
wǔ jiàng
  • general;military officer
武将 [wǔ jiàng]
  • [military officer] 指军官;将领

  1. 他就把箭杆交给武将,说:“好了,请你付酬金吧!”

    He handed over the arrow shaft to the general and said : " It 's done . Please give me my pay . "

  2. 武将把情况对这位“外科”医生一讲,他连声说:“好治!好治!”

    The general told him what had happened . The " surgeon " said repeatedly : " The treatment is easy ! The treatment is easy ! "

  3. 一天,有位武将在战场上中了敌人的飞箭,箭头穿进了皮肉。他命人请来了这位“外科”医生。

    One day , a general was struck by an arrow from the enemy on the battlefield . The arrow had penetrated2 into his flesh , so he called for the " surgeon " .

  4. 武将被他弄得哭笑不得,对“外科”医生说:“箭头还留在皮肉里面,必须赶快取出来呀!

    These words left the general not knowing whether to laugh or to cry . He said to the " surgeon " : " The arrow head is still in my flesh . You must get it out quickly . "

  5. 赵匡胤虽是一员武将,却很喜爱读书,常手不释卷。

    Although he was a military general , he was fond of reading .

  6. 缺乏是武将阻碍儿童的成长。

    Lack of food will stunt children 's growth .

  7. 他是一位名演员,扮演武将尤其出色。

    He is a well known actor , especially good in martial roles .

  8. 布满乌云的天空下,传来武将们静静的咳嗽声。

    Generals idly cough beneath a crimson sky .

  9. 武将把情况对这位“外科”医生一讲,他连声说:

    The general told him what had happened . The " surgeon " said repeatedly :

  10. 论宋朝武将培养选拔体制的缺陷及影响

    The Defects and Impact of the Training and Selecting System of Military Officers in Song Dynasty

  11. 北京大学中文系教授张颐武将青春和青春期区分开来。

    Zhang Yiwu , professor of Chinese literature at Peking University , distinguishes youth from adolescence .

  12. 一门武将、文士兼备,是宋代由军功家族向文学家族成功转型的代表。

    It was the representative who successfully transformed from the war service family to literary family .

  13. 蟒衣考源兼谈明宫廷演剧的武将装扮

    The Sources of Mang Yi and the Clothes of the Generals in the Ming Dynasty Court Opera

  14. 明代山西孝义武将纸窗影人真伪考述

    The Authentication of the Shadow Play about Officers against Window Paper in Xiaoyi , Shanxi , in Ming Dynasty

  15. 该模式所塑造的小说人物可大致分为三种类型,即领袖型、武将型和谋士型。

    This mode can be divided into three types : leader type , general type , and counselor type .

  16. 第四章为武将地位提高的原因及其影响。

    In the last one , the author analyzes the reasons and the influence on the improved military officers ' status .

  17. 武将被他弄得哭笑不得,对“外科”医生说:

    These words left the general not knowing whether to laugh or to cry . He said to the " surgeon " :

  18. 四川省宗祠旅游资源类型丰富,拥有以文庙、三国蜀汉文臣武将专祠、文化名人专祠、祭祀同族祖先的祠堂等为代表的资源体系。

    There were plenty of ancestral halls in Sichuan Province , which of them form a system of the tourism resources of ancestral halls .

  19. 武将:城守,出征等都可以积累经验值,查看武将状态经验够的话可以升级。

    Generals : Kimori , expedition and so can provide lessons in values , view the agents from the state experienced enough words can be upgraded .

  20. 宋代武将的培养选拔体制与以科举为主的文臣体制不同,是建立在沿袭传统制度的基础之上的。

    The training and selecting system of the Song Dynasty ′ s military officers is different from the traditional civil system based on the imperial examinations .

  21. 武戏着重刻画英雄人物,角色多为忠心耿耿的武将,名声显赫的帝王和足智多谋的文臣,所有这些角色在剧中与叛臣逆贼作斗争。

    Military plays are heroic in nature , full of loyal generals , glorious emperors , and wise government officials , all of whom struggle against traitorous opposing forces .

  22. 在信息方面,则从清军信息技术的现状着手,阐述了信息对兵力调动的影响、对咸丰帝、文臣武将之间互通信息的影响及其后果。

    In regard to information I expounded the effect after narrating its situation which information had on troops'mobilizing , Emperor Xian Feng'getting in touch with his officials and officers .

  23. 为以后的金、明、清时期的武将选拔制度,提供了很好的指导思想和进一步完善的现实蓝本。

    For the subsequent payments , Ming and Qing periods represent selection system , and provide a good guiding principle selection system was further improved after the blueprint reality .

  24. 梁陈边塞诗与拟乐府的范围扩大和武将地位上升有密切关系。

    The flowerishing of frontier poetry in the Liang and Chen Dynasties had a close connection with the widening of the imitation of Yue Fu and going up of warriors'status .

  25. 只见他拿起一把锋利的剪刀,“咔嚓”一声,把露在皮肤外面的箭杆剪掉了。他就把箭杆交给武将,说:

    He took up a pair of sharp scissors , and with a snap cut off the exposed arrow shaft.He handed over the arrow shaft to the general and said :

  26. 游戏在三尺之局中融入了兵种、武将、天文和地理等数十种属性,不同的属性相克相生。

    In game three feet into the Bureau of the arms , generals , astronomy and geography , and so on dozens of properties , different properties with Aioi grams .

  27. 原注三:当公务员,比如行政官员或武将触犯法律时,可能会被流放到荒凉之地,比如长城以外。

    Where a public servant , such as a magistrate or a general , offended the state , he might be banished to the barren territories beyond the Great Wall .

  28. 论秦末汉初武术文化塑造沛籍陪臣与武将模糊综合评判在干部选拔工作中的一个应用

    Discussion on Officials for Company and Generals Created by Wushu Culture at the end of Qin Dynasty and the Beginning of Han Dynasty An Application of Fuzzy Synthetical Judgement in the Course of Selecting Officials

  29. 至于人物造型有妇女、文官、武将、胡俑、天王,根据人物的社会地位和等级,刻画出不同的性格和特徵;

    As for the character shapes of women , government officials , military commanders , Hu figurines , king , according to people 's social status and class , depicts a different character and features ;

  30. 结合南宋初的政治经济形势、宋金双方的态势以及武将自身的素质来分析其提高的原因。

    On one hand , combining the political and economic situation of the early days of Southern Song , the respective state of Song and Jin and then - self-constructions , the author reckons the reasons .