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zhēng fā
  • levy;collect;requisition
征发 [zhēng fā]
  • [requisition] 旧时指政府征调民间的人力和物资

征发[zhēng fā]
  1. 方法172例植入ICD的患者,男性137例,女性35例,平均年龄52.8岁。103例患者术前有阿-斯综合征发作史,其中75例有电击除颤史。

    Methods One hundred and seventy-two patients ( male in 137 , female in 35 , mean age of 52.8 years ), including 103 patients who had a prior history of Adams-stokes attacks , underwent ICD implantation .

  2. 统一表征发烟剂对可见光和红外的遮蔽能力

    Obscuring Power of Smoking Composition Used for Visible Light and Infrared Wave

  3. 他大规模征发民工,修建南北大运河及长城;

    He conscripted large numbers of labourers to work on the Grand Canal and the Great Wall .

  4. 啬夫的职责包括厘定户口,收取赋税,征发徭役,接受诉讼,监控人口流动等等。

    They have the duty including controling household register , collecting taxes Judging the litigation and so on .

  5. 其中国工即征发来为官府手工业作坊服徭役的本国民间工匠;

    Among them , governmental artisans were craftsmen from the people enlisted to do corvee for the governmental handicraft workshops ;

  6. 在这一过程中,贡纳、兵役、赋税始终是政府对少数民族征发赋役的主要形式。

    In this course , tribute receive , military service and taxes is mainly form of taxes and corvee to solicit to ethnic minority all the time .

  7. 唐代有一整套货币调节的手段促进国家的农业和手工业生产,控制物价稳定,征发人力保卫边境。

    The tang dynasty has a set of currency adjustment of agriculture and promote the country means , handicraft production control prices stable , then human defend border .

  8. 该项制度的产生,主要是受中国古代社会注重维护宗法家族利益精神的影响,也与维护乡党利益、处理相邻关系及其些赋役征发的法例和习惯等因素有关。

    The origin of this system was affected by the spirit of focusing on consolidating the clan family interest , dealing with the neighborhood relationship , and levying some taxes .

  9. 唐中后期兴修水利所用的人力多靠征发,包括军队在内,但已经有向有价雇募过渡的痕迹。

    In the late Tang Dynasty , Manpower which were used for water conservancy construction mainly depended on commandeers , including army . But already had the trace to the employment direction .

  10. 王朝的强盛背后必然有巩固的经济基础,没有源源不断的土地产出、大量征发的人力和充足的赋税,是不能建立边界辽阔的所谓盛唐的。

    A mighty dynasty , will have a healthy behind the economic basis , no continuously land output , a large number of human and enough then , is cannot build boundary taxes .

  11. 民户人口的隐匿,致使国家在籍人口大量减少,赋税徭役无从征发,增加了社会不安定的因素,严重威胁着两宋政权的稳定。

    Families ' escaping result of a significant reduction in the membership population , impossible to levy taxes lord hair , increased social instability factors , a serious threat to the stability of the regime Song .

  12. 民籍制度是清代土地制度的基础,是统治阶级征收赋税、征发徭役、提高经济收入的保证,是统治阶级维护社会治安管理的重要手段。

    Civil registry system in Qing Dynasty land system , is the ruling class to levy taxes , taxes , tax increase economic income guarantee , is the ruling class to the maintenance of social security management the important means .

  13. 朱元璋从接管该地区开始,就依凭强大的国家权力,以控制土地和人口为中心,以赋役征发为主要目的,在宋元基础上不断进行农村基层组织方面的改革。

    Depending on great state power , Zhu Yuanzhang , the first emperor of Ming Dynasty , had been implementing the reform in rural grassroots cells centering on land and population control for the purpose of taxes and corv é e since he took over this area .