
zhēng bīng
  • conscription;conscript;draft;levy;call-up
征兵 [zhēng bīng]
  • [conscription] 按照兵役法的规定,征集应征公民到军队服现役

征兵[zhēng bīng]
  1. 事情不是那么简单的。他们必须让征兵局了解情况,那接下来我们又会怎么样呢?

    It 's not so simple . They 'll have to let the draft board know , and then where will we be ?

  2. 他因篡改征兵证而被捕入狱。

    He was jailed for doctoring his draft card .

  3. 他们说,当前的征兵体系应当逐步废除。

    They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out

  4. 很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。

    Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription .

  5. 国民警卫队和预备役的征兵工作8月下旬开始。

    The call-up of National Guard and reserve units begun in late August .

  6. 海军不得不让征兵队强制征兵。

    The navy resorted to the press-gang .

  7. 那个国家的很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。

    Many young men in that country tried to get away from compulsory military conscription .

  8. 为满足战争的需要,发布了一项征兵总动员。

    To meet the needs of the war , a general call for troops was issued .

  9. 征兵办公室没有接受他,因为他还未成年。

    He was rejected by the conscription office because he was under age .

  10. 那年的征兵规模最大。

    That year 's draft was the largest ever .

  11. 应用软件由二个子系统组成:兵役登记子系统(乡级版)和征兵应用子系统(县级版),应用软件总体结构采用Client/Server和Internet模式相结合的框架结构。

    The application software subsystem composes of military service register and conscription application , and which structure combines Client / Server and Internet pattern .

  12. 代表哈莱姆黑人区的国会议员查尔斯兰格(charlesrangel)支持重新实行征兵制,他认为不征兵是不公平的。

    Congressman Charles Rangel , who represents Harlem , supports the return of the draft on the argument that not having one is unfair .

  13. 这便是之后曝光的征兵遮光丑闻,他和其他演员如SongSeungHun曾经伪造免除服义务兵役的文本。

    This was after a draft-dodging scandal exposed how he and other actors like Song Seung Hun had forged documents to stay out of the mandatory millitary service .

  14. 所以将IRT应用于征兵心理检测系统,评估其有效性,并给出优化措施便成了研究的焦点。

    So this study focused on applying IRT into Entrance Psychological Test for Enlistees program , evaluating its validity , and suggesting methods to optimize it .

  15. 结论DPOAE作为一种评价耳蜗毛细胞功能状态,在征兵、部队听力普查中较传统的纯音听阈测试更有意义。

    Conclusion In evaluating the function of the cochlea hair cells DPOAE , is more important in conscription and auditory screening in soldiers than that of traditional pure tone audiometry .

  16. 徐州市区征兵体检实验室检查结果分析

    Results of laboratory tests on military conscriptions in urban Xuzhou City

  17. 军队现在想要我负责征兵工作。

    The army wants me to do recruiting for them now .

  18. 兵役制度:征兵制。

    Military service : jordan has a selective conscription military system .

  19. 录像做得像是给希特勒青年军征兵的。

    You 've made a recruitment video for the Hitler youth .

  20. 你确定这是面对征兵处的墙?

    You sure this is the wall facing the recruiting station ?

  21. 征兵用连续加法测验的研制

    The Construction of the Continuous Adding Test for Nationwide Conscription

  22. 被围攻的城堡,里面的英雄不能征兵。

    Heroes at castles under siege can no longer hire new troops .

  23. 征兵费由政府在战争期间所付的款项。

    A monetary payment exacted by a government in wartime .

  24. 图西族叛军一定对征兵表示否认。

    The Tutsi cockroaches of the rebel army must be denied recruits .

  25. 他们开始在当地人中间征兵。

    They began to levy recruits among the local people .

  26. 你们都知道俄国农民是怎样看待征兵的吗?

    Do you know how Russian peasants feel about conscription ?

  27. 美国军方在1965年和1973年间征兵将近200万人。

    The American military drafted almost two-million men between 1965 and 1973 .

  28. 目的:创建征兵用连续加法测验。

    Objective : To develop the continuous adding test for Nationwide Conscription .

  29. 征兵用数字搜索测验的研制

    The Construction of the Number Searching Test for Nation-wide Conscription

  30. 有恢复征兵的趋势。

    There was a movement towards a revival of conscription .