
  1. imf是首家发布附加资本金征收方法研究报告的机构。

    The IMF is the first organisation to have published a methodology for capital surcharges .

  2. 课税范围与个人收入形式的发展变化不协调,不利于税收调节作用的充分发挥;征收方法不科学,影响税收调节效果。

    The method of fax collection are not unscientific , and affects the tax revenue adjustment .

  3. 主要内容:包括外国开征的税种及其征收方法,外国的税收结构,外国的税收负担外国的税收优惠,外国的税收管辖权,外国的税收管理制度。

    Main contents : the course introduces foreign taxes and their imposition methods , foreign tax structure , foreign tax burden , foreign tax preferences , foreign tax jurisdiction and foreign tax administration system .

  4. 东吴将户调分为九品,不仅开创了后代户调采取九品相通征收方法的新模式,而且也体现出东吴政权所具有的大胆吸纳和勇于创新精神。

    The Kingdom of Eastern Wu divided household tax into nine grades , which not only initiated later generations ' new pattern of collecting household tax by nine grades ' being interchanged , but also showed the Eastern Wu regime 's bold assimilation and initiative .

  5. 我认为也许有其它途径达到目的,而不需要采取征收关税的方法,他表示。

    I think there may be other ways of doing it than with a tariff approach , he said .

  6. 通过政府征收税收的方法,建立新的经济均衡稳定条件,确保最大的捕获量,得出政府应征收的税收值,并给出最优捕获策略。

    We establish a new condition of economic equilibrium through the method of taxation levied by the government . We get the appropriate taxes to gain maximum capture and give the optimal harvest strategies finally .

  7. 根据税收来源于社会产品价值的本质,增值税实行价外税,只是采用便于征收的计税方法,并没有改变税金包含在价格内的经济属性。

    Based on the essence that the tax revenue according to the value of social products , the price excluding tax is only an easy tax method collected for the value-added tax , not changing the economic attribute of that , the tax is included in the price .

  8. 第四部分为我国土地征收程序完善之方法。

    The fifth part is improved methods of land expropriation procedure .

  9. 浅谈实施厂内征收排污费的方法与益处

    The Initial comment on means and benefit of implementing Collection of Discharging pollution expense in the enterprise

  10. 在市场条件下,通过征收庇古税等方法,虽然可以纠正这种外部效应,但没有从根本上解决环境污染与生态恶化等问题。

    In the market economy , though such measures as imposing Pigouvian tax can reduce the outside effect , the problem of environment pollution and ecology deterioration has never been solved radically .

  11. 根据认定间接征收的标准和方法,从理论上分析,强制许可可能构成间接征收。

    According to the criteria and method to determine whether a government measure constitutes indirect expropriation , the authorization of a compulsory license may constitute indirect expropriation in terms of the jurisprudence analysis .

  12. 通过建立并立型分类综合所得税制模式、扩大征收范围、完善征收管理等方法,加强个人所得税的收入职能。

    The revenue function of the Individual Income Tax can be enhanced , through of building the paratactic Classify - Integration Mode of Individual Income Tax , enlarging the levy scope and improving levy management .

  13. 从价税与从量税是在商品税征收过程中经常采用的两种征收方法。

    Both advalorem taxes and specific duty are regular means of the levy of commodity tax .

  14. 污水处理费的征收要明确征收对象,征收标准以及征收方法等问题。针对我国在污水处理收费方面存在的问题,应采取相应的措施予以解决。

    However , the object , standard and method of fee-charge must be clarified , and proper measures must be taken to solve problems existing in this field .

  15. 研究现代信托所得税制,应完善与信托有关税收征收管理体制,制定科学合理的相关税种、税率、征收方法等;

    On research the modern trust income tax , first , the system of tax should be improved , the kinds of tax , rates of tax , and model of tax should be formalized ;