
zhēnɡ hūn ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • lonely hearts ad
  1. 征婚广告不是情书。

    Introductions at dating sites are not love letters .

  2. 这些信息被称为个人征婚广告,或者仅仅叫个人广告。

    The messages are called @ personal want ads @ or simply @ personals .

  3. 许多刊登征婚广告的人常能收到几十封回信。

    Many of them receive dozens of answers .

  4. 语用视角下的征婚广告

    On the Pragmatic Perspective over Lonely-heart Ads

  5. 印度报纸星期日刊上的征婚广告

    Marriage Advertising in India 's Sunday Newspapers

  6. 在此之前,我们对对方知之甚少,通过网络上的征婚广告才得以相识。

    We hardly knew each other back then , having met through a matrimonial ad on the internet .

  7. 文章运用语域理论,以对英语征婚广告语域三要素语场、语旨和语式的分析为基点,探讨其语言特征。

    Halliday argues that the features of a register are determined by three factors , namely field , tenor and mode .

  8. 在上流社会中人们广泛登载并热衷阅读征婚广告,(他们多数居住在大城市里)。

    Advertisements are placed and eagerly read by a wide range of people in the upper classes , mostly in cities .

  9. 语言学家已经从不同的语言学角度对征婚广告语篇进行了大量的有价值的研究和分析,从而使其不断繁荣。

    Linguists have made enormous efforts on discourse analysis of dating advertisements from different perspectives so as to make the research flourishing .

  10. 本文所要针对的问题是:1.中英征婚广告是否有相同的话步结构组成?

    This study intends to address the following questions : 1 . Do Chinese and British dating ads share the same move-structure ?

  11. 第二章是文章的核心部分,主要对征婚广告进行具体的广告话语分析,包括文本内容分析和表现结构分析。

    It mainly carries on the concrete advertisement discourse analysis to the spouse-seeking advertisement , including text content analysis and performance structure analysis .

  12. 作为一项尝试性研究,本文就从语气、情态,人称和评价这个理论框架出发来对比招聘广告和征婚广告在实现人际意义方式上的异同。

    As a tentative attempt , the present study makes a comparative study on job advertisements and dating advertisements in realizing interpersonal meaning .

  13. 中英征婚广告作为一种社会行为,由于受众的不同,在词语选择、句式结构与修辞技巧等方面具有不同的语体特征。

    Chinese and English lonely-heart advertisements , with different target readership , take on different stylistic characteristics in terms of their diction , syntax and rhetoric .

  14. 英文征婚广告的标题从文体学角度分析,具有独特的形式美和修辞美;

    This thesis mainly takes the title of the English lonely-heart advertisement from the aspect of stylistics , specifically analyzes about its forms , rhetoric methods ;

  15. 其次,网络征婚广告对于交际语境的顺应主要从心理世界、社交世界和物理世界三个方面展开。

    Then , the adaptation of online dating advertisement is analyzed from the perspective of communicative context including mental world , social world and physical world .

  16. 新规范要求婚介机构刊登规范的征婚广告,强调征婚当事人资料的真实性。

    As part of a trial phase , the new requirements will include standards on registration of clients , advertisements , setting of appointments and professional training .

  17. 这个所谓解救单身警察计划实际上就是征婚广告,微博中列举了谢可乐的身高、体重以及座右铭。

    The " Plan to Rescue Single Cops ", the post listing Xie ` s height , weight and quote , is his advertisement for a wife .

  18. 然而,大多数征婚广告仍然不仅要求种姓,例如是婆罗门或刹帝利,而且还对对方的籍贯或民族提出一定要求。

    The majority of them , however , still require not only caste , such as Brahman or kshatriya , but also a certain home region or ethnic origin .

  19. 因为择偶过程会牵涉到综合性的社会因素,所以征婚广告一向被称为社会文化、价值取向的晴雨表。

    Because the process of mate selection is concerned with comprehensive social factors , the personal ads are regarded as a barometer in terms of social culture and value orientation .

  20. 鉴于招聘广告和征婚广告在日常生活中的重要性以及目前在语言学研究领域的研究现状:只有少数的学者对招聘广告和征婚广告的语言进行过单独研究。

    Despite the importance of job advertisements and dating advertisements in our daily life and their research status in linguistic field , only few scholars have done researches on dating advertisements or job advertisements respectively .

  21. 本文立足于近代出版的报刊,从中国征婚广告发展历程、征婚广告内容解析和社会各界对征婚广告的反映三个方面稍作分析。

    This article is based on the modern publication of newspapers , from the development process of the Chinese matrimonial notice , and the community matrimonial notice content analyzed to reflect three aspects of a seeking marriage or advertising analysis .

  22. 第二章是文献回顾,分别对征婚广告和评价理论中的态度系统进行了回顾,,同时还对前人的研究进行了评论以找出现在研究的空间。

    Chapter Two offers a brief literature review of dating advertisement and attitude system in appraisal theory . In addition , there are some comments about previous studies in order to find out the research space for the current study .

  23. 近二十年内,国内外许多学者已经从社会学、心理学和语言学等不同维度对征婚广告进行研究,但是很少研究触及征婚广告的深层次的生成与理解。

    Throughout the past two decades , scholars have done lots of research in this field from the perspective of sociology , psychology and linguistics . However , few touches the deep level of generation and explanation behind the dating advertisements .

  24. 研究结果显示,就话步的成分来说,中英征婚广告都以话步1,2,3,4,为其核心语义要素,其中1,4为关键核心语义要素。

    The results show that , with regard to the components of the move structure , move 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 should be regarded as nuclear ones , among which 1 , 4 , are the crucial semantic units .

  25. 而征婚广告多代表个体,采用的I,we比较多,在使用we时,常把征婚者和应征者视为一个整体,拉近双方距离,从而达到说服目的。

    While dating advertisements , often representing an individual , tend to use more I my , while we usually refer to advertisers and applicants as a group . In so doing , the advertiser achieves his / her persuasiveness by shortening the distance between the two .

  26. 受众能否正确解读网络征婚广告是征婚者实现预期目的的前提。征婚者囿于社会环境和文化之中,故其言语的选择受到社会文化的影响和制约。

    Whether the online dating advertisement can be interpreted correctly by the audience is the prerequisite for advertisers to attain their desired objectives . Communicators live in social and cultural environment , so it is inevitable that their linguistic choice-making is constrained by social culture elements around them .

  27. 英文报刊征婚(友)广告的体裁分析

    A Genre Analysis of Personal Ads in English Newspapers