
wǔ fū
  • soldiers;warrior;man of prowess;a brave and strong man
武夫 [wǔ fū]
  • (1) [a brave and strong man]∶武士;勇士

  • 赳赳武夫,公侯干城。--《诗.周南.兔罝》

  • 武夫力而拘诸原。--《左传.僖公三十三年》

  • 武夫出于波间。--唐. 李朝威《柳毅传》

  • (2) [soldiers;warrior]∶指军人

  • 一介武夫

武夫[wǔ fū]
  1. 我是说,这人完全是一介武夫。

    I mean the man 's a total jouster .

  2. 身为古英语的学者,托尔金主张「贝奥武夫」有其文学价值,因此值得一读。

    A scholar of Old English , Tolkien argued that Beowulf should be read for its literary merits .

  3. 单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。

    Even in outward demeanour , they showed a stamp of majesty that made the warrior 's haughty stride look vulgar , if not absurd .

  4. 自古以来文者相轻,武夫相薄,虽说是人性本能,但也未尝不能适当克制,以表宽容博大胸怀嘛!

    Wen faces light since ancient times , a military man-phase thin , although it is a very human instinct , but might not be appropriate restraint and tolerance to show magnanimity !

  5. 在五代时期藩镇割据的状况之下,地方司法机关的运行受到严重的影响,司法人员由武夫将校出任,司法权受到侵夺。

    Five Dynasties period under conditions of rival principalities carved out , the local operation of the judiciary have been seriously affected . Judicial officers appointed by the military , and judicial powers being eroded .