
zhēnɡ hūn qǐ shì
  • lonely hearts ad
  1. 进化心理学择偶心理机制假设的跨文化检验&以天津、Boston两地征婚启事的内容分析为例

    Verification of Evolutionary Hypothesis on Human Mate Selection Mechanism in Cross-Culture Context

  2. 他翻开一份报纸开始浏览征婚启事。

    He opened and a newspaper and began to peruse the personal ads.

  3. 所以就是在我浏览征婚启事时,而他就在那里。

    So there I was , browsing the personals and there he was .

  4. 他的征婚启事是这么写的:

    Here 's his announcement looking for a bride .

  5. 余记:征婚启事发展萎缩的原因分析,分析了近年来征婚启事语言发展相对萎缩的原因。

    Fifth , analyzing the reasons why spouse-seeking notice development withers relatively in recent years .

  6. 征婚启事也大有改观,数量更多且更为谦逊。

    Personal ads have also undergone a sea change , growing more numerous and more humble .

  7. 希望本文对征婚启事语言本身以及征婚启事语言与社会政治、经济、文化、心理关系的研究分析,能给社会语言学以及社会文化、社会心理提供些参考价值。

    The author of this thesis hopes that this article can offer some values in the research of the field of sociolinguistics , socio-culture and socio-psychology .

  8. 此外,通过对征婚启事的考察,也对于社会语言学,社会文化提供了相关的研究成果。

    Besides , through observing and studying the Lonely Hearts ads , I think this paper can offer some related research results to socio-linguistics and sociology .

  9. 本论文首先从词语、语法、语义、语体四个方面分析征婚启事的语言特色,然后分析征婚启事与社会的关系。

    This thesis firstly analyzes the language style in the lexical , grammar , semantic and stylistic , and then the relationship between the ads and the society .

  10. 征婚启事是八十年代初兴起的一种广告语言,经过二十年的发展,承载了不同的社会文化信息,反映了社会思想变迁。

    Spouse-seeking Notice is one kind of advertisement language that sprang up in early 1980 's and with twenty years ' development it carries different kinds of social culture information and reflects the change of social thoughts .

  11. 本文主要从征婚启事语言和社会的政治、经济、文化、心理的关系来分析语言与社会的关系。

    This thesis analyzes the bearing of language and society from the factor of the relation between the politics , the economy , the culture and the psychology in society and the language style of the Lonely Hearts ads.

  12. 本文对征婚启事语言二十年来的发展进行了一定的探讨和分析,研究了其语言形式和语言内容的嬗变过程,从语言变化中探索社会生活的图景。

    This article discusses and analyzes the development of the spouse-seeking notice language in the 20 years , studies the evolutionary process of its language form and content , and explores the social life through the language change .

  13. 新中国的最早的征婚启事出现在1979年的《市场报》上,也就是说征婚启事发展至今已近30年。

    The earliest lonely hears ads of new China came on the newspaper of " The Markets " in 1979 . That is to say , the Lonely Hearts ads had a history of nearly 30 years until now .

  14. 征婚启事的语言变化与社会思想的变迁,探求从征婚启事语言变化中所映射出的思想观念、价值取向、择偶标准以及社会心理的变化。

    Fourth , the change of language in spouse-seeking notice and social thoughts , exploring the ideas , value orientation , standard of seeking spouse as well as social psychology change reflected by the language change of spouse-seeking notice .

  15. 征婚启事语言内容的嬗变过程,详述征婚启事语言的使用情况,通过征婚主体人群的构成和变化,分析征婚启事语言内容的嬗变过程。

    Third , the evolutionary process of language content of spouse-seeking notice , relating in detail the use of language in spouse-seeking notice and analyzing the evolutionary process of language content of spouse-seeking notice through the constitution and change of the main body of marriage seekers .