
tōng xiàng
  • general term
通项[tōng xiàng]
  1. 二元线性递推数列的两个性质及其通项

    Two properties of binary linear recurrence sequence and its general term

  2. 矩阵在求通项上的应用

    Find X ? Application of matrix in the solution to general term

  3. 常系数线性齐次递归关系模p同余后的通项公式

    The General term Formula after a Linear Homogeneous Recursion Relation with Constant

  4. 关于LCM分数序列T(7,n)的通项公式

    Formulas of T ( 7 , n ) for LCM Ratio Sequence

  5. K阶常系数线性递归数列的通项公式与通项的计算机算法

    The general term formula of order k constant cofficient linear recursive sequence of number and the computer algorithm of the general term

  6. 一维Morse势动量算符矩阵元的通项公式

    The general formula of momentum matrix of one-dimensional morse potential

  7. Fibonacci数列通项公式的一个注及Fibonacci矩阵

    A Note of General Term Formula for Fibonacci Number Sequence and Fibonacci Matrix

  8. 四阶Fibonacci数列的通项及性质

    General term and property of fourth order Fibonacci sequence

  9. 给出r阶Fibonacci数列通项公式与性质和系数为r阶F数的级数和以及r阶F数在排列组合方面的应用。

    Study general term formulas of r order Fibonacci sequence and some properties and give the sum of series with coefficient is r order F-numbers and application for permutation is given .

  10. 确定S(BOS)对称序列左右界顶点子集的一个通项公式

    A general formula for determining the vertex subset of left and right bounds of SBOS symmetrical sequence

  11. 利用离散Fourier变换与卷积的关系,给出了判断一个矩阵为循环矩阵的充要条件,并具体给出了一种求循环矩阵的m次幂通项的计算公式。

    Making use of some relations between discrete Fourier transformation and convolution , I give a sufficiency and necessary condition which estimates that a matrix is a circulant matrix , and give concretely an accounting formula of m-orders ' circulant matrices .

  12. 给出了LCM分数序列SLRS(3)和SLRS(4)的通项公式。

    The general term formulas for LCM ratio sequences SLRS ( 3 ) and SLRS ( 4 ) are given .

  13. 根据本文作者之一(1991)提出的S(BOS)相邻逻辑对称序列的性质,给出确定S(BOS)对称序列左右界两顶点子集的一个通项公式。

    According to the quality of symmetrical sequence for SBOS neighbouring logic , a general formula for determining the vertex subset of left and right bounds-of SBOS bound sequence is given .

  14. 在不求得通项公式的情况下,求出其所有的共振点,利用Wu-Ritt消元理论解决共振方程的相容性问题。

    All resonance points are obtained in the case that the recursion relations are not need to be found . To use the Wu-Ritt elimination theory deals with the compatibility of the resonance equations .

  15. 素数通项与质数表的电子公式

    The Electronic Formula for General Term And List of Prime Numbers

  16. N维各向同性谐振子径向矩阵元的通项表达式

    General formula for radial matrix elements of n-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator

  17. 氢原子径向矩阵元的通项表达式

    General Formula for the Radial Matrix Element of Hydrogen Atom

  18. 用一个表达式表示循环数列的通项

    Using an expression to express the general term of a cyclic series

  19. 在此基础上导出径向矩阵元的通项公式。

    The general formulas of matrix elements of operator rs are presented .

  20. 有穷数列通项公式的三种通用求法

    Three Common Ways on the General Term of a Finite Sequence of Number

  21. 求递归数列通项的线性代数解法

    The Linear Algebraic Solution Seeking The General Therm Of Recursive Sequence Of Number

  22. 研究级数通常以通项为基础。

    Generally , the series is studied with the general term as basis .

  23. 二阶线性循环数列通项公式的一种推导方法

    An Derivation Solution to the General Term Formula of Second-variation Linear Circulatory Sequence

  24. 应用线性代数理论建立数列通项公式的方法

    Methods to Build up General Formula of Sequence by Using Linear Algebraic Theory

  25. 推导出了用多极场空间谐波函数表示的磁矢位的通项表达式。

    General expressions of the magnetic vector potential for multipole fields are derived .

  26. 特殊非线性递推数列通项求法的探讨

    Discussion for Solving General Term of Special Nonlinear Number Sequence with Recurrence Relations

  27. 相对论性氢原子径向算符矩阵元的通项计算公式

    Universal formula for calculating the matrix element of radial operator of relativistic hydrogen atom

  28. 本文研究了一组伪素数编码序列,给出求解该序列的通项公式。

    A kind of coding sequence of pseudo-prime and its general formula is given .

  29. 通项问题的探讨

    The Probing of the Problem of General Term

  30. 梯形电阻网络的两个通项公式

    Deriving of Two Formulas on Ladder-shaped Resistance Network