
yǒng wǔ
  • courageous;valiant;brave have nerve
勇武 [yǒng wǔ]
  • [brave have nerve;courageous] 勇猛威武

勇武[yǒng wǔ]
  1. n.英勇族人唱着胜利之歌,歌颂他们在战场上的勇武。

    prowess The tribesmen sang a song of victory , describing their prowess in battle .

  2. 未经深思熟虑的勇武只能称作轻率。

    That ialour which is not found on prudence call rashness .

  3. 我亲眼看见你打倒了许多勇武的骑士.

    I 've seen you cut down a dozen great knights .

  4. 勇武如赫克托,他从不知危险是何物。

    Valorous as a Hector , he knows no danger .

  5. 阿溪里的勇武是攻克特洛伊城的原因。

    The valor of Achilles was the cause of the capture of Troy .

  6. 他们有这块土地上最勇武之士。

    They have their pick of the best and bravest in the land .

  7. 他们是欧洲最杰出和最勇武的民族之一。

    They are one of the most distinguished and most gallant peoples in europe .

  8. 张操志是个勇武之人。

    Zhang was a powerful man .

  9. 它所展现的人对自身力量的觉醒与信心,对拼搏勇武精神的崇尚与赞扬,都是历史发展之必然。

    Humanity 's confidence and the advocacy of striving spirit which it has given us are the necessity of history development .

  10. 他所在的承德地区地处燕山山脉深处,人杰地灵,有着丰富悠远的文化内蕴和勇武豪迈的人文精神。

    The Chengde area is located in the Yanshan mountains , outstanding people , rich culture connotation and distant gallant heroic spirit .

  11. 正是在决斗中我们才可知悉骑士的勇武本色。

    It is in combat that we learn the knight 's true nature whether he is indeed the warrior or a coward .

  12. 只见餐桌开始移动,并且几乎是以一种勇武的姿态准备攻击坐在另一端的这个可怜的家伙!

    The table started moving and with an almost heroic gesture went to attack the poor man seated at the other end !

  13. 我知道如何区分勇武的领主和那些胆小鬼们,哪些是忠犬而哪些仅是些墙头草,我可以为她征召到同盟。

    I know which lords are brave and which are craven , which are loyal and which are venal . I can deliver allies to her .

  14. 当然,这样的成功也带来了一个问题:诸如到火葬场之类的勇武行为是否是培养冠军所必需的?

    Such success , of course , begs a question : are feats of courage , like trips to the crematorium , necessary to nurture champions ?

  15. 《平家物语》所反映的武士价值观念主要表现在以下三方面:技艺精湛、视死如归、勇武刚毅;

    The warrior value in Story of the Pings lies in three aspects : firstly , the perfect military art , the spirit of looking upon death as going home , and the brave and firm character ;

  16. 降至秦汉魏晋南北朝时期,巴渝以其丰富的物资及勇武善战的巴渝民众,这里又成了支持中原王朝统一大业的柱石和后方基地,其军事文化又成为一大特色。

    Late into the Qin Han Wei and Nan-Bei dynasty , Ba-Yu , due to its abundant resources and brave people , became the pillar and rear base for supporting a unifying Chinese dynasty and formed its unique military culture .