely next year .

  6. .周日菲利普斯已被营救,营救中一支海军精英部队的几名成员开枪射死三名海盗。

    Richard Phillips was rescued Sunday after members of an Navy unit shot and killed three of his

  7. 不过,他的出色枪法和坚强意志赢得了进入精英部队战狼的机会。

    But his extraordinary marksmanship and tough personality win him recruitment into the elite military squadron Wolf Warriors .

  8. 哈米斯是卡扎菲上校精英部队哈米斯旅团的指挥官。该部队以残忍而臭名昭著。

    Khamis Gaddafi was head of one of Colonel Gaddafi 's elite military brigades , known as the Khamis Brigade , a unit with a notorious reputation for brutality .

  9. 士兵士兵,尤指中世纪时装备重武器的骑兵由良好的板甲和骑枪武装,这些精英部队与终极骑士不相上下。

    A soldier , especially a medieval cavalryman supplied with heavy arms . Well equipped with good plate armour and lances these elite cavalry are arguably the ultimate knights .

  10. 这个恐怖的场所是在一处军营,在8月23日上周二之前它还由哈米斯旅控制,这是卡扎菲上校的儿子哈米斯控制的精英部队。

    This horror scene is in a compound , which was controlled until Tuesday by the Khamis brigade , an elite neighborhood controlled by Colonel Gadhafi 's son , Khamis .

  11. 他们都曾在动作电影中扮演特种兵,讲述精英部队传奇,深受公众喜爱。

    At one time or another they have all portrayed special forces soldiers on the big screen and satiated the public 's love of action movies that involve elite military forces .

  12. 该部队是支反恐特种精英部队,由加拿大军事人员组成,承担着一系列任务:众所周知的包括为各国政要提供安保服务,参与2010年冬奥会之类的大型活动现场保卫工作;

    Composed of military personnel from the Canadian Forces , JTF2 undertakes a range of operations . They have been known to escort VIPs and provide site security at events like the 2010 Winter Olympics .

  13. 伯爵马厩允许训练精英骑兵部队。

    Earl 's stables allow for the recruitment of elite cavalry units .

  14. 神射靶场允许训练精英远程部队。

    Marksman 's Range allows for the recruitment of elite missile units .

  15. 精英类型:宗教部队宫廷总管大臣负责耶路撒冷王国司法、财政和防务重任,同时亦须兼顾各封建领主利益。

    The Constable of Jerusalem is responsible for justice , payment and the command of mercenaries in battle , both the King 's and those of Feudal Lords .

  16. 精英类型:宗教部队荣誉骑士为骑士团短期成员,可以结婚成家,但死后必须将半数财产遗赠骑士团。

    Confrere Knights are knights who have joined the Templars for a short term and were permitted to marry in exchange for bequeathing half their estate upon their death .