
wǔ zhuānɡ chōnɡ tū
  • armed conflict
  1. 武装冲突有一触即发之势。

    Armed conflict may break out at any moment .

  2. 这是一场严重的争执,有可能导致武装冲突。

    This is a serious dispute , and could lead to armed conflict .

  3. 这起事件触发了一场武装冲突。

    The incident triggered an armed clash .

  4. 随后苏丹与南苏丹之间爆发武装冲突,导致联合国安理会(unsecuritycouncil)威胁双方,如果本周三它们不能重启谈判,就实施制裁。

    Subsequent fighting between Sudan and South Sudan led the UN Security Council to threaten both sides with sanctions unless they resumed talks by this Wednesday .

  5. 中日武装冲突很可能会把美国“拉下水”,因为美国已明确表示,钓鱼岛是《美日安保条约》(us-japansecuritytreaty)的适用对象。

    Any such clash would probably draw in the US , which has made it clear that the islands are covered by the US-Japan security treaty .

  6. 莫斯科投资银行TroikaDialogueInvestmentBank的首席交易员纳扎尔蒂诺夫(TimurNazardinov)指出,格鲁吉亚的武装冲突加快了俄国股市的下滑。

    Timur Nazardinov , chief trader at the Troika Dialogue Investment Bank in Moscow says the Georgian conflict accelerated the decline .

  7. 但他补充说,同一时期他们的边境地区也发生了武装冲突,阿卜耶伊(Abyei)爆发危机,北部州南科尔多凡(SouthernKordofan)目前还在交战之中。

    But , he added , the same period has also seen armed clashes along their border , a crisis in Abyei , and fighting currently under way in the northern state of Southern Kordofan .

  8. 那一地区随时会发生武装冲突。

    Armed conflict could start at any time in that area .

  9. 那是个严重的争端,有可能会引起武装冲突。

    That is serious dispute and could lead to armed conflict .

  10. 在这次边界武装冲突中双方都遭到了重大伤亡。

    Both sides suffered heavy casualties in the border armed conflict .

  11. 论武装冲突中性暴力的刑事责任承担

    On the Penal Responsibilities of the Sexual Violence in the Armed Conflict

  12. 在武装冲突中死了两个人,伤了好几个。

    Two people were killed and several wounded in the armed confrontation .

  13. 论武装冲突中文化财产保护的国际条约体系

    The International Treaty System of Protection of Cultural Property during Armed Conflict

  14. 现代国际武装冲突的社会学视野

    A Sociological View on International Armed Conflicts of Modern Times

  15. 武装冲突是对可持续发展根本支柱的冲击。

    Armed conflicts attack the very pillars of sustainable development .

  16. 联合国的预防性战略在当前时期,是以预防武装冲突战略为具体运行模式的。

    The preventive strategy functions specifically for the prevention of armed conflict .

  17. 政府想避免的就是武装冲突。

    Armed conflict is precisely what the government is trying to avoid .

  18. 各国不应当用武装冲突来解决分歧。

    Nations must not settle their differences by armed conflict .

  19. 关于保护国际性武装冲突受难者的日内瓦四公约

    Geneva Conventions relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts

  20. 记住并非所有国际规范都直接涉及到武装冲突

    Keep in mind , not all international norms relate directly to armed conflict

  21. 武装冲突和战争灾难仍然在继续

    Armed conflicts and catastrophic wars are still going on

  22. 几十年的武装冲突过后,哥伦比亚全国各地仍然遍布地雷。

    After decades of armed conflict , landmines remain buried all over Colombia .

  23. 难民儿童和武装冲突中儿童问题分组

    Sub-Group on Refugee Children and Children in Armed Conflict

  24. 这两国间有可能发生武装冲突。

    Eg. armed conflict is likely to break out between the two countries .

  25. 在非常状态和武装冲突中保护妇女和儿童宣言

    Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict

  26. 武装冲突的恐惧和摧残仍然存在。

    The horrors and destruction of armed conflict persist .

  27. 义和团民与天主教徒在华北的武装冲突

    The Church Militant : Armed Conflicts Between Boxers and Christians in North China

  28. 反对敌人发动的武装冲突。

    The waging of armed conflict against an enemy .

  29. 实际的武装冲突于1918年11月停止。

    The actual warfare ceased in November , 1918 .

  30. 紧张局势可能演变成全面的武装冲突。

    Tensions are threatening to erupt into full-scale confrontation .